February 7, 2000, 21:25
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Greetings! I Am ...
I just thought it would be prudent to introduce myself before partaking of any discussions on this collection of forums. Obviously, my handle is CYBERAmazon and I am an avid "Civilization II" and "Civilization: Call to Power" player.
My first experience with the Civilization series came in the mid-1990s when Sid Meier's original "Civilization" was ported over to the Super Nintendo. Needless to say, the strategy game hooked me immediately and, as the old saying goes, the rest is history.
It wasn't until CivII was ported over to the Macintosh that I was able to toss out my SNES copy and *truly* enjoy the graphical and computational power of CivII. Prior to that, I had to settle for watching my friend — who had a PC — play his copy and attempting to get the same "feel" out of the SNES version. That was in the fall of 1997, and since that time I've upgraded to a faster, more powerful Macintosh. However, CivII is still on my computer, along with C:CtP.
I am aware of Civ II Gold Edition and assisted with some beta testing of various patches that were released. Sadly, I've decided to stick with Civ II and C:CtP after none of the patches were able to address the problem my particular copy of CivII Gold had.
My handle? Well, IRL I am an avid follower of the Amazon Nation, a once-mythical society where women predominated. Archaeological evidence has since been uncovered to substantiate the Amazons existence in the past, thus giving credence to many of the Roman, Greek and ancient accounts of the Amazons. I thought it'd only be natural to select my handle based on this RL admiration for these independent-minded, aggressive and intelligent women. Plus, I like the ability of Civ II, where one can manipulate tribes, cities and terrain. Needless to say, the Amazon Nation is more than a long-dead culture on my copy of Civ II  .
Well, this post is getting long. I look forward to interacting with all you folks, moderators and such.
February 7, 2000, 21:49
Local Time: 14:34
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Location: I live amongst the Red Sox Nation
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welcome to Apolyton.. let me be the first to say the Mongal Hordes led by myself are always looking for civ2MGE opponents
With that said i wish you luck and if i could quote Ming,
"keep on civin"
Destroy or be Destroyed.
Conquer or be Conquered.
Strategy overcomes any odds.
Hit first,fast,hit last.
I am not a warmonger, i am just aggressively forcefull.
icq 30200920
February 8, 2000, 00:04
Local Time: 16:34
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Thank you for the salutations. As a leader of the Amazon Nation, you will have to go through my lands if you wish to conquer Europe and North Africa. After all, Asia Minor is the superhighway for would-be conquerors ... but only if they can get past the Amazons!
February 8, 2000, 00:59
Local Time: 14:34
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CYBERAmazon.... i see a route to total victory, and that route has a track through your lands.... i believe a duel to the death is appropriate for there appears to not be enough room on earth for the two of us
Destroy or be Destroyed.
Conquer or be Conquered.
Strategy overcomes any odds.
Hit first,fast,hit last.
I am not a warmonger, i am just aggressively forcefull.
icq 30200920
February 8, 2000, 16:11
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I will be silently cheering on my fellow warrior, Prince War, in the inevitable clobbering of the Amazons back to their fantasy world.
February 8, 2000, 19:53
Local Time: 14:34
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lol thanks Steve,,,,, BTW do you icq, cause would love to talk strat on day with you. And i too would be interested in an honorable death duel with you as one of us needs to CLOBBER someone soon lol .
MY icq is 30200920 and let me know.. otherwise email is dieselonly@home.com
Once again thanks for the support
Destroy or be Destroyed.
Conquer or be Conquered.
Strategy overcomes any odds.
Hit first,fast,hit last.
I am not a warmonger, i am just aggressively forcefull.
icq 30200920
February 8, 2000, 22:15
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I'm really a pacifistic perfectionist  . Doesn't keep me from maintaing a minimum of three combat-hardened defenders w/i my walled cities along with a pair of offensive-minded divisions which like to hunt down errant Mongols. **LOL**
February 8, 2000, 22:20
Local Time: 14:34
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lol good thing as i come in hordes of 12 attackers , five dips , three settler/engineers, a few boats and a scout.... oh and some defenders.... those walls are coming down.... and then the carnage begins  Death to you or me.... one way or another LOL
Destroy or be Destroyed.
