Originally posted by Dale
Now I'm more confused! That didn't really answer anything.
Hi Dale - and Tassadar too!
For a good overview of Candle'Bre, I would suggest taking a peek at the Core Rules - downloadable from a thread at the top of the page.
I'm not a member (employee, partner in??) of Velocigames but I've been following these forums for quite a while. So I'll try and summarise things as best I can. All corrections welcomed.
Candle'Bre is a turn based strategy game based in a fantasy world, with its own history, geography, politics and religion(s). In a nutshell we are talking about a mediaevel level of technology, mixed in with a little magic, sorcery - call it what you will, and a feudalistic kind of society. What we are not looking at is the more traditional (cliched?), Elves, Dwarves and Orcs style of fantasy world.
Gameplay features include:
- Provincial based management system (rather than the city based system of Civs I, II and III)
- Detailed strategic combat. Turn based at the moment but a possibility of RTS combat at a later date. Combat is resolved between armies, with a mix of units available to place in the armies. Do you want a light skirmishing force of archers? Or a siege force, complete with siege weapons and heavy cavalry? You decide - different jobs require different forces.
- Intricate social/economic model. In the planning stages at the moment, but each province will eventually contain a mixture of citizen types, each with their own likes, dislikes and behavior patterns. Citizen happiness (and therefore productivity) will depend on a number of factors - buildings in the province, tax rates to different areas of society, governmental settings etc. Build too many libraries or magic research buildings in a province and your clergy will start to get unhappy. Too many markets and banks and your nobles will become wary of your uppity middle classes.
- Magic system, based on four Elemental schools of magic, as well as Divine magic (use miracles to help you) or Artificers (cunning contrivances for the discerning leader). Ties in with religion, in that the Church is naturally distrustful of Elemental power, but does have its own brand of 'Magic' granted by various Deities.
- Honor and Infamy. Doing noble deeds, keeping the peace and generally dealing scrupulously with your neighbours will net you Honor points. The converse will gain you a level of notiority or Infamy. Whichever side you end up on will give you different options on the battlefield or around the conference table.
- The deck of the Fates. Small random events that spice up the game. They will not make or break the game but they could force a radical change in strategy midgame, or make the life of a late game superpower less comfortable than it might be.
- And not forgetting the Nilrogg ......
Hope this gives you some idea of what Candle'Bre is about. For more details I really suggest you browse through this forum a bit. Especially check out the Alpha Build News thread - proof positive that the above is more than a lot of hot air!