August 18, 2002, 08:46
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Ming is much nicer than i would have been.
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Hydey the no-limits man. :(
August 18, 2002, 09:18
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Lemme guess... you would have killed the person in front of you, right?
I would have simultaneously slit the throats AND wrists of everyone within 50 feet, then go to the *******'s house and burn it to the ground-- especially if there are people inside.
August 18, 2002, 14:08
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God, I hated it worknig at a spuermarket... so many people who thought the rules didn't apply to them. I thin kthe most items a guy ut through a ten-items or less till was 34. Another woman got pissed at me because I wouldn't break the law to sell her more than two packets of pain killers. Yeesh.
I'm just glad the job I'mstarting tomorrow involves zero contact with customers!
August 18, 2002, 14:24
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 Great idea Ming!
Wow that lady seems like a real *****- people like that need a punch in the face.
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August 18, 2002, 15:04
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While it wasn't quite the same situation... (no check writing)... the lady must have had 30 items for a 10 items or less express lane. I wasn't pleased
I don't suffer morons very well... I've done that routine twice now, and it was worth it both times. The first time is was some young male, who obviousily didn't like the concept of waiting. He had a full cart of stuff, and there was no way I wasn't going to say something
He actually got out of line and moved to one of the other lines... I'll give him credit for doing that. I've seen him in the store since then
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August 18, 2002, 16:39
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Now that is what I would have done if I was in an exceptionally caring and compassionate mood. If that would have been me, I would have neutron bombed the supermarket, and hunted down and butchered all of her family to branches five generations back with a chainsaw and eaten their pets
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
August 18, 2002, 16:56
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Well, I usually reserve reation to such boorishness, but when I speak to someone who is inapropriately delaying a line (always exculding my wife who take a lifetime ordering her food at counter service or cafeteria), it is usualy "Speed it up there, you are holding up the evolution of the human race."
August 19, 2002, 04:07
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Easiest solution ? Make it one hand carried basket only, no payment restrictions, and you can tell who's in the wrong queue before they get to the till.
Cheques need not take any longer than cash. Write a few things, compared to fiddling in purses & pockets for change ? With most of the folk in front of me who never seem to have their money ready anyway, it's a close run thing.
August 19, 2002, 04:11
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Reminds me, some time back, when I used to shop at Tesco.
They had a few "one basket" tills for ages. Suddenly, without warning, a load of signs went up. Words to the effect of ...
"By Popular Demand These Are Now x Items Or Less Queues".
Popular demand my arse ! Who's going to be handing in a petition to make the counting up to one (basket) thrown over in favour of counting up to x (items) !
Never took a blind bit of notice of the change, and quite rightly too !
August 19, 2002, 04:22
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Originally posted by Ming
I would have walked right up next to her... and in a loud voice...
Right here standing next to me is the most selfish person you will ever meet. Take a good look folks, so you can identify others like her.
She either is stupid and can't read, or she thinks that she is more important than you are, and that she shouldn't have to wait in a long line like you do.
I'd like to take a vote... How many people think she is just plain stupid and can't read... come on now, raise your hands.
Now... How many people just think she is a selfish little battle ax...
Come on... let's see those hands...
So remember folks... the next time you see a woman that looks like this... you will know.
Thankyou for your time... carry on...
 that's freekin awesome. I gotta remember this one.
Where's my "laughing so hard i'm crying face"?
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
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August 19, 2002, 04:24
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We like to have things neatly labeled here, Gary. That way, we can go utterly insane when someone crosses the line. 
I just use the auto scan when I have few items. No wait at all, hardly. All of my anger is displaced to the machine, not the annoying people in front of me, the agonizing small talk or the more than slightly bizarre checker.
Life and death is a grave matter;
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August 19, 2002, 10:39
Apolyton Legend
Local Time: 06:17
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It would be nice if we did have the auto checker but the store hasn't quite caught up to the 21st century.
