September 28, 2002, 21:48
Local Time: 07:49
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Science Projects:
Interstellar Nuclear Weapons: 5 Years
Nuclear Countermeasures on Stations: 6 years
September 28, 2002, 23:06
Local Time: 07:49
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The ULS declares that further colonization of the Dragoon System is not to be done as the native race is entitled to those planets.
There are 7 I have the outermost 3 and Germany has 1 of his choice.
There are an infinite number of systems out there, find another one.
September 28, 2002, 23:26
Local Time: 23:49
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Thank you for letting us have the rest of the planets in our system.
Project Update:
We plan to take apart the ships we have bought and start producing our own sihps. We estimate this will take 3 years to complete. Also we will start to devolping new energy sources for our ships and estimate that will take 3 years to complete.
Update on Stats:
Now that we have been able to sell our surplus grain this has greatly help our econonmy. Also we are disscovering several applications of the technologies we have learned and this has created many new products for our people to buy. Thus we are experiencing very large growth in our economy.
September 28, 2002, 23:28
Local Time: 07:49
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If civman is officially gone i'll be taking Mars, leaving mmnt with Russia. If civman comes back he can have hisnation back.
They had fallen, he had seen such awful things happen lately that it had never occured to him that there was indeed a big picture buit he saw it now.
Mars was dying.
He clenched his fist, it could not be Allowed. General Xeno Phlight would retake his nation and forge it stronger. The main martian faction, Imperia, stood behind him and he would take the rest of the land before retireing his Millitary Dictatorship in favor of a republic.
Imperia asks for outside help in the reconquest of the planet.
September 28, 2002, 23:33
Local Time: 02:49
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To ULS(secret): Yes, you may join our embargo against the NUSSR.
To Sweeden-Io: We accept your NAP proposal.
To Draconia: We would be greatly pleased if you would establish an embassy in our nation. In fact, a transport is one the way to your planet, to pick up your diplomats and bring then to Berlin.
GDFR News Briefs:
- Because of the start of several research projects involving nuclear weapons, our scientists are beginning a research program called "Advanced Nuclear Weapon Counter-Measures." It will be done in 6 years.
- We are also increasing our amount of nuclear weapons from Medium to Large. They will be used as a tool to help avoid war. The upgrade will be done in 3 years.
- The colony of New Munich was founded on the GDFR's planet in the Draconia system. The planet is rich in mineral resources, including the minerals needed to create Leonardicium.
Germany's Status:
Armed Forces:
Huge Army
Large Navy
Large Airforce
Medium Nukes (upgrading to Large in 3 years)
Large Space Navy
Govt: Republic
German Territories:
-European Territories (consisting of Germany, France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and several other Central European countries)
-All of Antarctica
-Saturn and all of it's moons
-Colonies on Mars
-Faulkland Islands
-Tierra del Fuego
-New Munich in Draconia
Research Projects:
"Advanced Nuclear Weapon Counter-Measures"- 6 years.
September 28, 2002, 23:34
Local Time: 07:49
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the ULS ships are currently unloading our troops to help your nation reunite mars.
OOC: welcome back Cap'n, yes Civman is gone.
September 28, 2002, 23:34
Local Time: 23:49
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To Mars(carried by ULS transport):
Greatings form the Confederate States of Draconia. We wish to help your planet as we too are not human and wish to help you in any way we can. We once were in civil war just as you are now, and we were able to unite our planet under one rule. So please accept our help, so we can help each other.
September 28, 2002, 23:38
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We do join in that case germany.
We would like to work hand in hand with our counter-measure work Germany, mine is targetted more against extremely long range missiles but we can still work together.
September 28, 2002, 23:43
Local Time: 23:49
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To GDFR(Top Secret):
So can we still join a scienticfic alliance with you. Even though we are behind in this area we are starting to catch up with earth and are scientist are very brillant and are a little smarter then humans. We also have many ideas that we could propose to you as well. I know that if we worked togather we could learn alot form each other.
September 28, 2002, 23:53
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The ULS is welcomed to help us regain our territory.
We welcome our Draconian Freinds. We will visit you in pace when we have a sufficient fleet
September 29, 2002, 00:59
Local Time: 07:49
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I have Venus too i remember now.
September 29, 2002, 03:31
Local Time: 08:49
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Posts: 219
Thanks Cap'n Crunch but if you prefer Russia I'm gonna take NAF, as you like.
