October 5, 2002, 22:33
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Okay, I just asking for a little adivse before I go...
Which Great house should I go for next?
Here is my char:
Level 28 Nord Warrior
Main Quest Completed
Fighers Guild: Master
Mage Guild: Conjurer
Ashlanders: Heathfriend
Blade: Operative (not like I have a choice  )
Imperial Legions: Knight of the Imperial Dragon
Also, anyone found a good home to stay at?
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October 5, 2002, 23:08
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Hlalu's stronghold is the most conveniently located of the three, Redoran's is a close second, and Telvanni's stronghold is far far away from all fast travel. All things being equal, don't join Telvanni.
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October 6, 2002, 09:36
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Originally posted by loinburger
Hlalu's stronghold is the most conveniently located of the three, Redoran's is a close second, and Telvanni's stronghold is far far away from all fast travel. All things being equal, don't join Telvanni.
Well, there is no problem not being able to join the Telvanni... they hate me with a passion already. I think it was because of a fighters guild job I did, the one were you have to kill this Telvanni assasine in the tower at Sadrith Mora.
So they're pretty p***ed at me.
Redoran's don't care for me since I'm part of the legions, but my theiving skills are too low for Hlaau.
Oh hell, I'm just going to goto Vevic and kill his god-king butt!
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October 6, 2002, 11:12
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Telvanni is probably more upset with you for being at a moderate rank in the Mage's Guild. The higher you rise in rank at the Guild, the lower your disposition drops with Telvanni. They absolutely hate your guts once you reach Arch-Mage.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 7, 2002, 08:18
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Telvanni is probably more upset with you for being at a moderate rank in the Mage's Guild. The higher you rise in rank at the Guild, the lower your disposition drops with Telvanni.
That's why 7 is about the best reaction I get from Telvannis...
As for Hlaalu, you don't really need thieves skills to do their quests. That could help, that and a good speechcraft, but I managed to get my manor with a mage, slightly good at fighting. I screwed once because I killed the person I had to steal from, but apart from that, everything went right. It was quite funny too, I screwed that quest, gave in the guy who gave me my second quest, and, when I went to see him asking for a promotion (having failed him twice), he accepted!
October 7, 2002, 10:21
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Originally posted by LDiCesare
That's why 7 is about the best reaction I get from Telvannis...
As for Hlaalu, you don't really need thieves skills to do their quests. That could help, that and a good speechcraft, but I managed to get my manor with a mage, slightly good at fighting. I screwed once because I killed the person I had to steal from, but apart from that, everything went right. It was quite funny too, I screwed that quest, gave in the guy who gave me my second quest, and, when I went to see him asking for a promotion (having failed him twice), he accepted!
Advancements are based on your skill levels only. There rare times were you need to do a quest to advance, which only happens when you are just one level shy of the top.
After a painful back and forth with creeper to get him to have ordinadtor armor (taunted them of course, I'm that stupid  ), to see some extra deadric swords I had for the cash to train up in advancement. My warrior nord is very skilled at the schools of magic and stealth.
I joined house Hlaalu, and only after doing 3 or 4 missions in balmorra, and running over to "Uncle C" in Vevic, I'm now a "House Cousin". Hu-Rah!
EDIT: I don't remember how I got it, but there is a helmet that gives you 30/40 forted Personality. It helps believe me!
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
Last edited by Thrawn05; October 7, 2002 at 10:27.
October 7, 2002, 10:26
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Originally posted by loinburger
Telvanni is probably more upset with you for being at a moderate rank in the Mage's Guild. The higher you rise in rank at the Guild, the lower your disposition drops with Telvanni. They absolutely hate your guts once you reach Arch-Mage.
I don't plan to move to high in the mage guild. I'm only there for some of their excellent trainers that you can only get if you join.
After I finish with the Hlaalu, I'll join either the Temple or Imperial Cult. I'm leaning towards the Imperials since I already joined the Legions and house Hlaalu, might as well show how much I support the glory of Emperor Septim!
I would join the Twin Lamps but I'm still short 13 slaves to free.
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October 7, 2002, 10:27
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Originally posted by Thrawn05
Advancements are based on your skill levels only. There rare times were you need to do a quest to advance, which only happens when you are just one level shy of the top.
