Hmm, well I guess I'm the person that should ansver this Q, så I have looked into it.
The corect size should be 94*72*16 (the internal image size of tiles in the .til-files) for tiles and borders. Rivers and TIs varies acording to the size of the image
TileEdit saves Tiles and Borders in this format, but if you select save image the size depends on wether you are in single or 3x3 tile mode in single mode the size is 98*74*16. Due to the single pixel border.
I have saved a number of elements, opend the images in PsP 5 and subsequently saved them and imported the new images into the tile-file with no errors.
What version of TileEdit do you use? the current version is
It could be a problem with PsP 7 or the way you treat the image in there.
TileEdit will import any uncompresed .tga as long as the size is right.
And Martin is right I don't visit these forums as often any more. I'm rather hung up in 'real' life. But i try to go by every now and again to see if there is any Qs regarding my programs. If I'm to slow on a respons please feel free to
drop me a note
Martin the Dane