Foreign Policy
To Triple Pact:
NUSSR thanks his allies for the full support they have demonstrated during the tensions of the past year.
Our Alliance shall stay united against this.
To Mars(secret):
Beware our forces are still in position in the Union of Socialist Mars Republics. Be friendly towards us and we will do the same towards you. If you want leadership upon USMR, you will have to adopt a Communist government and to be loyal towards NUSSR. If you accept Mars shall be united under your control and help from NUSSR will come.
To ILE (known to every nation leader):
As I asked before, we should meet.
Where? Preferably on Earth, Cairo or Casablanca in Africa would set us perfect.
If you prefer to stay above, dominating the world as you love to be, then it would In her orbit because it's nearer for us, it is also our "border" and all Earth nations will be near us.
Also I will ask that only one spaceship from each nation should be in the area(and out of hyperspace immediate arrival) to prevent any military action.
When? Anytime, this year I think.
To ILE (extremely extremely secret):
I would like to discuss universe sharing between the both of us. Maybe Soviet direct influence upon Earth, 50-50 in Solar System and ILE direct influence upon every system she declares to be her.
Special Case of Mars: 75% for us, 25% for you
Northern America Federation shall stay so but ILE shouldn't interfere with Soviet movements. This point can still be discussed and modified.
I think this Second Cold War is useful for us, times of new technologies, discoveries and military/economic build-up. No war should burst in it would break both of our influence. I wouldn't get you out of it unhurt.
The Triple Pact should stay so, as your Pact of Freedom would. My allies and yours shall be free to continue their space expansion.
This is TOP SECRET PACT. That's also why I don't want any of these pesky little countries between us trying to show us the good way… You are like me: we want to reach the same goal. A further meeting between Pact of Freedom and Triple Pact should take place to reinforce a possible deal.
Side Note: I, Vladimir Illiouchine, am getting older and soon a new leader will emerge from Russia. Marshal of the Soviet Union, Ivanof Gorkhvikin, may get in power. He is a pure nationalistic and nothing will stop him.
In the other hand, you have the moderate Tsung N’aiyguen, he is quite wise but he lacks some skills in leadership. I don't give him much of a chance against Gorkhvikin. The Marshal has got full support from the Red Army and he is also very popular in Russia.
I am telling you the whole of this to inform you of my successor who, in your point of view, may be even more evil than I am.
I think trading should restart between our two Nations. We would even be ready to recognize Germany influence on UK if you accept a NAP and full neutrality with us.
To Draconia:
This is a deal. An enormous convoy of scientific equipment is moving toward you and the nearest satellite.
You shall get any technologies from us if this friendship between us goes on. EDIT: We also accept your embassy proposal.
To Africa:
A meeting between ILE and me may take place on your soil. You would be friendly to prepare accommodations for both delegations. No one should interfere between our dealings. I would like it around Cairo.
Development of Nuclear Weapons has been speed up and will now take 6 years. Given that installations are being setup in Draconia territory and that Italian engines are installed.
Increasing of Nuclear Power to Large: 5 years
Increasing of Space Navy to Large: 3 years
Increasing of Army to Imperial: 4 years
Increasing of Navy to Large: 7 years.
80% of NUSSR budget goes in Defense.
64 trillon out of the 80 trillon.
Last edited by mmtt; September 29, 2002 at 03:53.
September 29, 2002, 03:46
Local Time: 08:49
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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To the Universe:
The Italian Empire is seriously worried of the army build up that is going on lately.
We feel betrayed by all of you, because it looks like that Italy alone is working to try to preserve peace, and to end the Nuclear winter freeze that is killing our planet.
While it seems that all of you are instead working to find a way to exterminate one an other, and to defintly kill earth, and the human race as a whole.
Let's make love  , not war
Emperor Michelangelo
To GFDR and ULS:
Lift up your trade embargo on the NUSSR, please. Your embargo is not useful since they still can have all the raw materials they need from the Italian Empire and Australia, and the food from Draconia and the Italian colonies.
What you are doing is not hurting them like you may think, but it is just making them more angry toward your nation.
On a side note, I must declare that if your embargo on them continues, we will unfortunatly be forced to start an embargo against you as well.
To Draconia:
Your diplomats are welcome to found an embassy in Rome anytime soon, we will be founding an embassy on your planet as well.
