August 17, 2002, 13:02
Local Time: 15:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
The Last Stand of Shinosuke at Hill 215
Preface: Just so you know, this story is based exactly upon a game where I played as the japanese. I use a modern warfare mod and all troop counts have been converted exactly from the game into the story using decided parameters.
2135 hours May 19th Year 2025
Nobunari, a sixth grade elementary student, began typing his essay for his social studies class. He hated doing reports, especially with the new virtual reality games waiting in just the next room to be played. His mother had to practically to drag him away from the game console each day to bring him back to the real world.
The title of his essay was, "Early Mistakes of the Japanese in the War Against the English". He decided to make it a short essay. So he began to write.
The japanese were forced into a war not of their choosing by the english. They had to fight at a time and place which could not have been more optimal to the defending english.
The japanese landed 186,000 troops, the pride of the imperial forces, in the area of hill 215 and for 2 weeks they endured unrelenting attacks by english armour columns supported by mechanized infantry. At night, there was no let up: technologically superior SAS special forces harrassed them to keep morale down and casualties mounting.
The japanese bushido code of honor forbade retreat despite the obvious failure of the mission. The official military records department states that every last man died in the defence of hill 215. Such was the loss of life that approximately half of the entire infantry arm of the army was lost in that one senseless battle. It makes one wonder how Japan ever survived such a catastrophe.
0157 hours July 25th Year 2005
Shinosuke eased the assault rifle barrel through the leaves of the cherry blossom tree. The blossoms were long gone but the ample leafy foilage provided perfect invisibilty to his position. His night fighting fatigues were dark blue and he wore a dark ski mask and gloves for added camoflage.
The only sounds were the night insects and occasional car passing by. From his position he could cover a 50 meter stretch of the street. He was positioned in a parking lot high over the street behind the tree. On the other side of the street was a small park lush with greenery - perfect to ambush from. Or so the enemy would think, not realizing where the fire was really coming from.
His prey were the 'bosozoku', motorbike gangsters, groups of rowdy yakuza-wanna teenagers who rode around at night on ear-splittingly loud bikes optimized for maximum decimal output. They loved to wake up the city every night, the people powerless to stop them. There were no laws about making noise in Japan.
Shinosuke was armed with an air gun firing plastic BB's capable only of stinging and leaving a welt on the victim. It would be enough to send the message.
After an hour's wait, the tell-tale sounds of cackling, barking bikes continually revved over and over again broke the stillness of the night. Shinosuke braced himself to fire while keeping the crosshairs pointed at the extreme right of his visible range.
The bike which came into view had two riders, riding helmetless with long bleach-blonde hair blowing in the backdraft. Shinosuke fired a long burst at the torso of the front rider and let the rounds find their away across him and onto the second rider. They writhed from the hits and looked angrily into the park on the opposite side, thoroughly deceived.
Shinosuke had started to relax when a second bike came roaring into view. They also were already looking in the direction of the park. Shinosuke knew it would reveal his position to shoot them in the backs at this time, but he felt supremely confident in his marksmanship and could not let such a nice target escape.
He opened up on them, raking their backs with fire. Within seconds the parking lot reverberated with the cacophony of the bike entering it.
He cursed himself for being so careless and sprinted to the back of the parking lot to escape, knowing it would be nearly impossible. Normally he always mapped out multiple escape routes but this time he had trusted his deception plan.
He leaped up the 2.5 meter high cement wall leading to the back of a house. At the top he came almost face-to-face with a husky. "Wun! Wun!" (means 'woof! woof!' in japanese). A light turned on in the house. Oh great, he thought, one of japan's highest ranking field generals is going to be arrested for climbing through someone's back yard in the middle of the night. Surely someone had called the police already.
He jumped back down into the parking lot to face the wrath of the riders. He ran to a small garden of bushes and flowers at the far side and tried to hide as best he could in them, knowing it was only a matter of time before they found him. He strapped the rifle on his back and took out his back-up weapon - an UZI loaded with steel balls also propelled by compressed air. This gun was souped-up to cause slight penetration and fired on auto was reminiscent of the old grapeshot concept of the old days.
