Okay, just a while ago people were explaining the business of how people end up with extra techs at the start of a game.
As I recall it, the main deal was, if you were about third or fourth civ on the list, you were likely to end up with poorer territory, and thus were given an extra tech or eighteen just to make up for the poor start.
The impression I got was that civs were taken in order from the list, and if you played as someone way down on the list, there were unlikely to be many people below you.
Now, in this present game of mine, the Balhiri, whom most of you know as Romans, are first on the list. But when we started, I find us in vast areas of desert, with a bit of plain and hill thrown in. as well as a few mountain ranges. We were given a couple of extra techs at the beginning.
But my understanding of the situation said we shouldn't have the last and poorest choice. Or am I wrong?
Or maybe the whole world was so poor that everybody got a bad deal?
(However it works, using my vast skill and ability,

I've managed to pull ahead of everybody, thanks to Leo's Workshop. )
I'd just like a little better understanding of why the game opened like this.
Jim W