September 4, 2002, 14:55
Local Time: 01:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
Posts: 8,196
TurnThread/Chat orders for 130 BC
OK, Ministers, you know the Routine. What year do the turns start going to 15 year intervals?
General Orders:
1) Horses should not end up next to archers unless protected
2) Swordsmen in E to either uber or geofront,avoid combat
3) Warriors to uber to upgrade, DO NOT expose to attack
4) When no archer threat move healthy swords and horse to dye 1s of Geofront(this point is now known as rally point). From here attack on tyre will be launched(onto mountain).
5) Warrior(s) in seeberg will go toward uber for uprgrade when there is no danger to seeberg.
6) Galley goes to pick up 2swords fro france and brings them to termina
Keep researching Theology.
If Theology is obtained, switch to Education.
If Education is obtained, switch to Chivalry.
Peace with Persia only with posession/destruction of Sidon, Tyre, and at least one advanced tech.
Give in: Rome, Greece.
Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iriquois.
Resource/Luxury Exchanges: Trade dyes if possible. Goal = Tech. Agree with any trade decisions made by MoE
Tech purchase rules: Only buy tech if total cost (including all gpt deals) < 350g. Trade anything for tech so long as WM not involved and no other minister objects.
Tech trade preference: Theology, Chivalry, Engineering
Do not trade World Map!
Do not agree to any alliances, or accept any offers for RoP

Settle the site mentioned in the image as site 1
A) City Planner Orders:
1) Apolyton – switch to war chariot
2) Termina – switch to settler. Purchase when possible
3) Port Rouge – If temple can be purchased, start on settler.
4) Timeline – Work grass with shield instead of forest
5) Del Monte – switch to courthouse if we are going after the pyramids, else no change.
6) Chiquita – switch to warrior.
7) Napoleton – switch to sword
8) HII – Switch to warrior.
9) Rouen – work irrigation
10) Ubergorsk – if barracks is rushed (I hope) then sword.
11) Marseilles - change name to "Macross City"
12) Rouen - change name to Jerusalem
13) Cherbourg – Check with White bandit, see if he wants to use this city for his name of “Another Glourious City”, as he is next
14) The new city on uber isle, name it as above or use “willsbury”
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
Termina: Workers N, NW, NW building road.
Banana HQ: Worker stack NE clearing jungle.
Geofront: Worker stack, N, NE waiting for orders.
Del Monte: Worker W waiting for orders.
Marseilles: Worker stack NW building road.
Timeline: Worker stack E, SE waiting for orders.
Gaia: Worker N waiting for orders. Worker stack SW clearing jungle.
C) SMC Orders:
1.Sp in Del Monte se,s(Fortify)
2.Sp in Gaia ne,
3. Elite sword in Marselles sw,s,s
D) IE Minister Orders:
(see general orders for IE minister orders this chat/thread)
E) FAM Orders:
1) Sell America Republic for their WM and as much gold as possible.
2)Establish Embassy with Rome for 49g and post a screenshot.
A) City Planner Orders:
1) Chiquita – grows, work shield grass even though shield lost to corruption (I want the food)
2) Seeberg – war chariot
3) Uber Isle City 1 – Granary. Purchase before pop growth. Then when that occurs worker
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
1) Geofront: Move S
2) Del Monte: If Greek horseman leaves mountain, move W onto hill. Otherwise move NW.
3) Timeline: Move W
4) Gaia: Workers N, Move 1 of our workers to the worker stack SW of Gaia to help speed them up (they are slaves). Rest of group clears jungle.
C) SMC Orders:
1.SA2 se
2.Horse NW of BHQ n,e,e,e,e
Swords in E toward Uber or geofront whichever is easiest. One probably won't be able to follow set route
3. For 1/3 sword se
4. For 2/3 sword ne,e
5. SP Nw of Loveshack se
6. Warrior 2n of Geofront to geofront(once not threatened by archers move both warriors to uber and upgrade)
Beware 1st move south of uber is river.
