Originally posted by Vultur
1. How is possible to localize (translate), w/out damages, Modpack that can be found on Poly?
Just replace all the strings in the language files of the mod and put them into your language folder. For example if you download the ApolytonPack you will find files in a folder called ..\ctp2_data\english\gamedata\ and files with identical names but with different content in a folder called ..\ctp2_data\german\gamedata\. I think it should be now clear what to do. of course you don't need to translate everything, you just have to translate the stuff that was added and add it to the files of your own localized version of CTP2. In comparision to Civ3's editor renaming feature the game want crash if you did something wrong you would get only an error message or something would look wrong in the game.
Originally posted by Vultur
2. Does exist a SLIC editor/full guide?
You can use any text editor of your choice to edit slic, I recomment EditPlus2 as there is a syntax on
Locutus' homepage. There you can find some usefull slic documentation of Slic1, actual made for CTP1 but also useful for CTP2. Check out the
Apolyton Modification Pages for further documentaions. And finally
here you can find some usefull information, too.
Originally posted by Vultur
3. Why when a wonder is completed its name does not appear in message window?
It doesn't say the name of a wonder when you have built it? Here are the complete wonder messages from the Englich and the German version you can find them in the info_str.txt in your ..\ctp2_data\[your language folder]\gamedata\ directory. Both strings contain the wonder strings. I don't know how the string looks like in other versions of CTP2.
WONDER_COMPLETE_OWNER "Our empire's greatness manifests itself in the work of our people!! {city[0].name} has completed {wonder[0].name#ARTICLE} {wonder[0].name}!"
WONDER_COMPLETE_OWNER "Die Überlegenheit unserer Nation findet Bestätigung in dem Werk unseres Volkes: In der Stadt {city[0].name} wurde {wonder[0].name#ARTICLE_SMALL} fertig gestellt!"
Originally posted by Vultur
4. It's possible to mix 2 or more mode? (i.e. City Expansion with Visible Wonders)
Yes, actual these particular mods are designed to be used together, but can also be used without the other one. Presuming you do some minor modifications. For the bigger mods like Cradle, ApolytonPack or MedPack you have to make a lot of modifications to merge them. Actual this is not worth the effort, and the result would be questionable. GoodMod is designed to be used as an add on for ApolytonPack, MedPack2 or CityMod2.
Pedrun works on version of the City Expansion mod for ApolytonPack, and GoodMod. For the City Expansion code it is expected that it will be part of the next version of Cradle, Visible Wonders Mod as well.