Turn 0 (130 BC)
Apolyton – switch to war chariot
Termina – switch to settler. Purchase when possible
Port Rouge – If temple can be purchased, start on settler.
Timeline – Work grass with shield instead of forest
Del Monte – switch to courthouse if we are going after the pyramids, else no change.
Chiquita – switch to warrior.
Napoleton – switch to sword
HII – Switch to warrior.
Rouen – work irrigation
Ubergorsk – if barracks is rushed (I hope) then sword.
Marseilles - change name to "Macross City"
Rouen - change name to Jerusalem
Cherbourg – Check with White bandit, see if he wants to use this city for his name of “Another Glourious City”, as he is next
The new city on uber isle, name it as above or use “willsbury”
There are no more city names, so all new cities (i.e. Munich site, Persian, or culture flips) will have to be made by the judges as they haven’t yet stated their preferences. Apoc did a randomizer and the order they choose is Epistax, NYE, captain, jdjdjd. If they are not available, use Egads as a filler and we hold a public poll, or wait for the next administration….. I say public poll.
Turn 1
Chiquita – grows, work shield grass even though shield lost to corruption (I want the food)
Seeberg – war chariot
Uber Isle City 1 – Granary. Purchase before pop growth. Then when that occurs worker
Turn 2
Apolyton – grows, work fish
BHQ – grows, work the tile being cleared for loveshack (fu*k loveshack, for now).
Gaia – grows, work irrigation
Seeberg – grows, work best available (forest if Persians are gone)
HII – culture growth, yeeee ha, we now have wine.
Turn 3
BHQ – war chariot
Apolyton – war chariot
HII – Cathedral
Turn 4
Turn 5
Loveshack – Settler
Turn 6+
Presidential Choice, but as it will be a chat and I will (if I can wake up) be there, then I shall assist as much as possible.
General notes: Where there is a war chariot being built, switch to horse or sword if Aggie requests. Last I heard, he would accept any, even with the jungle problem of the chariot. Again, presidential choice in this matter. Aggie and I discussed and we are looking for a core of about 5 war chariots in our central cities, to act as a reserve, a quick response, cheap upgrades to knights, secondary defense so we can spare some spears/pike for the front lines, and a golden age some time in the indeterminate future. I had to revise this a couple of times, so if I miscounted the chariots please adjust (to horse). Also, this is being posted after Aggies orders so some improvising on your part will have to be made. Sorry for any inconvenience.
If I missed something, cover my arse please and do either culture or war effort. Thanks.
CITY PLANNING - 210 BC, second time
Pre end of turn
Change Government to Monarchy. Note, I am not sure how monarchy will effect build times for some cities. Please use your judgement if there is something that is not accounted for.
Mingapulco - Turn 1
Apolyton - Switch worker from one of the forest tiles to the (W, NW) tile.
Port Rouge - Start on settler immediatly.
Turn 2
Apolyton - If we loose the galley, switch from horse to galley.
Tassagrad - Grow. Work best tile.
Turn 3
Termina - Start on war chariot.
Apolyton - Start on sun tzu war accademy
Turn 4+ (in case i messed up and you need advice)
Termina - Something with culture
Apolyton - Sun Tzu. If we fail in this, then hopefully we will be able to jump into leo's
Tassagrad - War effort
BHQ - War effort
Port Rouge - Culture
Pina Colada - Turn 1
Chiquita - Request to purchace temple. If so, start on Frobidden Palace (I have started a discussion on this)
Turn 2+ (in case I messed up and you need advice)
Chiquita - Culture
Del Monte - Grainery. Will grow turn 2. Work mined road south near Gaia
Gaia - War effort
Timeline - Culture
El Nino - Turn 1
Seeberg - Switch immediatly to warrior (SMC request). Purchase if possible.
Napoleton - Request to purchase walls. If so, start barracks.
Geofront - Start temple.
Ubergorsk - Request to purchace barracks. If so, horse next.
Loveshak - Keep working most efficiently, given growth and jungle clearing consideration.
Turn 2+
Seeberg - war effort/defence
Napoleton - war effort
Geofront - war effort
Ubergorsk - war effort
Loveshak - harbor next
Munich(?) - culture
Ile de Rose - Turn 1
HereItIs - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next library (culture)
Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next spear.