7. Move Galley(Se poly) sw,w,nw
8. Elite sword e,s
D) IE Minister Orders:
90 BC
A) City Planner Orders:
1) Apolyton – grows, work fish
2) BHQ – grows, work the tile being cleared for loveshack (fu*k loveshack, for now).
3) Gaia – grows, work irrigation
4) Seeberg – grows, work best available (forest if Persians are gone)
5) HII – culture growth, yeeee ha, we now have wine.
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
1) Termina: Move W into Chartres territory.
2) Geofront: Clear jungle, watch for Persian units nearby, if this is the case, escape into Geofront or leave area entirely.
3) Del Monte: Build road, continue building road into Chiquita.
4) Marseilles: Clear jungle
5) Timeline: Clear Jungle
C) SMC Orders:
1. SA2 e
2. (1/3) sword se
3. (2/3) sword e(into geofront)
4. Horse Hunts Archers
5. SP e of Loveshack e
6. Galley nw,nw,nw
7. Elite sword s,e,e
D) IE Minister Orders:
70 BC
A) City Planner Orders:
1) BHQ – war chariot
2) Apolyton – war chariot
3) HII – Cathedral
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
Termina: Build Road
Banana HQ: Move SW into Banana HQ
C) SMC Orders:
1. SA2 e
2. Horse at BHQ nw,n,e,e
3. SP e,e of Loveshack either to uber if city threatened or ne,ne to rallypoint if no threat, this force then supports uber and Geofront.
4. (1/3) Sword e,s(Fortify in uber)
5. (2/3) Sword Fortify in geofront
6. Galley nw,nw,nw
7 Elite Sword e,s
8 Sword in Rouen ne,ne
D) IE Minister Orders:
50 BC
A) City Planner Orders:
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
Banana HQ: Move S, clear jungle
C) SMC Orders:
1. SA2 e
2. Horse at Loveshack e,e, then hunts archers, if no archers goto Rallypoint
3. Galley w,w(Pick up swords), e
4. 2sword enter galley
D) IE Minister Orders:
30 BC
A) City Planner Orders:
1) Loveshack – Settler
B) Public Works Minister Orders:
Termina: Workers N, NW, NW building road.
Banana HQ: Worker stack NE clearing jungle.
Geofront: Worker stack, N, NE waiting for orders.
Del Monte: Worker W waiting for orders.
Marseilles: Worker stack NW building road.
Timeline: Worker stack E, SE waiting for orders.
Gaia: Worker N waiting for orders. Worker stack SW clearing jungle.
C) SMC Orders:
1.SA2 se(to timeline)
2 Galley e,se,se
3 Swords enter termina
D) IE Minister Orders:
Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 7, 2002 at 10:35.
September 4, 2002, 23:34
Local Time: 02:28
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Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
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More orders are on the way, these are tentative right now.
General order#1
Horses should not end up next to archers unless protected
General Order#2
Swordsmen in E to either uber or geofront,avoid combat
General Order#3
Warriors to uber to upgrade, DO NOT expose to attack
General order#4
When no archer threat move healthy swords and horse to dye 1s of Geofront(this point is now known as rally point). From here attack on tyre will be launched(onto mountain).
General Order#5
Warrior(s) in seeberg will go toward uber for uprgrade when there is no danger to seeberg.
General Order#6
Galley goes to pick up 2swords fro france and brings them to termina
130 BC
1.Sp in Del Monte se,s(Fortify)
2.Sp in Gaia ne,
3. Elite sword in Marselles sw,s,s
110 BC
1.SA2 se
2.Horse NW of BHQ n,e,e,e,e
Swords in E toward Uber or geofront whichever is easiest. One probably won't be able to follow set route
3. For 1/3 sword se
4. For 2/3 sword ne,e
5. SP Nw of Loveshack se
6. Warrior 2n of Geofront to geofront(once not threatened by archers move both warriors to uber and upgrade)
Beware 1st move south of uber is river.