The bike stopped infront of him and the two enraged riders powered down the bike and dismounted. Within a moment the first bike he had shot at also arrived leaving four cursing mad gangsters for him to deal with.
"You're gonna pay for that you @$#&ing @#$%&*!!" they yelled through the parking lot. One of them produced a combat knife and together they looked around the partially enclosed parking lot for the shooter.
Shinosuke lied unmoving, silently hoping not to be seen. Then something happened which made him break out in a cold sweat and freeze with fear. The vibration and music from the side pocket of his pants meant someone was trying to call him on his cell phone. At this time of night it could only be one person. In an instant the phone was in his hand. He silently cursed for not having turned off the melody. The sound of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" serenaded the parking lot, instantly alerting the bosozoku to his postion.
Shinosuke fired a burst across their legs dropping all four of the screaming, cursing teenagers as they ran to him. Incredulously they got up and kept coming. He could see small blood stains on them from the hits.
He looked at the display. It was the very last person in the world he wanted to talk to in this situation, but he was under sworn oath to respond to any call from his superior, Field Marshall Iwata. Not responding would be considered treachery and could have grave consequences in this time of discension in the military. He knew the phone would cut out after the third "iya iya yo" in the song which was coming up shortly.
He hit the receive button and answered, "Hello?" just as he unleashed a second burst into the group of gangsters.
Rat tatatata tat! Aiyeeeeee! Oh the pain! You @#%&^*!!
"Shinosuke, what's that terrible noise?" Iwata asked.
"I'm just watching a movie now. Sorry about that. Why do I have the honor of your call at this time?" Shinosuke defly answered.
"Can you turn down the volumn a bit. It's hard to hear." Iwata's voice rang with urgency.
"I'm sorry, I'm in the bath now. Please wait a moment." Shinosuke ran past the incapacitated bosozuku and fired one last burst into them for good measure on the way out of the parking lot. The gun's magazine clicked dry.
"Alright. Please go ahead. The TV is turned down."
"Shinosuke, it's happened again. This time it was Tokyo's turn. It's been nuked! We are launching the mission now. Tonight. It's a go! Get your gear and get down hear ASAP!"
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; August 17, 2002 at 13:13.
August 17, 2002, 14:30
Local Time: 02:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
Good start.
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 17, 2002, 16:58
Local Time: 00:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
nitpick: "Wun wun" cannot mean "woof woof": the "wu" sound does not exist in japanese iirc
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 17, 2002, 23:20
Local Time: 22:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: of the barbarian tribes near your capital.
Posts: 123
 Are you gonna try to finsh The Tale of Two Gardens? I liked it a lot ...
I don't conquer -
I obliterate
August 18, 2002, 00:02
Local Time: 15:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Um, yeah. I thought no one was reading the garden story it so I stopped writing. I do, however, already have the story all planned out and ready to go. Due to the dismal results of that story I figured the readers on this forum prefer war stories, especially ones based on the game.
Yes Civman, it should be written as "wan wan" to be technically correct. I just think the actual pronunciation is much more like "wun wun". I promise you though, if you say "wun wun" to any native japanese people they will think you are a dog.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; August 18, 2002 at 00:10.
August 18, 2002, 23:52
Local Time: 16:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 178
This is good and please keep going.
August 20, 2002, 09:31
Local Time: 15:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Shinosuke pushed down the anger which threatened to choke out all logical thoughts. How could the english be so inhuman? How many more millions of innocents had perished this time? No, don't think. Just move. Everyone is waiting in the harbour.
His lifetime career of military discipline, in addition to the terrible wear and tear it imposed on his body, had honed his senses and ability to handle stress. He had learned to concentrate on the task at hand to avoid making costly mistakes.
Exiting the parking lot, he tripped over something violently and face-planted onto the warm ashphalt. The UZI clattered onto the road. The fishing line! He had tripped over the trip wire he himself had placed in advance across the walkway to catch pursuers in case the shooting went awry.
