
- you are absolutely right!
As far as I know the pedia.txt is for those special infos like "+1 sea movement" and the describes text (where you have to click the button) is "only" for the background info of the scenario.
This isn't imperative. Nothing is imperative concerning modding, but me personally likes to know what the designer wanted to "say" with his creation. What I mean is: it's nice to have the "Skendulavber"unit which counts as a missile and has 1/3 road movement, but WHY does it have this abilities? What's the deeper reason to it?
The describes.txt can be used by the editor to explain himself to the audience. This gives a much deeper feeling to the scenario than it can be provided by the readme.txt alone. Because it's "in-game" - I can play and if I've forgotten what the readme said, I can look it up in the civilopedia.
To save time: the describes.txt can be completed
in the course of creating the scenario. This means, when you renamed the Improvements, rewrite the describe. When you renamed the advances rewrite the desribe. units, terrain etc. Most often you have to think about the renaming anyway. So if you rename a "library" to a "feary tale" you have thought about it already, you had something in your mind. Write that in the describe.
Of course historically correct scenarios are another level of creating, because you can't just write whatever you like. But then: historically correct scenarios are a huge task anyway.
I don't think a describe.txt has to be as big as the original one. Just writing one or two sentences for each thing suffice. More will cost you the family, the job and your entire social life, as tecumesh already said...
But there are surely some "writers" out there, who don't like - or are able - to edit a whole scenario, who would lend you a hand, if you ask them. Maybe we could make a new board, where you can ask things like "I'd make a LOTR-scenario, anyone interested in making a describe.txt?" - there are plenty of WWII-scenarios - if every one editor of those scenarios had written only one sentence, a describe.txt written by all of them together would be huge by now.
we should combine our strengths. may the force be with us. :-)