7. Move Galley(Se poly) sw,w,nw
8. Elite sword e,s
90 BC
1. SA2 e
2. (1/3) sword se
3. (2/3) sword e(into geofront)
4. Horse Hunts Archers
5. SP e of Loveshack e
6. Galley nw,nw,nw
7. Elite sword s,e,e
70 BC
1. SA2 e
2. Horse at BHQ nw,n,(If archer threateing n go there, and move to rally or tyre after) if not e,e
3. SP e,e of Loveshack either to uber if city threatened or ne,ne to rallypoint if no threat, this force then supports uber and Geofront.
4. (1/3) Sword e,s(Fortify in uber)
5. (2/3) Sword Fortify in geofront
6. Galley nw,nw,nw
7 Elite Sword e,s
8 Sword in Rouen ne,ne
50 BC
1. SA2 e
2. Horse at Loveshack e,e, then hunts archers, if no archers goto Rallypoint
3. Galley w,w(Pick up swords), e
4. 2sword enter galley
30 BC
1.SA2 se(to timeline)
2 Galley e,se,se
3 Swords enter termina
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
Last edited by Aggie; September 6, 2002 at 22:42.
September 4, 2002, 23:41
Local Time: 02:28
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Keep researching Theology.
If Theology is obtained, switch to Education.
If Education is obtained, switch to Chivalry.
Trade advisement: I support Togas' orders.
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
Last edited by Apocalypse; September 6, 2002 at 19:30.
September 4, 2002, 23:56
Local Time: 03:28
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midnight on wednesday night, just got the download. As we are planning on playing next sunday I assume, I will wait a while to finalize any orders to allow others time to make requests. I already have a preliminary one from Aggie. Any others, please PM or Email me. I should have a good handle by friday night, so will post preliminarys then. Then finalize them on saturday.
Please note, the old way took about 1 - 1.5 hours to prepair orders for each play. Last time my orders were lacking in detail, but it took over 3.5 to prepair, partially because of the revolution to monarchy, partially because we are quite large and I was spending some time coordinating OPD and jdjdjd recomendations, but mostly because of the new format. So MWIA and Unortho, as you each will have used the new format, if you could please give some feedback on how usefull it is, or isn't, relative to how I was posting orders before hand, that would be most appreciated.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 5, 2002, 01:37
Local Time: 23:28
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Posts: 5,245
Orders for Turnchat 130 BC
TRADES: Sell America Republic for their WM and as much gold as possible.
Establish Embassy with Rome for 49g
Peace with Persia only with posession/destruction of Sidon, Tyre, and at least one advanced tech.
General policies for this Turnchat
Give in: Rome, Greece.
Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iriquois.
Resource/Luxury Exchanges: Trade dyes if possible. Goal = Tech. Agree with any trade decisions made by MoE
Tech purchase rules: Only buy tech if total cost (including all gpt deals) < 350g. Trade anything for tech so long as WM not involved and no other minister objects.
Tech trade preference: Theology, Chivalry, Engineering
Do not trade World Map!
Do not agree to any alliances, or accept any offers for RoP.
All things left unstated in turnthreads/chats are for Presidential or Public decision. All things specified must be followed unless surprise events have made the orders illogical, harmful, or inappropriate. In that situation the President should end turnthread/chat if any major decision needs to be taken and no representative from the Ministry is present to make the decision. If only a minor decision, the President may use his discretion to change the orders so that they are logical, beneficial, and appropriate.
Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. :p"
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.
Last edited by Togas; September 6, 2002 at 18:21.
September 5, 2002, 08:29
Local Time: 01:28
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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I don't know if MrWIA plans to try another chat, or just a thread. If he for some reason cannot play this weekend, I will do a turnthread on Saturday evening/Sunday Morning.
September 5, 2002, 14:19
Local Time: 07:28
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Posts: 243
Imperial expansion plans for 130BC
I am sorry that these orders lack a timeframe, can the City Planner try and build a setler as soon as possible at the new city on Uber Isle.
The Current orders are for the 130 BC:
Settle the site mentioned in the image as site 1.
