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Old August 28, 2002, 11:59   #1
PtWDG2 TabemonoPtWDG Glory of WarApolyton Storywriters' GuildIron CiversApolytoners Hall of FameC4BtSDG Rabbits of CaerbannogCiv4 SP Democracy GamePolyCast TeamC4DG The Mercenary TeamC4WDG The Goonies
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The Jungle Gazete: Special Announcement!!!
Special Announcement

The Jungle Gazette celebrates 1500 years!!!

It was 1500 years ago I became fed up with trying to sludge through this country trying to find out what was going on. I had seen some scraps of something called the Apolitonian, but they were ages old, and in poor condition from deterioration. Never the less, an idea was formed. Thus was the genesis of the Jungle Gazette.

As many of you know, through the Gazette's history, much has changed. We have seen editors come, and go. It has been a challenge, but we are proud to be the #1 source of news throughout the land. Now boasting a subscriber list over 75 strong, and growing.

Come with us, as we take a look back into the Gazette's past:

1. The Jungle Gazette: Volume I: July 13 I am especially proud of this one. A fine beginning, and the culmination of my dreams.
2. The Jungle Gazette: Volume II: July 17 Our success allows me to hire an additional editor. Doubling production to TWICE a week!
3. The Jungle Gazette: Volume III: July 20 Remember this debate surrounding the elections of term 2?
4. The Jungle Gazette: Volume IV: July 24 Tassadar gains free reign to do as he pleases, and has some fun with the paper.
5. The Jungle Gazette: Volume V: July 27 Invasion of America, and the sacking of Washington
6. The Jungle Gazette: Volume VI: July 31 America surrenders, plans begin for war on France
7. The Jungle Gazette: Volume VII: Aug 3 Our 1000 year anniversary special. gOdZ speaking, and more.
8. The Jungle Gazette: Volume VIII: Aug 10 Donal is hired on. His first showing provides insight on a new navy, elections, and more.
9. The Jungle Gazette: Volume IX: Aug 14 Donal's second effort shows that he is here to stay. Covers more elections, Economic foundation, and more.
10. The Junge Gazette: Volume X: Aug 17 Finally geting back to my desk, I cover election results, the Great Pyamid, and more.
11.The Jungle Gazete: Volume XI: Aug 21 Donal returns to cover the strange dissappearance of MrWIA, and more.
12.The Jungle Gazette: Volume XII: Aug 24 Shiber steps forward to join a long line of editors. Many help out as my duties keep me busy running the Government.
13.The Jungle Gazette: Volume XIII : Aug 28 Shiber once again deomonstrates his flair for the editorial position. Coverage on the war with France and the drastic turns it has taken.

We invite you all to celebrate with us. Festivites will be held on the Gazette Estates, located just NE of Termina, and will continue until 200 BC. Entrance is free. Procedes from all events go to support the continued war effort.

Planned events include:

Dunk the Executive tank:

1 Lyton will get you a chance to drown the Executive's in a pool of icy cold water. Simply hit the target with a stone, and watch as MrWhereItsAt or UnOrthOdOx fall in an embarrassing manner.

Pin the Mustache on Otto:

For the kids, 1 Lyton for every 5 children. Discounts available for large gourps to promote growth.

Joan's hide and seek:

Fun for all ages. 1 Lyton will get you into our gigantic maze. Be the first to find Joan as she 'magically' bounces from place to place, avoiding you, as you play one of our dauntless Archers.

Xerxe's Challenge:

Challenge your mind in this test of skill: 1 Lyton will give you a chance to chase Xerxe's settlers from the 'territory', a giant playing field constructed on our estates. Can you catch them before they escape?

More events will be posted as they arise.

Come and celebrate 1500 years of service with us!
One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill

An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; August 28, 2002 at 12:04.
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Old August 28, 2002, 12:03   #2
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1500 years is a pretty respectable accomplishment for ANY business, let alone a publication. And I must say, UnOthOdOx doesn't show his age..............
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Old August 28, 2002, 15:10   #3
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I've got a good idea for a game - guess how many avatars MWIA has gone through in that time!
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Old August 28, 2002, 15:38   #4
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG2 Cake or Death?InterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamPtWDG Gathering StormC3C IDG: Apolyton Team
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How about 'poke the science advisor'? (damn I hate that guy!)
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
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Old August 28, 2002, 17:42   #5
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayAlpha Centauri PBEMSpanish CiversCall to Power Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy Game: Red FrontPtWDG2 Latin LoversACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessCivilization III PBEMC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansC3CDG The Lost BoysCivilization III Democracy GameInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton Team
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Happy Birthday Gazette!!!

And skywalker - guess again.

Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!
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Old August 28, 2002, 19:57   #6
PtWDG LegolandCivilization III Democracy GamePtWDG2 Monty PythonC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Ankh-MorporkCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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skywalker that is a very good Idea so good that |I made it into a new game!!!!
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Old August 28, 2002, 19:58   #7
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[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
Later amendments to the Constitution don't supersede earlier amendments - GePap
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