bc4000 - Hmm, not a bad opening position. That river is damn tempting, but food won't be nearly as important as that gold and mountain will be. being right on the ocean will give me a shot at colossus, which can combine with newtons and copernicus to create an SSC as well. If things go well, Alpha Centauri just might be possible. Lets hope for the best.

I move the settler up one square to the left, and start building a road in the starting square. Also, the fish and spices are a nice addition
bc3950 - London founded
bc3850 - contact with the russians, very close by. Got bronze working for alphabet. Great! Now i can build colossus.

bc 3750 - contact with the french, to the east of the russians. Got masonry for pottery and bronze working.
bc 3300 - london builds a second scout (after having build a warrior for defense) starts on colossus
bc 3200 - contact with germans, got warrior code for alphabet. sold warrior code to france for 10 gold
bc 3050 - contact with babylonians. they offer ceremonial burial, but i'm to discover it next turn anyway, so i turn them down.
bc ? - i made contact with the persions sometime here, but forgot to log when, they didn't have anything interesting for me anyway.
bc2350 - with the discovery of mysticim, i'm ahead of all known civs by at least one tech. i don't expect this lead to last, but it's nice for now.
bc1250 - france has a one tech lead on me, but i just got iron working and discover that the one mountain next to me has iron in it! what luck.

that should significantly help production.
bc 1150 - colossus completed. i take 2 turns to build another worker before switching to another wonder. also, GA begins
bc 450 - switch to monarchy.
bc 350 - i'm on top, techwise again
bc 310 - enemy civs complete oracle and pyramids, i switch to hanging gardens
bc 50 - gardens complete. start on great library
30 ad - complete road connections to other civs. trade mathmatics to russia for wines and some gold.
50 ab - tied with france and babylon for tech lead
320 - behind several of the other civs by a few techs now. the GL should catch me up nicely
380 - it's obvious i can't stay ahead through research now, so i change all commerce to tax, and start purchasing techs.
420 - aztechs finish GL. dammit. i'd have finished in 6 turns. i switch to great wall, as it's the only other wonder available, and i don't want to waste all those shields
430 - somehow the french finished the GL too, this turn now i'm starting to get creeped out. Great Wall finished
950ad - switch to republic
1170ad - i was prebuilding sistene chaple with sun tsu's. it was the only wonder available. this turn, the aztechs finished sun tsu's, so i made a mad dash to get theology, and switched to sistene. i hope nobody finishes before me.
1315 - the persians completed sistenes chapel. i had 6 turns left to go. dammit! this game isn't going as well as last game. i switched to marketplace. hopefully the extra income will help me buy techs faster, so im not so behind in building the wonders. perhaps i should have built the marketplace earlier, like i did in my last game.
1360 - france got copernicus. this game is probably over at this point, other civs are just too far ahead, it seems. i'll keep playing for a bit though, maybe i can catch up.
1365 - babylon completes js bachs. not looking good.
1515 - france completes newtons. i'm starting to catch up in tech, actually. france and russia and i forget who else are several techs in the lead at the moment though.
1640 - french destroy persians. they're about to destroy the russians as well.
1675 - switch to democracy
1768 - completed shakespears theater. yeah!!!
1820 - i think i've narrowed the tech gap some, but those french are still way ahead, and are sure are on a rampage. this turn they eliminate the germans.
1948 - bah. i'm giving up on this game. everyone else is just too far ahead. i think everyone being close together caused people to fight more, and then rich got richer faster, poor got poorer faster. I couldn't trade techs back and forth enough to keep even, because the ones that were behind me couldn't afford the techs i had, and eventually were eliminated. this caused the french and babylonians (and aztechs, to a lesser extent) to just grow much much faster. I'm doing alright culture wise, but i won't win by the deadline. Also, i should have perhaps moved north instead of east, that way i'd get both of golds in that mountain, and have more inland tiles instead of all that ocean to work with. I didn't need the fish like i thought i would at first. It was a learning experience.