I've stored Ming's response in my memory banks just waiting to unleash it on some unsuspecting person  MMMWWWHHHAAAAAAAA
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Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
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August 19, 2002, 10:45
Local Time: 07:17
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Cheques take ages to sort out...around a minute and a half, and usually you could have used their debit/credit/cheque guarantee card to make the purchase with anyway.
No, what annoys me are the people who need to lick their fingers in roder to get a note from the wallet - ****ing disgusting or what?!
August 19, 2002, 11:00
Local Time: 01:17
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Originally posted by Ming
I would have walked right up next to her... and in a loud voice...
Right here standing next to me is the most selfish person you will ever meet. Take a good look folks, so you can identify others like her.
She either is stupid and can't read, or she thinks that she is more important than you are, and that she shouldn't have to wait in a long line like you do.
I'd like to take a vote... How many people think she is just plain stupid and can't read... come on now, raise your hands.
Now... How many people just think she is a selfish little battle ax...
Come on... let's see those hands...
So remember folks... the next time you see a woman that looks like this... you will know.
Thankyou for your time... carry on...
Well, this is funny and all but I wouldn't advise it. First of all men should be gracious to women even when they don't deserve it. Second, she might not have done this on purpose. She might have something on her mind. You can give people the benefit of the doubt.
Thirdly, and most importantly, you could get killed for spouting off like that, at least here in the south. If I saw you behaving like that I would have been tempted to slug you. Your behavior would be far more unacceptable than hers in IMO.
But then I am southern and we are taught manners.
August 19, 2002, 11:01
Local Time: 07:17
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Doing that here would also get you attacked.
But at least not with a gun.
August 19, 2002, 11:04
Local Time: 01:17
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
But then I am southern and we are taught manners.
So was I... But when people show NO concern for other people and are selfish little twits... they reap what they sow. Maybe next time, she will think before she does something as inconsiderate as that again
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August 19, 2002, 11:06
Local Time: 01:17
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I don't really think you would act like that at all Ming. I think you are just a big ***** cat.
August 19, 2002, 11:07
Local Time: 07:17
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Worse things than that happen where I work.
People come to the checkout as if they are ready to purchase, let me scan in their products, and then remember something they forgot and walk off into the store leaving me with a line of customers glaring at me even though I can do nothing except call my supervisor to void the transactions.
But usually they've left their goods sprawled all over my checkout and with no room for any customers to get their purchases through.
August 19, 2002, 11:10
Apolyton Legend
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
But then I am southern and we are taught manners.
Well that would blow you theory out of the water considering I'm from the South....Texas to be exact. And I can assure you I was raised to be the proper Southern Lady.
But I agree with Ming. Besides wasn't she being just as rude by not paying attention or taking in to consideration that there were other people?
 Obviously you don't know Ming very well!
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Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
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August 19, 2002, 11:11
Local Time: 06:17
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Oooh..late nights at HEB..people leave their literacy at the door and go with 30 items to the 10 or less....
once we were in line...this guy got behind us with like 20 something things..the checker goes "sir this is a 10 items or less"...
the guy ignored him....
so then the checker asked us to tell him..
my boyfriend told him..
"I dont know if you heard him, but this is 10 items or less" (yes he said it VERY politely AND with a smile)
the guy goes.."yeah I heard him" all rude and cold..
I just looked at him ...when I was getting my change, the cashier looked a bit flustered and I told him not worry, and there were many more azzholes in the world...and yes , 20 item man heard me...just looked at me....and I left.
he knew better than to say anything back, the jack a$$
I have a big mouth sometimes....ask BW about the time in line at Hollywood Video.
August 19, 2002, 11:19
Local Time: 01:17
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Well, maybe her mother is old and ill was in the hospital. Or maybe the woman is suffering from depression. Or maybe the woman's husband is having an affair. Or one thousand other things. What you people are describing sounds like the kind of thinking that leads to road rage. What are we going to have now, supermarket aisle syndrome?
