Hi, i dunno if anyone will be interested in yet another mod, but ive done a mod for civ ToT. I posted in the ToT section but i dont know if anyone will see it there. If anyone would be willing to try it for a few turns or even look at the units file i would apprecitate any feedback:
This is a 185 kb zip, with only the rules, icons and units, so you can try it out however you want. I overwrote the files in the 'original' game directory of ToT and it works fine.
This is my own version of civ that ive been working on, on-off, since civ2 came out 'back in the day

', the idea is the same, no events or other maps yet (i wanted to include alpha centauri like the expanded game but im having problems at the mo

). Its supposed to be like an alternate earth world, which evolves quite similar to earths history but in different ways and with similar but different units, not the historic ones like crusaders and elephants and stuff. Ive changed the tech tree quite a lot, only about 1/3 of the techs are unchanged.
This is basically how I think civ2 should be. Thanks for reading this, Id apprieciate any response, just cos I want to know if this is interesting enough to be worth making into a proper mod, or if its not
thanks for any reply!