I see there will be more UUs, which is nice, I can already predict one of the Civs being unfair because it's UU is abusively strong

. But how about the already existing units? Will they improve the less virtuous (i.e. totally useless) ones?
I mainly want to know about these:
1. Cruise Missile: This looks more like a shortened range scud missile to me. (The addition of scud missiles would be nice BTW). But the current cruise missile is all weird, it does not load into submarines or carriers, it can be fired from anywhere on the ground, it fires barely at artillery range and it can take up to 3 of them to kill a tank.
2. Paratroopers: Jumping from airbases and non-airport cities and increasing their range to about 8 or 9 would make them nice. I was trying to mod that but I dont know how to do it...
3. Explorer: So useless that people use it to... pillage? And I cant imagine an explorer pillaging. I dont know how could it be improved, but I know it's not any usefull.
4. The submarines: They're so damn weak... They should be scary, maybe a bit fragile but definately very scary.