To Draconia (secret):
The fuel you founded is very precious to us. The Italian Empire will give you our best technologies and machineries in order to extract it with the lowest cost possible, and our engineer will help your in the process.
In exchange for the fuel we will help Draconia in a technology you might want, or if you want we can help modernize your navy, since we noticed your ships ar very outdated compared to the earth ones.
Military: Because of the recent nuclear weapons build up Italy start a Nuclear shield project. This project will allow us to shield any of the cities we feel are in danger of being attacked.
It is estimated to take up to 6 year to succesfully create a shield capable of resisting nuclear weapons, but it will have a 999/1000 chance of resisting a Nuclear impact.
Once discovered the technology will be passed to all the Triple Pact nations
International Projects
Nuclear Winter solution: (GFDR, NUSSR, ULS, Africa and Italy): 9 years
Italian Stats and Projects
Archeological studies in Neptun: XX years
Space Navy to Huge: 4 years
Nuclear Shield: 6 years
Name: New Italian Empire
Goverment: Democratic Empire (Emperor and Prime Minister elected by the people)
Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base, Italian Uranum, Italian Neptun, Italian Middle-East.
Capitals: Roma (Europe), Nova Firenze (Phobos), Nova Torino (Venus), Nova Belgrade (Uranum), Nova Bucarest (Neptun), Damascus (Middle East)
Population: 390 milion (130 Europe, 116 Middle East, 86 Venus, 10 Phobos, 26 Uranum, 22 Neptun)
Nuclear Winter Sick: 22 milion
Suffering Famine: none
Army: Large
Navy: Medium
Airforce: Medium
Space Navy: Large (Huge: 4 years)
Nukes: 50 (all located in Europe)
Interplanetary Nukes: none
I have Venus too i remember now.
You mean... Mercury right? Venus is half Italian and half Australian.
Welcome back Cap'n Crunch
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Last edited by Giovanni Wine; September 29, 2002 at 04:45.
September 29, 2002, 05:32
Local Time: 07:49
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really i looked back on the original and w/in 3 pages i claimed it.
sorry then. You guys can keep it, but i remember it clearly cuz that's where comet fighters were developed. i should retain at least a coupla bases.
September 29, 2002, 06:11
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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Originally posted by SKILORD
really i looked back on the original and w/in 3 pages i claimed it.
sorry then. You guys can keep it, but i remember it clearly cuz that's where comet fighters were developed. i should retain at least a coupla bases.
I looked back in the old SNESA2 myself..
and founded only this about you claiming Venus
didn't find anything at pages 1-3
Originally posted by SKILORD
the ULS is taking it's formal colony off of Jupiter and claiming all of Venus. Millitary establishments are being begun and the colonial domes will be done in 2 years.
Originally posted by Cinna
Perhaps you missed the series of posts where Australia and Italy claimed much of Venus using Leonardicum? Well in any event we wont stop you, we have err more pressing matters of state to attend to.
Originally posted by SKILORD
did i say venus i meant......
Outreach II: 5 years
Originally posted by Giovanni Wine
To All leaders of the world: Italy just decided to publicize her projects to colonize Venus under Italian and Australian Flags, On the northern Emisphere, the one that will be under Italy, we will build a little International Space Dock, where ships from all nationality will be allowed to refuel, and to rest. Although, we hope you will not claim any land on Venus as it is almost completely colonized by Italy and Australia, we expect to end our colonization there in 1 years from today.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 29, 2002, 07:09
Local Time: 23:49
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To Italy(Top Secret):
We would like help in devolping new engines for our space fleet. We also would like to buy space ships from you using the fuel we found.
September 29, 2002, 07:13
Local Time: 23:49
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To NUSSR(top secret):
We desire to be friends with all of the human race. But like I said before if you hope to spread communist party on this planet it would not be good for us. We just united our planet, and all groups on our planet, even ones who have similar ideas to your own are represented in our government and can have a say in it in peace. I dont want oursiders messing things up for our planet. I hope you understand.
September 29, 2002, 08:37
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To Italy:
We would now like to start buying your metal. We will soon start to colonize other worlds and can use the metal now.
September 29, 2002, 08:42
Local Time: 23:49
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Universal Projects:
Earth research project(9 years)
Upgrading of airforce done
Upgrading of army to be done this year
We are upgrading our ships to modern trypes, this will take 3 years.
