September 16, 2002, 15:26
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Monday Night Pick Up Game
Hi all. I played a game of civ2 while I was offline last week and got my appetite worked up for some online activity.
So here I am putting some feelers out to see if anyone is down with playing on Monday eves, which is really the only solid time I can play Civ these days.
The type of game I'm looking for isn't one with a theme, special units or any special rules really (well maybe a few). Just looking for a small group of reliable people who want to try and finish a game. A bit of diplomacy and some threads/screenshots to go with the game would be real nice, though certainly not necessary.
I am thinking medium to large map to allow some time for some real good technological advancement (perhaps some modern combat) and perhaps 2x development and 1X movement (though I don't care that much).
I'd like to propose disallowing howitzer production, city bribe and perhaps controversially, railroads. I have played as many modern era games online as probably anyone around and besides the sheer amount of units that build up near the end, its the unlimited movement that really delays time (if only go to really worked!)
Also, having no RR's would force players to think differently about their empires defense and offense. No longer could one send 20 tanks from across continent to save their city on the other coast for instance, nor could a bltizkrieg sweep through someones whole continent in one turn. One couldnt rush a freight from every city to build cure for cancer in one or two turns or some ****
Sure, this change would probably give the advantage to the defense, but in modern times, everything is so imbalanced towards the offense, that this probably sets things more in the right direction.
However, all this BS being said, all I really want is a game, and I'm willing to be flexible. I don't want to debate settings for days on end, I just want to have a game with a few reliable folks that will last a few sessions atleast.
My ideal time window to play would be between 7 EST and around 11-12 EST, giving this game a solid 4 or so hour block to play a week. I'd like to cap the game at 4 people, perhaps 5 if theres really an interest (though I doubt there will be  ).
I'll check back later today, if theres a few interested parties, perhaps something can get off the ground tonight. Peace.
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September 16, 2002, 16:00
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Thats a good time for me, so I'll play. Anyone else?
September 16, 2002, 16:57
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7 EST - is that 23:00 GMT?
anyhow I can play now for the next few hours.
I am a MP newbie though, although I have played quite a lot of civ.
I am happy to play with disabled RR, although I don't know how to set that up.
September 16, 2002, 17:47
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Originally posted by srholmes
I am happy to play with disabled RR, although I don't know how to set that up.
Well... you could go in and change the rules files... but the easiest thing to do is just have everybody agree not to build any RR's
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September 16, 2002, 17:55
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I would do it, but I am looking at a long absence here in a month or so.
I'm interested though, and if you need me I'll play, but if you can find someone else, it would be better.
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September 16, 2002, 18:13
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Hm it doesn't look like we're gonna get who we need....and my dad is insisting I watch some pyramid be unsealed tonite on TV cause it might be UFOs or some jazz.......and thats at 8 EST so maybe we should plan for next week?
September 16, 2002, 18:25
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i can play as long as it isn't 2x. With 2x the game would be so slow it would be unplayable.
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September 16, 2002, 19:01
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Markus, no 2x is fine with me...1x1x suits me fine..just can be kind of slow in the BC. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
So no Frank tonight?
What about you Ming, you interested or just browsing?
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September 16, 2002, 19:16
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Originally posted by drake
What about you Ming, you interested or just browsing?
Nahhh... I do have a family... and Monday Nite is usually reserved for family time. I have to spend some evenings with the family
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September 16, 2002, 19:23
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Thats what the weekend is for !!
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September 16, 2002, 22:34
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Hi Drako
why you pick Mon night
I'd love to play you again and this time without railroads... LOL
Try Thurs night?
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September 16, 2002, 22:37
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i'll play.
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September 17, 2002, 15:47
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sorry deity but thursday i cant consistently week in week out say I can be there.
So, Frank, Markus, Makeo seem interested. Holmes you up for a long term commitment? Chris62 says he'll probably play too.
So now that we got a few people interested, and we have almost a week till start time, lets iron out the rules. Random map, world map what?
Lets hear what suggestions people have.
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September 17, 2002, 15:49
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Oh, also, who can be a reliable host? I just got DSL and I can probably host fine, but I havent tested it out yet to make sure......
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September 17, 2002, 16:02
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I not hosting again, it kills my system resources and I can't surf during long boring turns!
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
September 17, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 02:06
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I perfer a medium map
Deity or emperor
At least "some" barbarian activity.