Follow up an attack of Sidon with a settler and settle at the following site:
Build a settler in the new city, continue to explore with the galley on Uber Isle, I return control of the galley outside Apolyton to the SMC.
September 6, 2002, 09:21
Local Time: 01:28
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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Top post updated. Please let me know when changes occur to your orders. Replying here or PMing me will work.
September 6, 2002, 20:43
Local Time: 19:28
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Any changes to be made, please do so in the next 24 hours. The chat will take place 0900GMT/0400EST on Sunday (about 32 hours away).
September 6, 2002, 20:45
Local Time: 02:28
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I just made an edit about agreeing with Togas.
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
September 6, 2002, 23:05
Local Time: 03:28
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Location: Detroit
Posts: 4,551
Turn 0 (130 BC)
Apolyton – switch to war chariot
Termina – switch to settler. Purchase when possible
Port Rouge – If temple can be purchased, start on settler.
Timeline – Work grass with shield instead of forest
Del Monte – switch to courthouse if we are going after the pyramids, else no change.
Chiquita – switch to warrior.
Napoleton – switch to sword
HII – Switch to warrior.
Rouen – work irrigation
Ubergorsk – if barracks is rushed (I hope) then sword.
Marseilles - change name to "Macross City"
Rouen - change name to Jerusalem
Cherbourg – Check with White bandit, see if he wants to use this city for his name of “Another Glourious City”, as he is next
The new city on uber isle, name it as above or use “willsbury”
There are no more city names, so all new cities (i.e. Munich site, Persian, or culture flips) will have to be made by the judges as they haven’t yet stated their preferences. Apoc did a randomizer and the order they choose is Epistax, NYE, captain, jdjdjd. If they are not available, use Egads as a filler and we hold a public poll, or wait for the next administration….. I say public poll.
Turn 1
Chiquita – grows, work shield grass even though shield lost to corruption (I want the food)
Seeberg – war chariot
Uber Isle City 1 – Granary. Purchase before pop growth. Then when that occurs worker
Turn 2
Apolyton – grows, work fish
BHQ – grows, work the tile being cleared for loveshack (fu*k loveshack, for now).
Gaia – grows, work irrigation
Seeberg – grows, work best available (forest if Persians are gone)
HII – culture growth, yeeee ha, we now have wine.
Turn 3
BHQ – war chariot
Apolyton – war chariot
HII – Cathedral
Turn 4
Turn 5
Loveshack – Settler
Turn 6+
Presidential Choice, but as it will be a chat and I will (if I can wake up) be there, then I shall assist as much as possible.
General notes: Where there is a war chariot being built, switch to horse or sword if Aggie requests. Last I heard, he would accept any, even with the jungle problem of the chariot. Again, presidential choice in this matter. Aggie and I discussed and we are looking for a core of about 5 war chariots in our central cities, to act as a reserve, a quick response, cheap upgrades to knights, secondary defense so we can spare some spears/pike for the front lines, and a golden age some time in the indeterminate future. I had to revise this a couple of times, so if I miscounted the chariots please adjust (to horse). Also, this is being posted after Aggies orders so some improvising on your part will have to be made. Sorry for any inconvenience.
If I missed something, cover my arse please and do either culture or war effort. Thanks.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 7, 2002, 02:39
Local Time: 23:28
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Posts: 979
Public Works orders for 130 BC
Okay, putting my orders together right now. I'll update this in a little while.
Orders for 130 BC
Current Turn |
Turn 1 |
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Workers N, NW, NW building road. |
Move W into Chartres territory. |
Build Road |
-- |
-- |
Banana HQ:
Worker stack NE clearing jungle. |
-- |
Move SW into Banana HQ |
Move S, clear jungle. |
-- |
Worker stack, N, NE waiting for orders. |
Move south. |
Clear jungle, watch for Persian units nearby, if this is the
case, escape into Geofront or leave area entirely. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Del Monte: |
Worker W waiting for orders. |
If Greek horseman leaves mountain, move W onto hill. Otherwise
move NW. |
Build road, continue building road into Chiquita. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Marseilles: |
Worker stack NW building road. |
-- |
Clear jungle |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Timeline: |
Worker stack E, SE waiting for orders. |
Move W |
Clear Jungle |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Worker N waiting for orders.