That's not true. You have to meet certain minimum skill level requirements in order to advance (f'rinstance, usually in order to achieve the highest rank you need to have 1 skill at 90 and 2 at 50, or something along those lines), but skill level alone isn't enough, and you don't need to improve all of the faction's favored skills in order to advance (three will generally be sufficient). Ask anybody for advancement without first doing any quests, and they'll generally say "You have to prove your devotion to [insert faction here] before we'll consider you for advancement," meaning that you've gotta do a few quests first.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 7, 2002, 10:29
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Originally posted by loinburger
That's not true. You have to meet certain minimum skill level requirements in order to advance (f'rinstance, usually in order to achieve the highest rank you need to have 1 skill at 90 and 2 at 50, or something along those lines), but skill level alone isn't enough, and you don't need to improve all of the faction's favored skills in order to advance (three will generally be sufficient). Ask anybody for advancement without first doing any quests, and they'll generally say "You have to prove your devotion to [insert faction here] before we'll consider you for advancement," meaning that you've gotta do a few quests first.
I must of found a bug, time to send a save game to Bethesda!
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October 11, 2002, 10:32
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Loin you weren't kidding about luck.
I have mine up to 74, and the cave Massamumu... yielded 9... that's right 9, grand soul gems. Now I'm off on a Golden Saint hunt.
I'm thinking of going on a hunt for grandmaster alchemical equipment as well. I have the mortar, only three more to go.
Well I have my alchemical skill at 100, and my potions are going for 172-175. I know there is a ring out there that will knock your alchemcial skill up by 5. So hopefully I stumble on it.
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October 11, 2002, 13:28
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Originally posted by November Adam
Loin you weren't kidding about luck.
I have mine up to 74, and the cave Massamumu... yielded 9... that's right 9, grand soul gems. Now I'm off on a Golden Saint hunt.
I'm thinking of going on a hunt for grandmaster alchemical equipment as well. I have the mortar, only three more to go.
Well I have my alchemical skill at 100, and my potions are going for 172-175. I know there is a ring out there that will knock your alchemcial skill up by 5. So hopefully I stumble on it.
I think the ring in question would be the Mage Ring. I won't spoil where you can get it.
I have about 20 Golden Saint scrolls in my "magic scrolls barrel" in my open home that I "liberated".
Even though it costs more, I would rather goto a Enchanter and buy one.
I made a helmet that has 10% resist magika constant effect. This, combind with the Rathguard, allows me to be able to use the boots of blinding speed!
I also made a glass pike that shocks 5-20 points when it hits a target. Great for Cliff Racers.
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October 11, 2002, 15:35
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Originally posted by November Adam
I'm thinking of going on a hunt for grandmaster alchemical equipment as well. I have the mortar, only three more to go.
I found three pieces of Grandmaster equipment, but couldn't find the final piece (I forget which one, IIRC it's the Calcinator but I could be wrong). Let me know if you manage to find all four.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 11, 2002, 15:44
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Originally posted by November Adam
Loin you weren't kidding about luck.
I have mine up to 74, and the cave Massamumu... yielded 9... that's right 9, grand soul gems. Now I'm off on a Golden Saint hunt.
I'm thinking of going on a hunt for grandmaster alchemical equipment as well. I have the mortar, only three more to go.
Well I have my alchemical skill at 100, and my potions are going for 172-175. I know there is a ring out there that will knock your alchemcial skill up by 5. So hopefully I stumble on it.
How do you get alchemy that high? It seems to take forever to get anywhere with making potions.... I'm not 100% sure but I think I know where to get grandmasters stuff. The tower where is the woman who doesn't like men (who voted you to be hortator) has them, not sure. A woman has them, but not the man hating woman. It was either that tower or some other somewhere there on the map. Vos or tel vos or something.
October 12, 2002, 12:52
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Originally posted by loinburger
I found three pieces of Grandmaster equipment, but couldn't find the final piece (I forget which one, IIRC it's the Calcinator but I could be wrong). Let me know if you manage to find all four.
Looking in caves in the Sheogard and Eastern areas. I got all four, but I don't recall where exactly. Being a warrior that is starting to dab into Magicka, the Grandmaster stuff helps little old me.
Performing the Hlaalu missions, I stumbled accross a few.
EDIT: But hey, there is always the Billy Bob Skooma Pipe.
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October 12, 2002, 12:57
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Originally posted by tinyp3nis
How do you get alchemy that high? It seems to take forever to get anywhere with making potions.... I'm not 100% sure but I think I know where to get grandmasters stuff. The tower where is the woman who doesn't like men (who voted you to be hortator) has them, not sure. A woman has them, but not the man hating woman. It was either that tower or some other somewhere there on the map. Vos or tel vos or something.
