Originally posted by Caliban
I'm sorry, maybe I don't understand what you really mean. But according to your post you got what you wanted...
Didn't you read his post? He said he wanted all the good features from CivII and SMAC as well. Which is *not* what is in CivIII.
I imagine some of what is lacking is....
1. Government System from SMAC (so you can vary many factors of the government)
2. Ability to transfer food from city to city.
3. More realistic combat as in CivII, I don't see why they got rid of firepower *and* increased hitpoints of later units.
4. More diplomacy *options*. The ability to have multiple items on both side of a trade is a nice addition, but where are all those lovely options from SMAC?
5. Supply rovers
6. Unit customization from SMAC (this could be done well even in a historical game, they'd just need multiple weapons that have the same power but look different or some other distinguishing factor between archers, spear-users, swords, and armor). Remember about this, just like in smac, it is an option you wouldn't have to use.
7. Improvements for water squares.
And this doesn't include anything from other civ-like games. I bet there could have been a nice public works system, or even a hybrid public works/worker system (maybe workers early on, but it becomes more ecnomical to use pws later in the game or something).