Originally posted by Asher
That's such bullshit, he's trying to cover his ass for his cruel and uncalled for remarks, and I'm not buying it.
I don't care if changed his mind the next day on it (which appears to be the case here), but the fact that he threatened to do it (several times) and has the capability to do it is enough for me.
He's such an ass in everything he does. Not only does he step WELL over the line of what was acceptable, he actually goes around and tries to play it cool afterwards when he knows he deeply upset the person he was debating with. The result is an infuriated teenager and a "cool" old man, and is it that much of a surprise that Sneak only got a 1 week ban and Lancer/blackice jumped to his aid?
And where is Ming?!
But anyway, don'y worry, as I don't think he would do something like that. As that the name calling/threathening parts were bad that is a fact, but you should play cool too, as there is not much in being upset. The worst thing would be that is gets his threat done, and than he might be just perma banned (and get a DL whatever if he wants) but still the whole idea is to chill, as there is not much in being upset, and everyone will draw hi/hers own conclusion anyway. No point in being banned for more, just let it go and we could make a R9700 thread

As they really kick GF4 a$$ but well... who cares that is the whole thing. If you like being here than what the he**, no reason to get banned for more.