Originally posted by Maniac
Darkness' Edge of ALL people? From that comment I assume DE is a really nice bloke. As I didn't know him at all before this demo game started I can't comment on that myself. I can just comment on the actions he has already done in this game, and one of those actions was playing turns way too early before decisions were made. Do you deny that was wrong of him? Even now he still hasn't posted the deadline for directors to turn in orders, despite the fact Pandemoniak asked for a date several times. Do you think I shouldn't have posted my rant against DE? Judging from his posts in the constitution thread even now he denies to have made mistakes and played the game too early. Therefore technically there are still several reasons to impeach Darkness' Edge (of ALL people), despite the fact you consider those reasons wacko.
DE has not stopped PMing me, and possibly others with some Demo game experience, asking for as much help as he can get on running this game. He didn't run for Commish, but knew as Alpha Talent he might have to go through all the responsibilities. Once he found this out, he didn't shirk, which some might have done, but instead sought as much help as he could to make it all work. trying only to make this all work out the best that it could. Baasically he has worked as much as he can to sort out a turbulent period, when no-one can predict what problems will come up, in a role he didn't run for, but has been thrust into. I think we all owe DE some thanks that he has been giving it a go.
We are in month one still, and there are bound to be problems, it is just a shame that no-one seems to have any tolerance or forgiveness for first mistakes. If the Civ2 or Civ3 games had started with us impeaching Ministers and the Prez, we would not have got anywhere, and it would have severely discouraged participation. These games wre not without controversy or supposedly non-democratic decisions, but they were sorted out without too much fuss, and where there was fuss in the Civ3 game, several very good citizens have left disgruntled, and there remains a deep-seated distrust in some of the remaining participants in this early conflict. I'd very much like to hope the same could happen here.
One thing we do NOT want to do is provide disincentives for those people who are dedicated enough to run for positions here, as we will find soon enough that such people become few and far between. Furthermore, DE is Aussie, meaning his time schedule is almost as opposite to most posting here as is mine. It is not easy to find times for chats, and occasionally they must be delayed. Recently, I turned up late to a chat in the Civ3 game (as President) and made a right hash of it. There were complaints, but there were no calls for my impeachment or replacement, and it was soon realised that I was trying my utmost under VERY trying circumstances. I have apologised, we get on with it.
I ask everyone to have a little compassion here - let's give everyone a chance. Could the game have started a little better? Likely yes, but so what? Mistakes made, lessons learned, let's just get the hell on with it. I don't want to stifle criticism, on the contrtary, Directors need to know what everyone is unhappy with, but let's not go jumping to impeachment because of an easy mistake, and a FIRST mistake at that. I know only too well what it's like trying to wait sufficiently long for decisions to be made whilst satisfying the need from some posters to have things going and going NOW.
I will cease my threadjack (my own thread

) with this: don't take things too seriously so early on. Would you want a chance if you made some little slip-up in DE's position and knew it was just a little mistake? If we impeached you you'd feel pretty bummed.
And BTW, I have not changed anything. It has merely become possible to poll on decisions because this time around not everyone seems to have completely different opinions, and I can poll on the generally agreed queues.