First off, if Alchemy is as Misc. skill that is around 5 - 8, it's best to train up to at least 15 - 20 before you start. The Mage guild in balmorra is great for that.
Yes, Tel Mora does have a few of them (the Grandmaster Moter and Pestal for shure, in a Trader hut), but they are WAY too expensive and you're better off stealing them.
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October 12, 2002, 18:17
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Originally posted by tinyp3nis
How do you get alchemy that high? It seems to take forever to get anywhere with making potions....
I mostly trained mine up my just eating stuff, since I always seemed to have tons and tons of Saltrice and Bonemeal in particular (neither of which can be sold for very much). Just get a couple dozen/hundred ingredients that don't sell for much of anything, and sit there eating them all. IIRC Alchemy as a Minor skill increased by about two or three points for each ingredient I ate (it doesn't matter how valuable the ingredient), so a couple sacks of Saltrice will up you a skill point.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 14, 2002, 04:56
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There is a woman selling top gear alchemical stuff in an abandoned fort north of Vvardenfell. I can't remember the name, but she is in the teleporter room. Plus if you come from outside, there are plenty of orcs there. Getting inside the huts and killing them is an option if you like orcish armor.
I didn't think of eating stuff. I tended not to make too many potions and ended the main quest with about 54 in alchemy and something a bit more pitiful in enchantment. Only in destruction did I reach 100 fairly easily.
Does a high enchantment skill help make more powerful items? I made a top class weapon (constant + 35 fire damage on an ebonite sword), but couldn't find something useful to enchant. A Gold Saint gem can give constant effect but I could get nothing better than a shield of 3 on my glass shield for instance... I ended up putting a 60s. light on it with a lower gem. Anyone managed to make a decent magic armor or shield? I am tired of switching amulets and rings.
October 14, 2002, 10:05
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I believe a Daederic tower Shield has an enchant value of 240. The highest in the game.
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October 14, 2002, 15:56
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Originally posted by November Adam
I believe a Daederic tower Shield has an enchant value of 240. The highest in the game.
I thought the Adamantium armor had the highest? I'll have to recheck.
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October 14, 2002, 16:02
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Originally posted by LDiCesare
and something a bit more pitiful in enchantment. Only in destruction did I reach 100 fairly easily.
Does a high enchantment skill help make more powerful items? I made a top class weapon (constant + 35 fire damage on an ebonite sword), but couldn't find something useful to enchant. A Gold Saint gem can give constant effect but I could get nothing better than a shield of 3 on my glass shield for instance... I ended up putting a 60s. light on it with a lower gem. Anyone managed to make a decent magic armor or shield? I am tired of switching amulets and rings.
Enchantment is one of the hardest skills to increase. Even high skill levels of 80+ tend to fail making even a simple enchanted object. It's best to make a custom mage class and remove enchantment from any major/minor skill and replace it with somthing else. I suggest Athletics, speed is always a good thing.
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October 15, 2002, 10:20
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Sadly, I liked Enchantment. The idea of making one's own magic items really appeals to me. The problem is I can't seem to be able to do anything useful beyond a 35-pt fire damage sword and a light-producing shield.
I find it pitiful that gems don't allow to make more powerful effects, only to increase the number of charges. Considering the chance of success seems to be based on how much of the max power you use (i.e. making 10 points enchantment out of a 10 points item is much harder than making a 10 points enchantment out of a 120 points item), using good soul gems seems a waste of energy. It is often better to soultrap a rat than a Daedroth for what you will make out of it (i.e. one-use items).
Athletics is so easy to increase that I decided to take it as one of my main skills for my second fully fleshed character because I was sure it wouldn't be wasted.
October 15, 2002, 13:03
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Originally posted by LDiCesare
Sadly, I liked Enchantment. The idea of making one's own magic items really appeals to me. The problem is I can't seem to be able to do anything useful beyond a 35-pt fire damage sword and a light-producing shield.
I find it pitiful that gems don't allow to make more powerful effects, only to increase the number of charges. Considering the chance of success seems to be based on how much of the max power you use (i.e. making 10 points enchantment out of a 10 points item is much harder than making a 10 points enchantment out of a 120 points item), using good soul gems seems a waste of energy. It is often better to soultrap a rat than a Daedroth for what you will make out of it (i.e. one-use items).