Lying sprawled on the road, he heard the rumble of bikes again. How could they have recovered so fast?! Then came a siren. Police too! No, those are other bosozoku, but the the police were coming for him with no doubt.
He snatched up the UZI and ran between an apartment building and a house. The good thing about the japanese style of building houses within a meter of each other with no yards was it made perfect escape routes. If one could easily hop over fences and other obsticals, he could quickly disappear into the concrete jungle.
Shinosuke continued running pellmell, weaving through all the little gaps between the buildings with the ever approaching sirens and motorbike sounds spurring him on. Despite the early hour, many lights were on and he could see people on balconies. Obviously they had been awakened by the screams of the gangsters. One image of fear flashed through his mind during the mad dash: Iwata at the harbour, disappointment written on his face, arises upon Shinosuke's late arrival and hands him a small ceremonial disembowelment sword wrapped in a white cloth.
He pushed the thought aside and jumped over a gate and ran around the corner of a house. There infront of him stood 2 scowling, pear-shaped middle aged women and a small dog which began yapping relentlessly upon Shinosuke's appearance. Oh great, he thought, the entire invasion army is being held up by 2 foul women and a yappy dog.
He leveled the UZI and sprayed the blockading group with grapeshot going from left to right over the three of them and back again. He kept firing until he knew they wouldn't get up again.
The gun clicked empty and he jumped over the mass of squirming, moaning bodies and continued on. The riddled dog managed to get off a feeble snap at his leg during the jump, but missed.
Moments later he was in his car, having picked up his gear from home and was driving at top speed to the harbour. This is no time to think about speed limits, he mused; besides the streets were empty and the police were effectively distracted.
He roared through the streets and pulled a hairpin corner with screeching tires. There infront of him in the headlights was a salaryman on a granny bike, his eyes wide with terror in the headlights, probably just heading home from a late night drinking with his coworkers. The thought of avoiding him never even entered Shinosuke's mind. The bike was reduced to a twisted piece of almost unrecognizable metal and for an instant, Shinosuke could see the salaryman horizontal in the air infront of his windshield, arms and legs outstretched as if he were immitating Superman.
He sped between the endless rows of now empty barracks next the harbour and screeched to a halt in the loading zone. The area had been cleared for all the loading had been completed long before. Contrary to his fears, Iwata showed a look of relief at his arrival.
"Hurry Shinosuke! The navy is leaving shortly. You are the last officer to board the vessel." Iwata informed him.
Shinosuke was fully aware that he had been the only commanding officer allowed to leave the harbour area during the build-up. "What about the engineers? They couldn't possibly have made it yet!"
"I'm sorry Shinosuke. You will have to do without them. There is far too much damage from the atomic blasts to be dealt with."
"But we need fortifications once we land!" Shinosuke practically yelled in Iwata's face. "Our men will be facing armoured divisions."
"You must understand what will happen if the radiation is allowed to seep through our soil and water. Nothing is of higher priority than this and it would take another day to have them transported here from Tokyo and Osaka where they are presently working. But be assured. You will have the most modern and powerful support available to any army on the globe. Everything else has been assembled as planned: three aircraft carriers carrying 8 squadrons of Tomcat fighters and 16 squadrons of Apache gunships, 11 Yamato class battleships plus destoyer escorts, ample supply ships, and submarines are already in place to avoid any naval surprises and survey the landing area. I promise you they will all stay with you until the end."
"You are right field marshall. I'm sorry I doubted your judgement." Shinosuke hurried off to the waiting boat which would take him to the battleship Kuma.
The field marshall could not have known how apocolyptic he had been in saying "they will all stay with you until the end".
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; August 22, 2002 at 00:18.
August 21, 2002, 16:58
Local Time: 01:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Columbia, SC, USA
Posts: 284
Excellent! Keep going
August 22, 2002, 10:31
Local Time: 06:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: UK
Posts: 84
Great story!  Keep It up!
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