Worker stack SW clearing jungle. |
Move 1 of our workers to the worker
stack SW of Gaia to help speed them up (they are slaves). Rest of group
clears jungle.
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Okay, just want explain some things quickly. The reason I am moving the worker stack into the territory of Chartres is because that French worker is currently in the process of clearing jungle!! I'd rather not wait a bunch of turns for them to build that road, since that road needs to be completed BEFORE we are able to trade with Greece!
So if the French tell us to move our units or else, just ignore them and it SHOULD be fine. I play tested quite a few different scenarios in other civ games, and the civs seem to forget you're even there. (Of course if they demand you to withdraw, then by all means do it.)
But we should have our wines shortly folks!!
First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!
(04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)
Last edited by WhiteBandit; September 7, 2002 at 03:03.
September 7, 2002, 10:36
Local Time: 01:28
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Top post updated. I will not be around later, so any further changes in oders should be PM'd directly to MrWIA.
September 7, 2002, 10:54
Local Time: 08:28
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Posts: 1,757
In the 1st post :
Do not agree to any alliances, or accept any offers for RoP
Is that clear ? My understanding is neither alliances nor RoP, unless Togas has changed his mind.
Statistical anomaly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
September 7, 2002, 11:23
Local Time: 01:28
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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Everything is a direct cut-paste from the ministers' orders.
That actually means dont accept EITHER aliances or ROP, though.
September 7, 2002, 11:27
Local Time: 02:28
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
Everything is a direct cut-paste from the ministers' orders.
That actually means dont accept EITHER aliances or ROP, though.
Don't know if Togas is still around, so I guess I get to step in... If it still matters, UnOrthO is totally right, it does mean don't except either. I'll try to clarify the wording in the next set of orders, however.
-- adaMada
EDIT: Oh yea, UnOrthO (if you're still around), me and Togas were talking a bit about me playing around with the format of his orders while he's away and seeing if I can find something good. Though I don't think you'll be here for most of it either, in general, which is better for you -- Plaintext posts or formatted ones (with bullet points and stuff like that, perhaps even a table such as what WhiteBandit's been putting in)? -- ada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
Last edited by adaMada; September 7, 2002 at 11:54.
September 7, 2002, 11:44
Local Time: 08:28
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Posts: 1,757
Forgive my poor English, but I become a little touchy when it comes to RoP !
Statistical anomaly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
September 7, 2002, 12:27
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*whoops!* I didn't mean to post here.
September 7, 2002, 21:07
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Bump. As the chat starts in a couple of hours - I didn't want this to fall off of the first page.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 7, 2002, 23:22
Local Time: 02:28
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Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
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I won't be able to make that time but I think my orders are clear, if I wake up I might enter, but doubt it.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
September 8, 2002, 01:36
Local Time: 19:28
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Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
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It all looks good from here.....
I wonder if we can trade the Wines we will own soon also - that would be great.
No MoE orders are present here, so unless a rep is in the chat, I will go by the peoples' will and common sense on trades. It seems to me that any trade that nets us tech is wanted, except where the cost involves the WM or >350g in total.
See you all (some of you) in 3 hours!
September 8, 2002, 08:20
Local Time: 01:28
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
Posts: 8,196
Originally posted by adaMada
EDIT: Oh yea, UnOrthO (if you're still around), me and Togas were talking a bit about me playing around with the format of his orders while he's away and seeing if I can find something good. Though I don't think you'll be here for most of it either, in general, which is better for you -- Plaintext posts or formatted ones (with bullet points and stuff like that, perhaps even a table such as what WhiteBandit's been putting in)? -- ada
Good idea.
I was going to play around with that a bit, but I am unfamiliar with how to do it, and ran out of time to look into the FAQ for this turn. It should make everything look quite nice and easy to read.
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