Rouen (Egads?) - Spear.
Cherbourg (do we wish to rename this city provided we may give it away?) - note, as discussed
http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...hreadid=60671, we will keep this city until someone invades the territory. DO NOT risk another war. Give it away only if necessary. Use as a tool in diplomacy with the germans or give to whomever will be most pissed off if someone attacks it (ie russia if rome attacks).
start on spear. Don't bother purchasing.
Turn 2
HereItIs - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next library (culture)
Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next spear.
Rouen (Egads?) - Spear should have a shield built up now, so request to purchase. If so, then temple.
Turn 3+
HereItIs - culture
Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Culture
Rouen (Egads?) - Culture
Cherbourg (next name appears to be "Another Glorious City") - Culture
Miscelanoius notes: In the switch of governments, I do not usualy play religious civs. I do not know how they will react. If they act like I suspect, all cities with a pop of 3+ will need to have 1 lux and 1 entertainer durring the shift to keep them in order. Again, I do not know for sure. So after declairing a revolution, check all 3+ cities to make sure they will not go into revolt durring the transition.
Any cities we take from perisa or germany should focus on SMC requests, then defence, then culture. Your choice as you are the one that has the knowledge to make rational judgements at the appropriate time.
If you play late, (post 10PM EST) I can log on if you need anything. PM me durring the day (I will keep polly on at work, but no game to reference), but I have night school from 5-9:30 or so.
If I missed anything (RL problems, so I feel I probably did, particularly with the revolution to monarchy) I trust your judgement.
Edited this post to add these new orders in.
Mingapulco - This region may change if OPD posts/pm. I will keep you informed.
Termina - No change. Start on horseman or temple next (depends on war).
Apolyton - Switch worker from one of the forest tiles to the whale tile. This does not change the time for this horse under construction, and adds a gold and food to the city. After Horse is constructed, reasses construction time (time of construction - # of shields have utmost priority) for the next build, either a gallion if the uber isle expedition goes bad, a horsie if still at war with anybody, or a library if at peace.
Tassagrad - No change. If in desperate streights, switch to horseman. After harbor, build horsie. When grows next turn, worked mined tile near polly.
BHQ - after horse, horsie (any war) or library (peace). When it grows in 5 turns make sure to prevent disorder by making a scientist. I am not 100% sure if it will go into disorder, but I think it will (when was last popped rushed?).
Port Rouge - barracks. Keep the people happy, so do not work any more tiles than possible. Do not be alarmed if people starve. If peace with FRANCE, then switch immediatly to temple.
Pina Colada
Chiquita - As is (temple). Pop rush if necessary. When it grows, work the other grass w/ shield.
Del Monte - If threatened, use judgement to switch. When grows, work tile to south of the one now worked. After barracks, either courthouse (if peace with germany and france) or war chariot.
Gaia - After barracks, either spear, horse or courthouse as appropriate.
Timeline - Work grass tile w/ shield and forest tile. Not the tile with the road. After barracks, spear.
El Nino - I have not yet heard from Rendelnep. If I do I might edit to incorporate his suggestions.
Seeberg - Switch immediatly to city walls. Then barracks.
Napoleton - Switch immediatly to city walls. Then barracks. Pop rush only if necessary.
Geofront - Switch immediatly to city walls. Then barracks. Pop rush only if necessary. Switch as necessary.
Ubergorsk - No change. Switch as necessary. WHen it grows, work the iron.
Loveshak - No change. Do not pop rush. If jungle gets cleared, work it.
Munich(?) - Presidential choice. Recomend temple at this time.
Ile de Rose - jdjdjd posted this
http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...50#post1252575 as his orders.
HereItIs - Temple. Pop rush ASAP (20 shield remaining). If sending the vet sword to reinforce port rouge, make sure to change the worker into a taxman. Work the tile to either the N or NE (extra gold, no change in production)
Marsailes (Jerusiliam? sp?) - as per HereItIs.
All other cities to use presidential judgement, if myself or OPD are not available at the chat tomarrow (18:00 EST on sat, I will try to plan on making it, but do not know yet as my girlfriend talked about coming over to help me pack up my house).
Mingapulco - This region may change if my analysis tomarow changes. I will keep you informed.