No city bribe
1x production
We generally ban gifting of gold due to massive bug cheat present there.
I don't know what you want to do on alliances / tech trading etc. I'm flexable.
September 19, 2002, 13:30
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i'd like to get into some multiplay but mondays are no good for me. I have classes on monday night. Tuesday, and Fri-Sun are my only available evenings. I've never done any civ2 multiplay but am itching to try it.
I'd be interested in some PBEM but i aint never done that either. Just a noober i
Anyway, there's my two bits.
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September 19, 2002, 21:53
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Ok, so you lets have a roll call here...whos on for this coming monday at around 7 est?
Setting look like they'll be 1x1x king, maybe emperor, medium to large map and if the group agrees, the no rr, city bribe and howies rule.
I think Frank, Chris and I are sure things...anyone else for sure?
If so, lets find out soon. I think we should cap the game at 5, so the next 2 people to confirm will probably be in.
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September 19, 2002, 23:16
Local Time: 09:06
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i could do this coming week.(ie midnight GMT, is that)?, and probably future weeks. i just can't commit indefinitely...
September 20, 2002, 05:29
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Drake, not sure 100% for Monday, may not be able to.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
September 20, 2002, 06:57
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I'll be here
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September 21, 2002, 11:33
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I should be OK for Monday, but if we are four people, I'm not keen on a medium map and 1x, I hate being crowded and having nowhere to go if someone else had a more favorable start area.
Emperor and Diety are virtually the same, and again, not a big fan, diety means happiness is the number one issue, and a race to happy wonders, not a fan of that either, but I'll go along with the majority.
Barb I don't care about, personally I feel they add nothing to the game except cheap units and extra income from barb leaders, some people love them, I feel they are a waste, but if you guys want them, I'm OK with it.
I agree with no city bribe, but not with no gifting of gold in alliances, this is a part of alliance, a rich ally can be a valuable ally, often more then an ally with many units.
Again, we should vote on exactly what we want here.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
September 21, 2002, 11:58
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Eh....if we aren't gonna do medium lets do some custom size in between because large is for 7...personally I find medium to be quite good for 4.
Deity and Emperor's happiness issues are pretty easily overcome, and in all the rescent games I've played no one has "rushed for mikes" etc etc..... and the top players didnt have a single happiness wonder. Although I can see how HG might help early, but in my last deity game, I just killed the player with chariots who didnt get phalanxes and he couldnt hold the HG.
The only reason I want some barbs is it forces people to have at least 1 garrison unit per city, so even if they get in a comfortable alliance they can't just leave it all out in the open. Too many games have fell appart because there were no barbs and I attacked or encouraged an attack on the rich tech leading player with virtually no defense in certain areas.
Here is the bug in gold gifting. Its been argued weither its based on what gold you have at the start of your turn or your income.....but basicly if I had 1000 G...spend all but 1 on improvments, go to my dear ally..give him the 1 gold.....and go back and look at my wont be 0 it will be alot higher.....and its infiantely repeatable. So not gold trading. And no cheap **** like trading units to move them twice in a single turn....etc.
September 22, 2002, 20:00
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Emperor level sounds like a good bet, custom random map, with dimensions between medium and large. Some barbies and basically no cheap sh1t. This is gonna be a fun game, and there arent any people here who care that much to cheat to win.
If its only going to be 4 people, alliances really shouldn't play a big part anyway, atleast I wouldn't think...that is unless it gets too lopsided. Anyway, hows that sound?
And whos going to be host?
I'll be here around 7 est on AIM and ICQ.
My AIM is highfill78 and my icq # is 92965309
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September 22, 2002, 21:27
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i can host if you like - i have broadband here
September 23, 2002, 06:48
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If there is still room sighn me up, I will be here 7est, AIM name JMTQT, Drake and Chris should have it.
September 23, 2002, 09:14
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Sweet, looks like we got a good game forming
We wont know who shows up until tonight, but so far the people that have verified interest are
Makeo & Pro, and myself of course.
IF all show, thats a 6 man game, and I'm not sure that it isn't a bit too large of a group. I just know how slow a game can get in moden times (as do the rest of you).
We can discuss that then.
So we have 4 people on AIM, frank, chris, pro and myself. Do you have it MAkeo? Holmes?
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
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September 23, 2002, 18:39
Local Time: 09:06
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yes, i am srholmes007 on aim and 169333241 on ICQ
September 23, 2002, 18:52
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no i don't.
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