This time we have a couple of distinct possible build queues, thus it is easy to make a poll on them.
There are only two proposed options, but if you disagree with them strongly enough, I am providing the option for you to write in your own queue. Keep in mind that it will take a while to get through these queues anyway, and they can change if the need becomes urgent or the Directors request something.
Here are the options.
1. Colony Pod (currently being built)/Formers/Recyclng Tanks; or
2. Colony Pod/Formers/Secret Project (separate poll on choosing the SP
here )
3. Write-in vote for another queue.
The Colony Pod is currently to be built in 11 turns, but with the worked square change the colony will grow in 7, thus the Colony Pod will be built in 9-10 turns depending on the allocation of the second worker.
Assuming we have built the second base, CentEco and Formers will come in 7 turns, thus we will be able to switch straight to a former, which will take another 10 or so turns. After that I cannot predict things, as this will depend on the base growth rate, and whether any tiles are terraformed. By any means, whichever of these queues is chosen will stand with us for a few sets of turns.
Poll is three days long.
EDIT: Whoops! "Write-in your own thread" should say "Write-in your own