A **BRIEF** study of civil war...
First and foremost, I want to state that these are preliminary findings based off of a brief study into civil war. I used a couple old saved games and the cheat menu to create different situations to see when a civil war would occur. I haven't tested things like the triple civil war and such. This is nowhere near as complete as other recently posted research but it is a start.
Anyway, this is what I observed: Civil war only occured when I had fewer cities than the other civ. Scenerios that I set up and tested included:
1. I (Americans) had 8 cities, was #1 on the power graph, #1 in population and #3 in land area. The Egyptians had 9 cities, were #2 on the power graph and #2 in population and #2 in land area. When I captured Thebes, they split in civil war.
2. I had 11 cities, #1 on power graph, #3 in pop., #3 in land area. Egypt had 9 cities, #1 in pop, #2 in land area, #2 on power. When the capital was captured, there was no split.
I repeated these tests a few times on this game. I also did several similar tests on another saved game with similar settings. The only time civil war occured during my limited testing, was if I had fewer cities than the other civ, regardless of population comparisons, land area covered, etc. Also, I played several turns out after making changes to units, city sizes, etc. before taking the capital to make sure that the changes had been noted for any calculations.
In the near future I hope to expand these tests, including setting up scenarios where the ai will capture another ai's capital, setting up captures of civ capitals where both the captured capital and the capturing civ are ranked in the middle and at the bottom instead of at the top.