Decency requires us to go out of our way in situations like this. Its up to the store to enforce their rule, they won't because it offends their customers. Learn to live with it.
There are of course people who intentionally take advantage. Fact of the matter is that most of the people who get ahead in the world are those that do. But lets not take out our resentment of that against some lady in a supermarket who may only be distracted because she has a son on drugs and can't find a way to help him.
August 19, 2002, 11:22
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
Decency requires us to go out of our way in situations like this.
Then she should have shown some decency in the first place. Once she didn't, she's fair game
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August 19, 2002, 11:22
Apolyton Legend
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Yes that's it. I'm sure her four year old son that she had with her was a Heroin addict. I know he was, I saw the track marks on his arm.
Get a grip jimmy.
Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
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August 19, 2002, 11:23
Apolyton Legend
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Originally posted by Ming
Then she should have shown some decency in the first place. Once she didn't, she's fair game
Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran
August 19, 2002, 11:24
Local Time: 02:17
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Originally posted by Ming
I would have walked right up next to her... and in a loud voice...
Right here standing next to me is the most selfish person you will ever meet. Take a good look folks, so you can identify others like her.
She either is stupid and can't read, or she thinks that she is more important than you are, and that she shouldn't have to wait in a long line like you do.
I'd like to take a vote... How many people think she is just plain stupid and can't read... come on now, raise your hands.
Now... How many people just think she is a selfish little battle ax...
Come on... let's see those hands...
So remember folks... the next time you see a woman that looks like this... you will know.
Thankyou for your time... carry on...
Behavior like that will get you a date on Jerry Springer's show. I know plenty of people who do this and who would be very willing to start an argument or a fight with you.
Frankly I rarely see anyone bother to take notice of these signs. At any given time there will alays be one or two people in the express lane who have more items than they're supposed to. Occasionally I'll see a clerk try to explain the situation to them. The usual responses are: "Well these things are all the same, so they should be counted as one item." "I can't read 'cause I had to quit school to support my family when I was 12, you wanna make something of it?" "I didn't see the sign, it should be put somewhere where people can see it." "I'm disabled from fibromyalgia, so I can't stand that long." "All you people are racists."
"I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
August 19, 2002, 11:27
Local Time: 08:17
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i always give my place in the row to a person of the third age who obviously is not fit because that's the kind of good boy i am.
August 19, 2002, 11:28
Local Time: 01:17
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Fair game? Ming? You are starting to worry me. Sounds like you can't separate your role here from the rest of your life.
Do you carry like a little rod around with you everywhere?
August 19, 2002, 11:30
Local Time: 01:17
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
Do you carry like a little rod around with you everywhere?
Oh stop your silly trolling... I just chuckle when I read posts from you on how you should give people a break and how you are such a nice gentleman... I read the crap you post in the Civ III forums, so I don't take your trolling very seriously
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August 19, 2002, 11:35
Local Time: 02:17
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Cash only line is discriminative. We need a credit only line and shut out all you paper carrying people.
(kidding...sort of  )
It isn't that people can't read, its that they don't care....that is, about anyone but themselves.
Yesterday driving home on the turnpike at the toll booths, saw loads of people going through the automated transpass system, and atleast half of them didn't have said clearly, a half mile, quarter mile and right above the lane that its transpass only...these kind of people just don't care.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
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August 19, 2002, 11:36
Local Time: 02:17
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I'm a big fan of those new automated express lanes they've got at some stores. You check your own groceries out, and there's usually one clerk for every 4-6 automated lanes (in case something goes wrong, or in case somebody's purchasing alcohol/cigarettes and an ID needs to be checked). Here's the catch: there is room for only two bags of groceries (three if you've got large items that stack well) and you can't move your bags until you've finished checking out, so it is impossible to use the express lane if you've got too many items. They're one step closer to being idiot-proof.
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