Termina - No change. Pop rush only if necessary. Start on horseman next.
Apolyton - Horseman
Tassagrad - Change from spear to harbor (per request). If in desperate streights, switch to horseman
BHQ - Spearman x2. then horsie.
Orleans (Port Rouge) - barricks. Pop rush ASAP. After, do warrior x2 for cheap swords (not yet connected to iron). Keep the people happy, so do not work any more tiles than possible (for now that means none). Do not be alarmed if people starve if it is the only way to keep them working.
Pina Colada
Chiquita - As is (temple). Pop rush if necessary.
Del Monte - Switch to barracks. If threatened, use judgement to switch.
Gaia - Switch to barracks.
Timeline - Work grass tile w/ shield. After growth, second tile to be worked is forrest tile currently being worked. Do not pop rush barracks. After barracks, sword; horsie or spear per SMC
El Nino
Seeberg - After worker, barracks
Napoleton - No change. Switch to spear, city walls, etc if necessary. Pop rush only if necessary.
Geofront - No change. Pop rush only if necessary. Switch as necessary.
Ubergorsk - No change. Switch as necessary
Loveshak - No change. Do not pop rush. If jungle gets cleared, work it.
Munich(?) - Presidential choice. Recomend temple at this time.
Ile de Rose
Paris - Temple. Pop rush ASAP (20 shield remaining). Only work center tile and turn 2 tiles into tax men. After temple, build barricks or spears, as most appropriate. Be aware that some people will starve in this city.
Marsailes (?) - as per paris
As Copied from the Planning Departments Orders Thread to here for your convenience.
350 bc
Region 2, the Principality of Pina Colada (or PPC for short):
*New City (Chiquita?) - start on temple. (post temple start on library or barracks)
*Del Monte - no change.
*Gaia - After the worker, start on barracks
*Timeline - after warrior, either grainery or barracks, depending on how the war goes.
OPD has given the following orders for region 1 (Mingapulco???):
*Termina - Stop working bonus grassland tile and start working sea tile. After settler is built start on temple. Once settler is built it should work two mined grassland tiles (not the bonus one Poly will work that one.)
*Apolyton- Switch from tile W,NW to tile NW,NW. Continue producing Spearmen.
*Tassagrad- Stop working tile N and start working tile S,SW. Continue producing spearmen.
*BHQ- When it grows in 2 turns start working tile SW,S.
Continue producing spearmen.
Rendelnep has reviewed, and doesn't want to change the following orders for region 3 (El Nino):
*Seeberg - After worker, barracks.
*Napoleton - POP RUSH TEMPLE IMMEDIATELY, CITY PLANNER ORDER - I have done an analysis of unhappyness, growth, etc. and this will only help us. After temple, start on barracks.
*Geofront - Switch to cleared tile when workers are done.
*Ubergorsk - Build barracks. Switch worker from iron hill to cleared tile when workers are done (I want the extra food). Request new worker to start to mine iron hill.
*Loveshack - no change. Please send a worker to help a little here. This is nothing more than a rotting shack in the jungle like it is now and nobody is falling in love.
jdjdjd has reviewed, and doesn't wish to change the following orders for region 4 (Ile de Rose
PLEASE NOTE - per the previous poll, the SMC has control of these cities for 5 turns until after they come out of resistance. City planning would (under my administration anyway) do what the SMC requested, however, until the war with france is over.
All Cities: Spear or Temple, as most appropriate. If they have sufficient defencive units and a temple (don't see how this can happen, but just in case) build the following in order: Barracks, library, war chariot, war chariot, Courthouse.
REQUEST TO PUBLIC WORKS: The worker by Del Monte is doing worthless work at this time. It will be many turns before DM needs to use that mined space. Please have the worker go to another city to be more productive - I recomend either build connecting road to new city, Chiquita, or go to Loveshack and clear some jungle. Thank you.
If the new city on uber isle is created, first build is either a warrior (for defence only) or a grainery or a temple.
- build warrior (or spear if there is time) if it needs some form of defence immediatly. An empty city is ok for a few rounds and I am hoping to have a military unit cross with the settler
- grainary if we need the city to be a base for masive colonizatin (I hope) to keep us poping out workers and settlers
- if there is only room for one city, go with a temple.