November 26, 2002, 17:23
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i wanted to add something to the rules......
Incessant whining is a rule.......
for instance, (we will use Ming as an example here  )
if you pop a hut in the first couple of turns while surrounded by desert, its important for you to let everyone in the game know, just how bad your position is....
ie "This blows!" "Arrrrrrrrrrgggggg" is also appropriate.
it may get you a sympathy restart........
If you lose your second settler to barbs or your second city for that matter, or are just pissed that your rival (War4ever) always gets a mounted unit like a chariot, the appropriate response is :
"commmmme oooooooooooooon !" of course these responses are fine typed in kings chat, but are far more effective over icq phone
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November 26, 2002, 18:02
Just another peon
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The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
November 26, 2002, 20:34
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Hmmm... Well War4ever... you seem to have gotten it just about right. However, you have missed some of the classics...
Notice the all capital letter approach.
Also, the SECOND the opening map is shown to you, you must respond.
This SUCKS... no specials.. no huts, no rivers, no production, NO NOTHING... This REALLY BLOWS!!!!!!
And then you really missed my traditional all purpose whine...
Not that these whines actually do any real good, but it's important that you set the stage properly hoping that it might do you some good down the road when you actually meet somebody.
Oh. and War... 
*I know have to clean my keyboard off from the spit up coffee*
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November 29, 2002, 03:02
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Hmm...playing a rah game now
And yep..I've seen all the above listed whines(even invented a few myself)
I'm going for more of a sympathy approach i know my ass is doomed to be kicked repeatedly
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November 29, 2002, 14:37
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lol , the b1tch fest was on huge last night, first by partypooper ming.....then by partypooper War.....
with the ferrets just plugging along, and Gonzo, going Gonzo with kings chat
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November 29, 2002, 14:49
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Yes... Gonzo was FAR more chatty than we usually are. It was almost like playing with ICQ phone on
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November 29, 2002, 17:05
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i am not sure the last time i heard play by play on kings chat
how did the game turn out btw
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November 30, 2002, 13:39
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Rah had a good lead when it ended... I was in a comfortable second place on the power graph... but totally pinned in. Even ships wouldn't have helped, because I was land locked with no access to a real ocean. Gonzo had his city count up there, but was down on the power graph and down on techs.
Last night... Rah slaughtered them... Even though he got off to a VERY SLOW start, he ended up with about 2/3 or the world. It was really strange, he kept sending units out, and was still finding huts... It seems like if either of the remaining players had built some ships early, it would have ended up really different. Instead, they gave Rah most of the world.
I look forward to your rematch with FF
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November 30, 2002, 15:33
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i am not sure the last time i heard play by play on kings chat
how did the game turn out btw
It's a shame you got your ass kicked so could've seen the rest of it too
Last night... Rah slaughtered them... Even though he got off to a VERY SLOW start, he ended up with about 2/3 or the world. It was really strange, he kept sending units out, and was still finding huts... It seems like if either of the remaining players had built some ships early, it would have ended up really different. Instead, they gave Rah most of the world.
He got his own damn continent!! There was a TINY land bridge that was about 1/4 of the map away from me and right next to the mongols and FF, there was no way to go that way. I was so behind in tech at that point and I needed knights and pikeman to fend off the technologically superior FF, there was no way i was going to research mapmaking and build triremes to try and gain a foothold on a continent already held by rah whilst trying to continue to expand on my home continent while fending off the blue barbarian backstabbers
So yes, FF kicked Wars ass...I killed a lot of FF troops but he destroyed 1 city, and rah beat us all considering he only maybe lost 2 troops to us total.
