OK, here's the definitive version I'll send to Mark.
- Apolytonia is at war !
After an epic struggle, our armies finally conquered Paris and Orleans. But the rich French bribed Germany and Persia to betray us. We are now waging a 3-front war.
The Greeks are also at war with the Aztecs and the English, which means the whole northern part of the continent is at war.
We don't know how the situation will turn out yet, but these matters are much discussed in
our forum
- A wonderful world
Foreign Civs have shown greatness by building Wonders of the World. The Pyramids, the Great Lighthouse, the Colossus, the Great Library, the Oracle and the Great wall are now built. Apolytonia has no Wonder to be proud of for now.
- A brand new economic system
Several members of the Democracy game are testing an
optional minigame, where they strive to get more Lytons (our currency) by selling products from their domains.
- A new way to play
Before, members of the Democracy Game played with "turnchats", i.e chats where officials gave their orders. But with recent problems, we decided to hold "turnthreads" systematically : these are threads where ministers give their orders several turns ahead, for the President or VP to play alone with.
- Cout's first case now closed
Our court of justice has just closed its
first case. A questionable poll has been deemed invalid at unanimity of the justices. Two other cases are currently pending, and more may come.
- Our first president bids farewell :
Trip, first president of Apolytonia, has left the forum for RL reasons. He was less and less present on the forum since last month, and now
officially retired. He will be remebered as someone who greatly influenced the Democracy Game, and who made things move at the very dawn of our Civilization.