September 3, 2002, 09:42
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Need to Step Down
Guys, sorry about this but my current sitation at home makes no sense. No matter what I try I cannot access this site from my home computer. We will do a full system restore in the next week or so when I can find time but until then I am stuck. As such it is only prudent that I step down as commissioner and allow the game to continue in it's normal fashion.
E.L. Crisler
September 3, 2002, 09:45
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well that sux crisler....  hope to see you back soon
on the other hand DE is now the real commissioner read the constitution.
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September 3, 2002, 09:48
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DE has been doing a good job so far, so luckily we can continue as it was.
Thank you for your dedication, Crisler, and I do hope you can participate in the game after you're computer has been fixed.
So will now DE perform the duties of both AT and Commissioner?
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September 3, 2002, 09:54
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yes he will but i think he may ask for some support in some areas like posting elections and info about the game progress!
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September 3, 2002, 11:44
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I would suggest the Commissioner candidate with the third most voices as Alpha Talent. DBTS in other words.
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September 3, 2002, 16:31
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sorry crisler
will you run again?
September 3, 2002, 16:51
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The Constitution does not state how we deal with the problem of replacing our Alpha Talent. It's not a pressing matter but we should think of something, just in case.
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September 3, 2002, 16:53
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well, i think we should vote. right now, DE's commissioner, alpha talent, and editor of the UNN. can't expect him to do EVERYTHING
September 3, 2002, 16:57
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IF the alpha talent has to do two more jobs (like commissioner and director and alpha talent) THEN the game freezes until new elections are held otherwise the alpatalent will have two jobs (alpha and commissioner) this is in the constitution article two impeachments (if i am correct)
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September 3, 2002, 17:01
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Sorry to hear this, Crisler. 
Thanks for letting us know, anyway. Hope you can return in full capacity soon.
As for getting on without him, the consitution dictates that I should take over, and I'm happy to fulfil that role.
However, I can't continue as being both Commissioner and Alpha Talent. I'm going to need a bit of assistance next week, as I have school, plus four or five play performances, and it's going to get a bit hectic.
It might be a good idea to clear this up with an amendment, but here's where I stand. I was thinking about this last night actually, what would happen if Crisler resigned/disappeared - I just didn't know it would be so soon. IMHO, DBTS should take over as Alpha Talent. He was the third candidate on the ballot, wasn't that far behind, and has done an absolutely brilliant job with the constitution. Despite his being a political rival of mine, I can't think of a better person to take over as Alpha Talent. All he'll have to do is oversee the elections for October, and possibly run a turnchat or two next week.
Anyone got any problems with this?
September 3, 2002, 17:09
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Anyone got any problems with this?
Not me. DBTS can handle it, I'm sure.
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September 3, 2002, 17:10
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The current constitution:
Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more government places we will freeze the game until new elections are held.
Does commisioner and alpha talent count as two or more positions if DE began as alpha talent? I'd interpret it as a "yes"- freezing the nascent game for an election seems like a let-down though.
furthermore- DBTS is about as gung-ho as it gets and would probably do a very good job, so a call to vote is no aspersion cast at him.
September 3, 2002, 17:12
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Who said a Court was useless ?!
I say : lets appoint a court right now  !
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September 3, 2002, 17:18
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lemmy? why in satans name am I gung ho? (seririosly  )
and the rest of that message after 'futhermore' i didnt get either
pande: you are right i think but you screwed up too you have to poll the second base site first!
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September 3, 2002, 17:42
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Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
lemmy? why in satans name am I gung ho? (seririosly )
and the rest of that message after 'futhermore' i didnt get either
DBTS: You were rabid about getting the Constitution completed on time and under budget, in addition to making input on about 600 threads daily for a couple of weeks. Where I come from, that's "gung ho".
My sentence after "furthermore" was clumsy. To rephrase- I mean no insult to DBTS or DBTS's abilities by bringing up the notion of elections.
Last edited by lucky22; September 3, 2002 at 18:20.
September 3, 2002, 17:46
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My sentence after "furthermore was" clumsy. To rephrase- I mean no insult to DBTS or DBTS's abilities by bringing up the notion of elections.
Well, it *was* DBTS who was the head honcho (not to forget Adam, of course) in creating and TYPing down the thing, so it's quite fair to expect him to adhere to his 'own' constitution, is it not?
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September 3, 2002, 18:30
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A)A new poll for alpha
B)just let DBTS do it
C)Vote among directors
BTW, kass, what is your avatar??
Last edited by Method; September 3, 2002 at 19:00.
September 3, 2002, 23:48
Local Time: 18:25
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It's such a minor position - in normal circumstances, all he needs to do is hold elections. It is also, under normal circumstances, not a directly elected position. So why do it now?
If we must hold elections, then so be it, but I really don't see the need. It seems as if there are a few personal vendettas going on here.
September 4, 2002, 00:04
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Whoa... "personal vendettas"? Here? Seriously, no, I don't think so. "Constitution".
September 4, 2002, 06:53
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IF we follow the constitution we leave it as it is. but if we deviate and make an amendment on it like: when the alpha talent is to hardly pressed to do another govermentjob then we (1)hold new electios/(2)let the runner-up of the runner-up take alpha talent posistion. (without the typos and one of the two options ofcourse)
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September 4, 2002, 14:49
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Shouldn't the current poll fulfill the letter of the constitution?
September 4, 2002, 15:29
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Originally posted by TKG
BTW, kass, what is your avatar??
It's from Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of the Eva Units.
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September 4, 2002, 15:31
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September 4, 2002, 16:55
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@lucky: yes i think so but the question states '...for september'. IF someone gets picky he/she can say that this is not a presedent (or something law like)and does not make it ok for the constitution so we had to poll it anyways!
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September 4, 2002, 17:33
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Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
@lucky: yes i think so but the question states '...for september'. IF someone gets picky he/she can say that this is not a presedent (or something law like)and does not make it ok for the constitution so we had to poll it anyways!
Understood. Are we then now in the position where we can see the outcome of the poll as a mandate to adjust the constitution or do we move to hold an election as quickly as possible? DE seems to be more open to such a notion over in the other AT/constitutional thread.
September 4, 2002, 17:49
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yes but he started a official poll without clearly violation the constitution the poll is valid, we have no court to decide otherwise so FOR september we have to do what ever happens to come out the poll. after that we can rewrite the constitution what do you think!
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September 4, 2002, 18:09
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ok... that seems right. As it stands, the constitution is still adequate for situations where the commisioner' and AT's seats are stable and the AT becomes overcommited, right?
September 5, 2002, 05:26
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wel when the AT has two MORE jobs then the game freezes that is in the constitution! but IF the AT has to little time then we need to have new rules..... Am i making any sense now? and does this anwser your question
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September 5, 2002, 10:57
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Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
wel when the AT has two MORE jobs then the game freezes that is in the constitution! but IF the AT has to little time then we need to have new rules..... Am i making any sense now? and does this anwser your question
My question is answered. I agree that the AT having no time or a given job being too time-consuming are a seperate issue worthy of a constitutional amendment but we aren't here yet. At least I didn't think so...
September 5, 2002, 11:46
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I agree that DBTS should take the Alpha position, but we should do it officially, by poll. And we should make an ammendment allowing us to do so.
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