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November 30, 2002, 15:43
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The funny things is FF didn't really kick my ass, i conceded most of the cities to him.......and as i predicted to him, Rah would conquer the board, despite his treachery......
oh well, FF and i patched things hard feelings.....
its too bad FF and i were so close together, the land there was primo, he had the trade, i had none, i guss rich troops fight better than poor ones
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November 30, 2002, 15:53
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It's because his were diseased...and you're too poor to actually afford immunizations so yours got sick with those nasty european diseases and......oops wrong war
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November 30, 2002, 17:17
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lol that excuse works for me
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November 30, 2002, 18:26
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Yes, war's soldiers have been subpar this weekend. They couldn't even finish off a lone horse on Thursday night.
Good to hear no one took it personal, but the rematch should be entertaining.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
November 30, 2002, 19:18
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Originally posted by gonzo_for_civ there was no way i was going to research mapmaking and build triremes to try and gain a foothold on a continent already held by rah
Most of it was still empty at the end of the game. Some great land was available for you if you had built one ship... one settler... and one defending unit. A small effort by you would have been worth as much land as you already. A stategic mistake on your part
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November 30, 2002, 20:32
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i am telling you the civ gods were against me....i have decided to change strategies again......
i will be back with a vengence
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November 30, 2002, 20:36
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And just what is this new strategy... defending your cities?
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November 30, 2002, 21:12
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Lemme just make sure i understand all of this
oh well, FF and i patched things hard feelings.....
From your sig:
"The next person to yell peace and then backstab me a few turns later, is going to get a swift kick in the ass!
From your location:
" Flatlander Fox hunting Grounds"
Sounds all patched up to me
There are three types of people in this world:
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November 30, 2002, 21:15
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Originally posted by Ming
And just what is this new strategy... defending your cities?
pah i did that b/c i was angry......i disbanded over 40 units....
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November 30, 2002, 22:28
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Too bad, I was looking forward to taking it from you. I think I could have too, but i was robbed of the opportunity.
I took two cities from you, and might have just then held you off after that, I was building Sun's and pushing for the chapel soon after that.
It sux that it got so late, I was planning on invading Rah within a few more turns.
You can keep hunting too, I will be out here waiting.
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December 1, 2002, 04:01
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dont you worry about that, i am going to @ss fIIck you like no tomrrow.......
when that is, of course is anyones guess
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December 1, 2002, 12:57
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 Bring it!
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December 1, 2002, 13:22
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Now I'm really hoping to be around for the rematch
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December 5, 2002, 17:18
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Just dont' get in the way ming  hes mine. all mine....
you can tangle with your brother
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December 5, 2002, 17:26
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hey no teams play now.
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December 5, 2002, 18:35
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I am pretty hard to stmp out, so I will enjoy building while you try and take me under...
Maybe next time you will be more peaceful when I ask for peace instead of plopping a city down two squares away from mine.
I'm guessing a new rule designating the word peace as forbidden will be coming down the pipe soon.
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December 5, 2002, 19:21
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actually had you shared the river instead of being greedy this could have been averted .....there was room for both of us...out of respect i din't build on the mountain, which would have been crafty on my part, especially when you said peace...
face it...your a stinker  now you have to pay the piper.....
build all the defence you want.....we both know damm well, its not going to be the next game that i smash you back into the stone age....thats murphys' law....
it will be when you least expect it.....
i am coming....beware of the purple Horde.....
one more thing, if someone takes purple again, i am going to change my sig!!!!!!!!!!
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December 5, 2002, 19:26
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Originally posted by War4ever
face it...your a stinker now you have to pay the piper.....
build all the defence you want.....we both know damm well, its not going to be the next game that i smash you back into the stone age....thats murphys' law....
it will be when you least expect it.....
i am coming....beware of the purple Horde.....
one more thing, if someone takes purple again, i am going to change my sig!!!!!!!!!!
Sthop it, your sthcaring me...
I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity for you to back up your words.
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December 6, 2002, 01:59
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LOL @ Fox
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
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December 6, 2002, 02:00
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Watch out for Fox, he gutted Nappy's empire once
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
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December 6, 2002, 02:03
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Nothing better than being in a game where two players have a grudge
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