Also increasing size of airforce to medium, this will take 2 years to complete.
Space ship reseach (2 years)
Energy research (2 years)
Name: Confederate States of Draconia
Territory: Draconia
Capital: Dracon
Population: 185 Million
Suffering Famine: None
Medium Army
Small Navy
Small Airforce
No Nukes
Small Space Navy
September 29, 2002, 10:38
Local Time: 23:49
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Confederate States of Draconia( info on government):
This is a brief over view of the system of government that Draconia runs under.
Our system of government is similar to the United Lunar States. It is a federal system of government. There are six states on the Planet of Draconia. Ibabanago, Zunguin, Hlobane, Akkad, Eridu, and Shuruppak. In addition, the capital of each state is the same as its name (a tradition on Draconia that goes back hundreds of years.) Each state gets two representatives in the Senate, the only chamber of the legislature, and these are elected by popular vote to 8-year terms. I/4 of Senate comes up for election every 2 years. The federal government has the power to tax the people, count the people every 6 years, to declare war, conduct foreign policy, impose tariffs, to regulate interstate and international trade, to uphold rights of its citizens, to print and coin money, and maintain a military.
The states handle all other matters that the federal government does not.
The President is elected by popular vote and must win 50 percent + one of the votes to be elected to office. Usually if more then two candidates runs for office and know get required votes, the top 2 go on to anther election to determine winner. If there is a tie or vote to close to call, the matter is considered by the Senate to determine the winner. In addition, the states hold all elections, even Presidential election. The President enforces the laws made by legislature, controls the army, has power to set up a cabinet, appoints Judges to the Supreme Court (must be also approved by senate), can ether sign a bill into law or veto it (can be overridden by vote of 2/3 in legislature), and handles foreign policy (any agreements made are subject to approval in the Senate).
The Senate makes the laws and it declares war.
They also can impeach and remove form office a judge or President or other elected offical or appoint offical in federal government. They also set up the court system of Draconia.
The Supreme Court considers if a law is consitional or not, and handles dissputes between states or a state and federal government.
Also for a new state to join, they are only formed for territories and must have one million people in them before they can come to the Senate and ask to become a state. Once the people vote they want to be a state and the Senate approves it as well the territory becomes a state.
Last edited by Jack_www; September 29, 2002 at 10:44.
September 29, 2002, 12:08
Local Time: 07:49
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Thanx Giovanni ur right.
September 29, 2002, 12:17
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: Borned in Iran (Qazvin), but living in Italy (Turin)
Posts: 4
To Draconia:
I think your proposal is in the best interest of Africa too, as both of us want to leave in peace in this universe.
An alliance between us would be the best.
Africa is glad to host your meeting in El Cairo.
But I must ask both of you to leave any military escort outside our borders. The African police and miliatary forces will be looking over the security of the meeting
To Italy:
We will grant you the zone around the Suez Canal, but you must:
1) Give us the tech to reach the Dragoon system
2) Still grant us free passage across the canal
3) Give us 3 interstellar ships
4) Help our country in case of a defensive war against any nation, no matter if part of the Triple Pact, Pact of Freedom or any other alliance still existing
These terms are not to discuss, take it, or leave it.
African government:
The African government works pretty much the same way as the Draconian one
September 29, 2002, 12:25
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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Originally posted by SKILORD
Thanx Giovanni ur right.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 29, 2002, 12:36
Local Time: 07:49
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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I don't have to explain my government as Jack did when he said: works like the ULS one.
September 29, 2002, 13:07
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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Italian Government:
Democratic Empire:
The Italian Government works like this:
The head of the state is the Emperor, who is nominated by the previous Emperor and stay in his position for the whole life (or until he retire from his position).
The Emperor job is more like to be the symbol of the Italian identity, and his powers are:
1) Any declaration of war must be signed by him
2) He is the only one, together with the PM to have the power to strike a Nuclear Attack.
3) He is the supreme chief of the military
The Prime Minister is elected by the people, with the majority of the votes.
He is the effective leader of the government and has the executive power. His government can also propose bills, which must be ratified by the Parlament in no more than 6 month (otherwise the bill has no power anymore)
He and his minister are in charge of the foreign and Internal policies.
He has the power to dismiss the Senate and the House
The Parlament (composed by House of Deputes and Senate) has the legislative power and has the power to check the operate of the Prime Minister and the other ministers.
