August 18, 2002, 03:16
Local Time: 22:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
A secret that shant be told...
The war in Europe over the Territory know as Viran raged on. For over twenty-five years, blood has been shed upon the ground of Viran. Ten-thousand men had their lives taken away from them in all the blood-shed, without any side gaining ground. The middle of Viran is a dead zone, sorrounded by American and English encampments and bases, and on the other side, the Japanese and Cleopatras forces.
Every attack, although claiming hundreds of lives, claimed only inches of ground, that would be taken away by the Japananes and Egyptian counterattacks. Bodys lay strewn across the vast wasteland, but one man had figured out how to finally end this war, but the other side knew he had a secret, a secret that shouldn't be told.
This man hid in the shadows, he dare not be detected by the Japanese or the Egyptians, Washington knew this man had the information for ending the war, and for taking Viran, but the airwaves could not be trusted...
So the fate of the world rested in the sole of Captain James Tino's boots, where they would lye until he reached Washington on his way home. The army took great care in making sure he would return safely, and most importantly, alive...
Captain! Captain! Can you hear me!? Captain James Tino looked up into the eyes of Private First Class Pierson. Captain! Come with me sir! Japanese mortar shells fell all around, trees burst into fireballs of flames, others exploded sending branches hurtling into the air.
Japanese bombers pounded the base with relentless force. All was lost. American Marines ran for cover but were mowed down by the surrounding Japanese infantry.
Captain! Under here! James ran out from his cover, the few feet he had to get to safety seemed like miles. Bullets pierced through the night air, some missing him by merely inches. James dived into the tent just as an explosion rocked the encampment tearing the tent to pieces, and killing Private Pierson.
James ran out of the tent into the smoke and confusion of what was once a military outpost. He ran to the gate where an old jeep was sitting. He prayed it would start and after kicking it a couple times, it finally kicked into gear. He took off through the night, Japanese bullets tried in vain to strike him but to no avail. A huge fireball erupted behind him, the base was gone, and so were all the lives of his friends.
Washington D.C. 7:01 in the a.m.
Mr President, we have an alarming situation! Captain James is missing. THe military advisor stood tall, but before Lincoln, looked even more shorter than he actually was. Lincoln looked bewildered,"What is it that makes this... Captain of extreme importance that it would concern me?"
The Military Advisor looked up at Lincoln," Well sir, James was holding important information for us located in the sole of his boots, and well sir, we didn't actually tell him that we had placed that information there." "And what is this information?"
"Well Mr. President, its information regarding the location of our bomber bases in Europe, if the Japanese or one of their allys got hold of this information, the consequences could be disastrous!"
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
August 18, 2002, 03:38
Local Time: 22:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
Map of the land of the Americas and allys, and of the Japanese and Egyptian Empires.
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
August 18, 2002, 03:43
Local Time: 22:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
Well ok i guess the map didn't work, while i'm trying to get a map up, you can tell me how you like my story so far. I read a bunch of other peoples stories and thought i would try one of my own again. Thanks for reading.
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
Last edited by curlyboy24; August 18, 2002 at 03:59.
August 18, 2002, 06:43
Local Time: 15:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Good story. New idea. It sounds like a Hollywood style theme. You should send them your story and they might make it into a movie. One thing I thought odd was that in 20 years of international warfare only 10000 soldiers bit it.
Keep the goods coming. Do you know how to post the map?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
August 18, 2002, 08:14
Local Time: 00:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
curlyboy's back!! YAY  !! I remember your old stories, the "Death of the Russians" series. This looks to be just like those old stories
Ham grass chocolate.
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"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 18, 2002, 12:09
Local Time: 22:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
Sorry if you don't understand things a little. I kinda stretched the truth. I kept on attacking and dieing so i just said tenthousand troops bit it. Oh and i don't know how to put on a map, it always says the files to big when i try to put an image on. If anyone knows another way, please tell me. Thanks
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
August 18, 2002, 14:42
Local Time: 22:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
The forest of Natia loomed before James. The darkness shrouded all that was within. Japanese troops could be heard behind him, dogs barked, smelling his scent. The forest was a small chunk of hell, for within these forests lye things unknown. Barbarian tribes roamed the woods in search of prey, and disease plagued the mind. James, without looking back, plunged into the forest, and was lost in the eternal darkness.
U.S. Military Outpost, 1 mile from border 12:15 p.m.
The land shook, Viran was again being ravaged by bombs and missiles. Planes flew over head. Japanese bombers on their evening runs were dropping their shells onto random targets which made it impossible to know where they would strike next. Tanks were turned into mere craters in the earths crust, and infantry were blown to oblivion.
Machine gun fire erupted from the east, another Japanese offensive was at hand. Bullets pierced the walls of the Barracks, tearing through the men inside. Bombs shattered windows, fire spread everywhere. Major Tom Carnal ordered the evacuation of the outpost. As his men poured out of the Barracks they were met with Japanese machine gun bullets. Most fell to the ground, unable to continue, others dived for cover. The retreat failed, all were killed in the battle.
The land of Viran grows continually smaller as time goes by. The Japanese grow stronger by the day, and American moral is at an all time low. But the land of Viran plays many tricks on its inhabitants. All that stay can never stay to long.
Captain James ran through the forest but fatigue slowly overtook him. After walking a couple minutes, he suddenly became weary of something around him. There was no real path in the forest of Natia, so in just half an hour he was lost. James sat down on a stump to think. He was never goign to see his family again, his son who had just turned two, and his wife whom he loved dearly.
James looked up into the canapy overhead, thinking about his life, he then bowed his head and cryed.
Between two trees, the distinct figure of a man could be seen crying. The opening in the canapy overhead shed little light on the figure. I grabbed my weapon and began to circle him. The American uniform was in shreds, what was he doing in these woods, my woods. Does he not know that Natia is a dangerous place. OH well, like the others he would learn, you should not take fear lightly.
James looked up suddenly, a noise, maybe an animal was heard between two trees, a shadowy figure moved amongst him. James took out his knife, although the blade wasn't very sharp, maybe he could scare whomever it was away, when suddenly it got all quiet, not a noise could be heard, and after a couple minutes, Captain James sat down to think.
I stood in the tree for a couple minutes to bring down his awareness. He foolishly ignored the noises, like the rest of them, he would regret this. I was right over him. I held my weapon, steadied myself, and pounced on him.
Somewhere in the land of Viran
Bombs pierced through the night air, flying high up into the sky, making a moment of silence, then destroying that moment by pounding the ground. Japanese artillery was destroying everythign the Egyptians had worked so hard to have. The land of Viran was continually growing smaller and smaller.
First Lieutenant Tom Vasquez looked up at Captain Harris, "Do you think this war can be won sir?" Captain Harris looked across the wasteland, everything seemed to be wrong, he looked over at his artillery regiment just as a shell landed on top of them. He shielded his eyes, he didn't need to look back,"Sound the retreat."
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
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