I'm hooked on Mage Knight
I'm not afraid to admit this.
My brother got me into this. A game or two with the little plastic figures with the dials on the bottom was more than enough to do it. It is a cross between miniatures wargaming and collectible card games; figures are sold in sealed booster packs, so you don't know what you are buying when you buy it (but the series you are buying gives you some idea), and the rules are much simpler than, say, warhammer. I've spent hundreds of dollars on the damn things so far. Not to be comptetitive, mind you, but simply because it feels like Christmas every time I open a booster!
I was enchanted by the way these figures would duke it out, using the dials on the bases to determine how far they could move, how well they could attack and defend, and how much damage they did on a hit; there are special abilties determined by the dials, too. If a fig is damaged, whether from an attack, a critical miss, or 'pushing' (giving it an extra move), you twist the dial clockwise, bringing up a new set of stats. If the damage stat on the dial turns up yellow, it is demoralized and can only move; if three skulls show up, it is dead.
There are factions in the game, which determine how well the figures in the army can work together. There dragons, chariots, and tanks, which are all huge figures with multiple dials that you by as pieces. There are now castles that you can buy, as well as seige engines. The is also a dungeoneering game with heroes that can level up, and can be used in the main game.
All in all, very cool.
I'm going to participate in tournaments, starting this week.
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.