Its with meat eating people in general, but dogs especially bother me because they are generally treated with more respect then a hamburger.
Yeah, that's the problem. Brits bomb Hamburg and complain when Coreans eat dogs.
But seriousness apart:
I've no problem when a human eats an animal.
I've no problem when a lion eats a human.
I've no problem when a human kills a lion for eating humans.
I've no problem when a lion kills a human for eating lions.
That's the way of nature. Fact is that humans need food from animals for some vitamins and other substances. We can get it from milking or eating a cow, and milking is probably the less natural of the two. Why should a dog have more rights than a cow or wheat or rice? In any case, we kill life to live. I see the difference between killing our kindred and killing other livings. If killing of life per se should be immoral we are restricted to eat some fruits, apples, or cucumbers which plants provide for being eaten, but not lettuce, potatoes or nuts. Anyway, not the diet we are made for. For animals (more or less sentient, and I don't think a dog is more sentient than a cow) we should avoid unnecessary pain (certainly giving problems to cosher butchering, even if it is the more healthy for us), but a rebellion against our nature is dumb, IMHO.