Conquer or be Conquered.
Strategy overcomes any odds.
Hit first,fast,hit last.
I am not a warmonger, i am just aggressively forcefull.
icq 30200920
February 9, 2000, 03:44
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Hmm ... fairly impressive assault force. Good thing for home-grown spies, though. With their visibility from my cities and fortresses, they see your forces coming from afar. Enough time to rush Amazon offensive and defensive components from the core cities to the outlying provinces. We may be nature-worshippers, but that doesn't mean we're limp-wristed. More like fanatical ... a combination of Greenpeace and the 81st Airborne Division.
February 9, 2000, 05:40
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Oh Goody!  I don't believe my Expansionist Fundamentalist Peace Engine has had a slice of 81st Airborne before - although I seem to recall a very short lived GreenPeace resurgence some time before.
In the unlikely event of Prince War & Steve leaving anything behind - I would like a piece please.
Welcome CA, join the happy throng
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
February 10, 2000, 16:11
In what should be the words of the moderator: Welcome!
Are you a woman/girl?
It's just that there are barely any here...
February 10, 2000, 16:21
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damn, with an attack force that big, i'd be butchered in 2 turns or so!!
ThermiteB(that's me!) RLZ like HELL!!!!!!!!!!
February 10, 2000, 17:16
Local Time: 14:34
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Trajunus..... so long as the defenders are better equiped than the attacker, you can survive unspeakable odds.... last night in a game i watched my opponent land an invasion force of at least 30 units comprised of knights, pikemen, catapults, a couple of dips..... i had three units in my capital which i rushed with walls and a barracks when i saw him chugging along in his 15 triremes lol....
Now i am not sure how many units exactly he had but it was more than thirty i am sure.... i had leos and had just upgraded to riflemen and they werent vets.... well after a few attacks they became vets.....
I couldn't whatch as i thought for sure he was going to kill me..... haha i was wrong..... barely a scratch to my units and then i used the three rifleman on attack and destroyed 16 units on one square and five on a nother ...... breathed a sigh of relief cause all his catapults had no chance to hurt me....... needless to say... he was cursing or muttering i am sure and basically that was the game.....
Golden rule.... superior defense in this game always prevails..... war is on the side of the defender if the units are even moderately close in strength.... obviously a battleship will take out a phalanx.... i mean this isnt' civ1 any more
Destroy or be Destroyed.
Conquer or be Conquered.
Strategy overcomes any odds.
Hit first,fast,hit last.
I am not a warmonger, i am just aggressively forcefull.
icq 30200920
February 10, 2000, 17:46
Local Time: 22:34
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Yes, thankyou War for making my humilation oh so public. How was I to know you'd upgrade to goddamn riflemen the turn before I landed. Grrrr. That was most annoying, belive me. And where was your defensive terrian? Just a nice hill somewhere to land my vet pikes on so my vet catapults could wreak havoc.
It wasn't such a terrible plan. Really it wasn't. I'll get you next time Gadget, erm, I mean, War.
You should never smoke in pyjamas, you could start a fire and burn your face
February 10, 2000, 18:08
Local Time: 14:34
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actually Graag.... i never mentioned your name but now you have  ....lol i never mention my opponents name here unless its MING of course  ... btw are we playing or what
February 10, 2000, 19:05
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um... doh.
You should never smoke in pyjamas, you could start a fire and burn your face
February 10, 2000, 19:52
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Just thought I would say hi from another virgin poster.
I only started playing civII for about 2 months(better late than never) and now I am hooked. Please be nice and don't kill me until I can learn what I am doing.
Don't let the name fool you!!!
[This message has been edited by Peacemaker (edited February 10, 2000).]