Athletics is so easy to increase that I decided to take it as one of my main skills for my second fully fleshed character because I was sure it wouldn't be wasted.
It's best to goto a Enchanter and let them do it. It's costs a lot, but if you like hunting Deadra weapons and selling to creeper, you can make off with some decient enchantments.
For me, I find that, instead of making killer weapons, make defensive type enchanted armor. Constant effect resist magicka armor is great. Have a few of those (each are about resist 10%) and you'll do good against wizards and such.
Since my char was born under the lord, I have a few armor that help me coutner that weakness to fire. Unfortunalty they were not constant effect armor, but since the only enemy I really need to worry about in the fire department is the fire atronach I won't have to watch my back.
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October 15, 2002, 16:10
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Originally posted by Thrawn05
Since my char was born under the lord, I have a few armor that help me coutner that weakness to fire.
Look for the Dragonbone Cuirass -- it gives constant effect 100% resistance to fire, and is a helluva good piece of armor to boot (provides the same AC as the Lord's Mail).
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 15, 2002, 23:39
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Originally posted by loinburger
Look for the Dragonbone Cuirass -- it gives constant effect 100% resistance to fire, and is a helluva good piece of armor to boot (provides the same AC as the Lord's Mail).
I'll check it out. Hard to believe there is a cuirass that's better then the Lord's Mail.
Right now I'm busy looking for the rest of the Ash Vampires (don't tell me where!), but when that's done I'll look around.
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October 16, 2002, 01:21
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Originally posted by LDiCesare
Sadly, I liked Enchantment. The idea of making one's own magic items really appeals to me. The problem is I can't seem to be able to do anything useful beyond a 35-pt fire damage sword and a light-producing shield.
I find it pitiful that gems don't allow to make more powerful effects, only to increase the number of charges. Considering the chance of success seems to be based on how much of the max power you use (i.e. making 10 points enchantment out of a 10 points item is much harder than making a 10 points enchantment out of a 120 points item.
A recommended tactic for enchanting seems to be drinking a few fortify Int and luck potions just prior to making the attempt.
Not quite sure what you mean about not being able to enchant more powerfull effects.
A standard soul gem has both an enchant value and a number of charges. An enchantment has a cast cost.
As long as your enchantment is less than the enchant value you should be able to enchant something with a number of charges equal to the soul gem value divided by the cast cost.
There was a table on one of the Morrowind sites listing the (approximate) percentage chance of creating a certain enchantment value with various character attributes. I'll try and find it. Perhaps you're just trying to do too much without a high enough enchant skill?
The point about the good soul gems I completely agree with though. Common and below (ie: those you can buy regularly) I'll try and use myself but anything better is taken to my friendly neighbourhood enchanter in Sadrith Mora.
October 16, 2002, 05:18
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A tip - from IIRC Morrowind Chronicles - now hosted by rpgplanet btw - is that recharging an enchanted item (for which a rat in a petty sg is adequate) gives the same boost to your Enchantment rating as creating a new item - and is a hell of a lot more certain!
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October 16, 2002, 05:46
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A correction to the above ...
the tip was from The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Page a wonderful source of all things Morrowindish
October 16, 2002, 16:10
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
A tip - from IIRC Morrowind Chronicles - now hosted by rpgplanet btw - is that recharging an enchanted item (for which a rat in a petty sg is adequate) gives the same boost to your Enchantment rating as creating a new item - and is a hell of a lot more certain!
My real character has now ascended to the heights of Level 12 ... fear me 
That site seems to be on and off and on and off for the past few days. I nevered truste gamespy sites.
As for your real character.... i shutter what he can do to my level 33 Nord.
Another skill that's hard to increase is sneak. I usualy just train it up.
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October 16, 2002, 17:08
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Sneak is pretty easy to increase. Just set a book down on the "sneak" key and go watch some TV for awhile.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
October 16, 2002, 21:33
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Originally posted by loinburger
Sneak is pretty easy to increase. Just set a book down on the "sneak" key and go watch some TV for awhile.
Doesn't work. I waited an hour and not one damn point increase on the sneak scale. Even taking objects from crates doesn't do it either.
Pickpocketing and taking stuff locked chest under their noses (like getting that ebony staff from that wizard) seems to increase it by a POINT.
How does that idiot Fargoth do it.
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