August 23, 2002, 13:10
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Necesito ayuda...
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August 23, 2002, 13:42
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He estado leyendo el post que indicas.
Explícame una cosa, plz.
¿Qué parte/s es la que está mal traducido? ¿es en el juego? es que ahora mismo no caigo en ningún error, que los habrá.
Enséñame la luz para intentar también hacer presión.
August 23, 2002, 14:34
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Cuando eliges civilizacion pone Cesar de romanos, cuando tendria que poner de los Romanos, en el menu pone ZAmpliar cuando serian ampliar, en la orden de fortificar, pone reforzar, que es otra cosa, llama tribu a las civs, el la pantalla de ciudades pone Zoom para Berlin y seria ver Berlin.... y muchas cosas que no me acuerdo, ademas hay cosas en el menu de preferencias que no es lo que pone, como lo de menu emergente para.....
las civs estan en minusculas...
son muchos pequeños detalles..
El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en la belleza de sus sueños.
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August 23, 2002, 17:05
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 Les está bien empleado por no encargarme a mí la traducción.  Aunque bien mirado, yo me he dedicado a fusilar la suya...
En cualquier caso, también hay que tener en cuenta que las peculiaridades de ambos idiomas hacen que las traducciones sean difíciles en muchos casos.
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August 23, 2002, 18:18
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Lo que no entiendo es por qué no pagan a un señor CAPAZ de traducirlo correctamente. No será porque no sea fácil encontrarlo.... 
La traducción del Colonization tenía algunas cosas de risa, aunque la más cachonda de todas las que he visto es la del UFO: Enemy Unknown.
Es que yo lo tengo clarísimo: si fuera programador o distribuidor contrataría a traductores nativos, aunque sólo fuera para no hacer el ridículo (...panda de irresponsables  )
August 23, 2002, 18:38
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posiblamente el español de firaxis esta mexican y no esta' español de españa???
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August 23, 2002, 18:41
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Cesar de lo Romanos
But in Mexican spanish wouldn't it be Cesar de los Romanos?
"Of THE romans" rather than "it" romans.
en español de Mexico, "LO" es (translated as) "it"
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August 23, 2002, 18:47
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una commento en el primer "screenshot"
Los "formatting" es horrible
veo mi response en page dos por el commento de yo.
(Although, I shouldn't be one to judge, considering how poor my spanish grammer is  Although it is improving  ... I hope  )
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August 23, 2002, 18:51
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"Lo"? that doesn´t exist 
it: eso /referring to a thing (not a person)
Cesar de lo Romanos
it was just a typo
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August 23, 2002, 18:53
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
posiblamente el español de firaxis esta mexican y no esta' español de españa???
Well, I'm not sure because I don't have the game, but it seems that it's just a bad translation. Maybe they are very lazy and don't prefer to make a good job.
Alfonso, ahí fue mi aportación al thread. ¡Ha sido mi primer post fuera del SCS! Me gusta tu iniciativa, aunque casi creo que deberían dejarlo como está y recoger los frutos de su pereza mental.
August 23, 2002, 18:58
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Perhaps I'm wrong, but when you say
"it" don't you say "lo?"
An example I saw in a Spanish Book-
"no tenga se lo"
"He doesn't have it"
I was taught that El meant him, he, etc.
it was just a typo
si, sin embargo Firaxis acceptado, eso palabra "would be" falso
-TRANSLATED (with some additions)- Yes but, If firaxis accepted it, then it would be wrong,  even worse than before  because this time it would be a Corrected wrong
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August 23, 2002, 19:13
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Oops my mistake! I didn´t read the other topic sorry!
He doesn't have it: él no lo tiene
no tenga se lo: that´s incomplete i think, you sure?
It= lo /not me at least 
el: it can be used as.. hmmm "$%"/ let me think for a while, about how to explain it, it´s difficult 
by the way just a suggestion, use Babylon translator (once you install it you will have to download separately the spanish dictionary) it translates almost everything with just a click of the mouse! I´m sure it will help you understand us!
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August 23, 2002, 19:21
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Actually, the only way is "César de los romanos".
I can understand some difficulties on translating a game to Spanish... our plurals and femenins, for example, affect to substantives and adjectives, too, while in english they are invariable (ex: "Roman scientists" would be "Científicos romano s"; "Roman city" => "Ciudad roman a" How would you convert "Roman" to the accurate word? This was funny on Sid Meier's Colonization, the translation was quite bad). Though I think it's not impossible to make it perfect, we would be tolerant with those kind of things.
But other mistakes shouldn't be accepted. Why don't you try to tell us some more mistakes, Alfonso?
August 23, 2002, 19:26
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lo = ... HELP! I don´t know how to explain it! Maximo can you help me?
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August 23, 2002, 19:40
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lo = ... HELP! I don´t know how to explain it! Maximo can you help me?
I think you both are agree. "Lo" is usually translated as "it", and that's right. That's what Dark and you say... As a neuter pronoun, "lo" is the same as "it".
I think this quiz came from a typo by Alfonso that... he HAS EDITED!!  So, what are we discussing about?  Alfonso, take care of our mental health, please...
August 23, 2002, 19:45
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Apologies, but I cannot find that particular expression, so I'll translate one I did find-
"no lo veo"
I don't see It...
He doesn't have it: él no lo tiene
no tenga se lo: that´s incomplete i think, you sure?
Yes, they did mention that adding e'l before was optional, so I was wrong not to. You were correct 
But I am farily sure that it should read along the lines of this when corrected "a el no tenga se lo" -->He does not have it.
by the way just a suggestion, use Babylon translator (once you install it you will have to download separately the spanish dictionary) it translates almost everything with just a click of the mouse! I´m sure it will help you understand us!
That would be a good idea. I could also use the translator block on the bottom right of this page, but I prefer to do it the manual way... that way, i feel that I learn more. I can, for the most part, understand what you are saying, however, putting my own thoughts into spanish is much harder... I do better on reading comprehension than direct translation  oh well
If I get too bothersome, please tell me and I'll start using the dictionary more than I do now. (Nowadyas I use it for about 2 words per post  )
Sorry for being a bother.
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August 23, 2002, 19:48
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 you are right! oopss!!
so... I was right! it was a typo...  thank you Maximo
Sorry to confuse you Dark Cloud. 
and I´m a slow writer too, he he
Sorry for being a bother.
You are not bothering me, I like to help people!
I do better on reading comprehension than direct translation
me too, hehe
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Last edited by Unspeakable Horror; August 23, 2002 at 19:54.
August 23, 2002, 19:58
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Sobre lo del "lo", es un error mio  , en el juego pone Cesar de romanos y tendria que ser, Cesar de los Romanos
El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en la belleza de sus sueños.
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August 23, 2002, 19:59
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"No lo veo" = "I don't see it". 
"A él no tenga se lo"  Did you read that on a book...?! If so, recycle it... it'll be more useful 
"He does not have it" = "(Él) No lo tiene"
August 24, 2002, 13:47
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I did recycle it, that's why I can't check it
Although, I could have misread it... If I come across it again, I'll post the exacto palabra por ustedes en eso tema.
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August 24, 2002, 16:06
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You are not a bother, and my English is worse than your Spanish. Please, feel free of post what you want in the language that you want. You must do it, if a new language is to be learn
If I can help you with your language, only ask for!
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
August 26, 2002, 18:59
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ay, el ingle's de tu es muy bien. muy bien. es perfecto.
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