February 11, 2000, 08:46
Local Time: 16:34
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CYBERAmazon: What were your specific problems with Mac MPG? Have you tried the latest patch 1.1.1? If you still have problems please post them on the Mac Forum. We have been working hard with MacSoft's Brian Nesse to kill bugs!
Steve Clark: HEY! I'm originally from Colorado Springs!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
February 11, 2000, 10:49
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In Civ 2 he who has the cash, wins. All you realy need is a fundimentalism, lot of cities, Michelangelo's Cathederal, and a lot of spys. FORWARD BABYLON!
In CTP, I'd just lose I suspect... More practice needed.
Seagoon: "A navy, milord, is an army, entirely surrounded by water!"
-The Flea- [The Goon Show]
February 11, 2000, 21:08
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Hey There STeve..... no the "fearded" Amazons.... are still hiding in the jungles and my fearless warrior know better than to fight in jungles  .... cowards come on out of there and fight like men
hopefully that will do the trick lol
February 11, 2000, 21:10
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I'm actually a 26-year-old young man whose archaelogical, mythological and "what-if" interests have led to an ingrained respect for women who are intelligent, sensual and aggressive. Those are traits, IMHO, of descendants of the historical Amazon Nation.
Since I was born into a male body — and am quite satisfied, thank you  — I've decided to settle for recreating the actual Amazons as best as possible. Hence the "cyber" prefix.
Brian and I tested and retested four or five betas that never solved the "application quit upon exit" error. He had some hunches and was working on a lead when his time on CivII was considerably reduced. We managed to fix everything else *except* for that one nettlesome error. It wouldn't be so bad, except one has to reboot the computer afterwards because any program not already running when CivII quit would not launch properly *after* the crash.
[This message has been edited by CYBERAmazon (edited February 11, 2000).]
February 12, 2000, 01:33
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My buddy War: Sorry for not replying sooner, I don't visit here often. No, I don't ICQ but will be looking at how we can play together within my very limited time. BTW, you clobber those make-believe Amazons yet???
Mac: Cool. Been here since 1989 and I've seen grow from 250,000 to 500,000 in that time!
February 12, 2000, 02:04
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CYBERAmazon: That's interesting, because I have never had the crash-on-exit thing happen to me. I know others who complain about it. I must be living right or something. Don't know.
Steve Clark: I left Colo Sprgs about the time you arrived! All of my family still lives there and I am amazed at the growth every time I go home for a visit!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
February 12, 2000, 03:26
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Definitely consider yourself fortunate. I love CivII and CivII Gold ... unfortunately, the latter's pleasure is *greatly* diminished by its habit of crashing upon exiting it. You said others were complaining about the same thing ... per chance, how could I contact them? Maybe together, bouncing ideas off each other and Brian Nesse, we could solve this crash riddle once and for all.
February 12, 2000, 11:44
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You know, I get up in the morning and the first thing I do (on those days when I don't have to go to work) is log in to Apolyton and go straight to the forums. I start reading (and posting) and before you know it, it's two or three hours later. Now this is all well and good but it's taking away from my time at the head of my nation conquering the world. Why do you folks have to be so entertaining?
Welcome, CYBERAmazon. Hope you enjoy these forums as much as I have.
Frodo lives!
Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
February 13, 2000, 20:33
Local Time: 14:34
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KCBOB.... i too find it interesting to chat about the various elements of civ and to get to know some of my fellow gamers.... its amazing how much time is spent reading and posting at this site.....i try to be here almost everyday.....
February 22, 2000, 17:13
The Empress
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February 22, 2000, 18:15
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I'm still waiting for my orders to lead your hordes. Where do you usually play? I'm trying to MP more often but the lag time kills me.
"Whether friend or foe, we shall meet on the field of battle."
February 22, 2000, 18:36
Local Time: 14:34
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Location: I live amongst the Red Sox Nation
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FMK..... you have arrived... as has my baby....so my playing is sporatic at the moment..... as i worship my son as Rah so eloquently put it.....
i will be looking to play zone games or here at apolyton.... do you have icq or have we already exchanged #s..... if not mine is 30200920
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