The Senate is composed by equal rapresentation from each Italian area. (4 rap each)
The House members are instead elected by the people together with the PM.
In case of a war, the Parlament must ratify it by the 80%+1.
For changing the constitution they need 75%+1 of the votes.
In case the Emperor dyes the Head of the Senate temporarly become the new one, until the Senate elect the new one
In case the Prime Minister and his vice both dye, the head of the House tomporarly become the new one, until a new one is elected by the people.
The Supreme Court is composod by 16 judges, and none of them must be affiliated with any political party.
5 of them are nominated by the Emperor, the other 11 are elected by the Parlament.
They have the power to empeach the PM or any minister, or judge, or member of the Parlament or any other officials of the gov't, although only the senate can vote to remove those empeached from the office.
The Supreme Court also has the power to declare a low unconstitutional.
In case of war, if the war is longer than 15 years and the Italian Empire is not in a good position, all the power is shared between the Emperor, the PM, and the head of the Senate.
(I'm not a very good law maker, so I just made up some things)
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 29, 2002, 13:42
Local Time: 23:49
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To all Nations:
We would like to annouce the formation of the Nuetral Nation Alliance. A nation can join if they do not have any alliance with both the ULS or NUSSR and they are not at war with ehteir of these countries. Founding nations are Draconia and Africa. We want to be at peace with the world and stay NUETRAL in the ongoing conflict with the ULS and NUSSR. We will help both nations out when they need help and be friends with them. All member nations will share technology with each other and aid one anther. Also member nations will come to the defense of any member nation that is attacked.
To Italy(top secret):
We are still wondering when you will tell us what you will offer for the fuel you need. Also since grain shipments are almost done. we will contuen to sell you grain if you sell us your metal in exchange.
September 29, 2002, 14:14
Local Time: 02:49
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Originally posted by Jack_www
To all Nations:
We would like to annouce the formation of the Nuetral Nation Alliance. A nation can join if they do not have any alliance with both the ULS or NUSSR and they are not at war with ehteir of these countries. Founding nations are Draconia and Africa. We want to be at peace with the world and stay NUETRAL in the ongoing conflict with the ULS and NUSSR. We will help both nations out when they need help and be friends with them. All member nations will share technology with each other and aid one anther. Also member nations will come to the defense of any member nation that is attacked.
To Italy(top secret):
We are still wondering when you will tell us what you will offer for the fuel you need. Also since grain shipments are almost done. we will contuen to sell you grain if you sell us your metal in exchange.
I say Japan and India join. Incaland should remain under NAF protection. Speaking of NAF, who are they allied with?
September 29, 2002, 15:04
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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To Draconia:
For the fuel we will offer you our most advanced technology for mineral extraction, so that it will not cost too much to extract that metal, and the Leonardicum formula (together with the minerals you need to in order to produce it, in case you don't have them on your planet.
We would like help in devolping new engines for our space fleet. We also would like to buy space ships from you
What can you offer us for that?
To the world:
Italy recognize the Neutral Nation Alliance, and press upon the ULS Commonwealth to let India and Japan join that.
Italy declare that no attack will be done from us against the member of that alliance (unless one of them attack one of our allies) and declare that we will do whatever is in our power to preserve the freedom and sovreignity of those nations.
To Africa:
1) Give us the tech to reach the Dragoon system
2) Still grant us free passage across the canal
3) Give us 3 interstellar ships
We are not very happy about that but... Agreed, the ISA-Fiume ISA-Split and ISA-Belgrade are being shipped to Tripoli.
4) Help our country in case of a defensive war against any nation, no matter if part of the Triple Pact, Pact of Freedom or any other alliance still existing
As already stated above, we will do anything in our power to protect you, and the other Neutral nations from any aggressor, however we will not be able to support you in case of war against the Triple Pact.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 29, 2002, 15:07
Local Time: 08:49
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Originally posted by Cinna
I say Japan and India join. Incaland should remain under NAF protection. Speaking of NAF, who are they allied with?
Either the Pact of Freedom
(as they were member of it before)
of the Neutrals
(as they are now a neutral and isolationist nation)
Don't know which way they might go though.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 29, 2002, 15:15
Local Time: 07:49
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
Originally posted by Cinna
Speaking of NAF, who are they allied with?
They're Pact of Freedom Members.
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