September 18, 2002, 00:01
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Input on the Format of the Directory?
For those who don't already know, I'll be doing the Directory this term. I don't know if I can possibly hope to do as good a job as UnOrthOdOx did, but I plan to give it my best shot  . (Directory thread:
I've realized that there'll be a day or two downtime before the Directory becomes fully operational (I've got a long weekend, so I'll def. have things running by then). Until that time, I thought I'd float my plans for this term in a thread that anyone can reply to, and let people have input.
The only major change between what UnOrthO did and what I'm proposing is that I'd like to start with each section in a different post. Quite simply, this'll let me bookmark the edit section for each post, and will make my life a lot easier while doing it. If this really bugs anyone, though, let me know now before I do it, and I'll consider doing what UnOrthO did, which was one or two long posts.
Here's the current outline/proposal:
Table of Contents
Executive Branch
-- orders archives
Foreign Relations
Board of Territoritial Development and Expansion
-- IE Minister, City Planner, and Public Works Ministers
** Input on if this should be split into three sections, or reclassified under Economy would be appreciated.
Informal links
Official Poll Archive
Ammendment Ratification Archives
-- 10 sections in total
I'll be carrying over any Archives from what UnOrthO started, but other sections will be restarted for the new term with a link to old sections.
Specific things: (If answers for any of these don't come up by the time I'm creating it after a few days, I'll go and seek the
Ghengis, any chance you could tell me what information you'd like in the $$-minigame section?
GodKing, as soon as you know who'll be managing which region, I'd love to know so we can keep an up to date list
Any other ministers -- is there any other information you'd like included?
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 00:28
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The current Constitution needs to be at the top of the list, not buried deep like it was last time. After all, the Constitution is supposed to be the heart and soul of our nation. Please make it easy to find.
September 18, 2002, 00:32
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Good point, Kring. (Almost forgot)
The Constitution is actually part of the Government thread this time, not the Directory, but I'll have a link to it at the top, along with other essentals such as the sign up list, membership list, and the various guides to the game that have been passed around.
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 02:58
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Yes!! You're gonna make everything easier to find!
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September 18, 2002, 06:46
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I really can't make things much easier than UnOrthO did, but I'm happy to know that someone thinks it'll be useful  .
Any other comments? I may start some outline stuff today...
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 09:55
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On the minigame. You can do what I did, and blatantly copy/past the top post from the $game directory.
If you would copy the Gazette Archives right into it, instead of them being a seperate thread, I would appreciate it as well. I can supply any links that are missing. jdjdjd get's busy and forgets it at times...
September 18, 2002, 15:02
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I'll include the Gazette archives happily. Do you want them to be in their own section, or should I file them under Informal Links?
I'm also going to start keeping an archives of all the various orders threads (I know i'm always looking for old ones). Anything else that could be incorperated in easily?
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 15:33
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I asked about the old threads being kept, and most wanted them dropped. An archive would be nice, though. Sir Ralph has nearly all the War Academy links in his first sign up thread. I do not know if he still is updating, though.
Informal is fine for the Gazette. (BIG TIME ISSUE SOON TO COME!!! 2000 year anniversary!!!!!  )
The Constitutional Convention, perhaps deserves its own section, or sub-section under Exec?...Where are we at on that, anyway? Togas is back...right?
Let me know how well the bookmarking edit pages works. Just in case I decide to try my hand at it again in the future
September 18, 2002, 15:40
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UnOrthO, Togas is back and the Constitutional Convention is now rolling, with members starting perliminary discussions. I'll def. include any official threads on the subject.
I'll drop almost all threads, linking to your post. I may keep War Academy and other organizational threads, but will probably drop them as well unless specifically asked not to -- some of those organizations keep their own archives, and they're still basically discussion threads (abet normally quality ones).
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 19:49
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Final chance -- any objections to the multi-post format?
If not, I'll probably go ahead and put the posts up as an outline either tonight or tomorrow.
-- adaMada
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September 18, 2002, 23:20
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I have no problems with mutiple posts, but may I add that the most important piece of info is the saved game. That should be the number one thing- I mean, where the heck is the current saved game!
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September 19, 2002, 06:44
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Once OPD has some sort of save game system up, I'll link to it in the executive section.
-- adaMada
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September 19, 2002, 09:12
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Originally posted by GePap
I have no problems with mutiple posts, but may I add that the most important piece of info is the saved game. That should be the number one thing- I mean, where the heck is the current saved game!
You'll have to hunt for the term 3 report and save thread. Can we get a link to that somewhere?
September 20, 2002, 12:40
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That link is now in the directory (Archives->Previous Administration section).
I've done some major updating to the directory. Some sections are up and running, some aren't quite yet. I just thought I'd point it out so everyone knows that changes are being made, and that things are progressing.
When all the sections are up, I plan to post another thread to help me catch any new posts between the time that UnOrthO stopped and I started and get them added. After that thread dies/mission is complete, I'll probably add a perminant thread for people to post links in. It'd be great if anyone who started a new thread, especially ministers, would post their links for me -- it'd take about ten seconds, draw more traffic to their thread, and would make my life a lot easier. (I know that I wasn't personally that good about doing it for UnOrthO (most people weren't), but I'm going to try again all the same this term). Also, in the long term, if anyone wanted to help more, then I'd be love to have an assistant who could PM me lists of new posts not already in the directory. It'd make things much easier.
Just a quick note about my plans for next few days! Again, any comments would be appreciated.
-- adaMada
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September 20, 2002, 12:44
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That thing is horrible!!! What were you thinking
It makes my former one look like it was created by a Novice!!!
I'll give a hand at giving links.
September 20, 2002, 12:48
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September 20, 2002, 12:56
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September 20, 2002, 13:23
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September 20, 2002, 13:24
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Is this your way of volunteering to be the directory assistant so you can learn how good organizers do things?
Seriously, thanks for the approval -- it wouldn't be right to do the directory in a format you didn't like (considering that it was your brain child). Right now, I think there's a bit too much space in that format, but the space will be insignificant as soon as more links are added. If you ever go back to doing the directory, I'd be happy to show you how to do in post anchors (assuming you don't know, as it's an HTML trick) which let you link from one part of the post to another.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
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September 20, 2002, 13:29
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I know Jack about HTML, but am learning. That handy quote button lets me see all of it as well! HAHAHAHAH!!!!
I don't know if I could really devote as much time as needed for the assistant thing. My time is going to go way down after this weekend.
September 20, 2002, 13:54
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
I know Jack about HTML, but am learning. That handy quote button lets me see all of it as well! HAHAHAHAH!!!!
I don't know if I could really devote as much time as needed for the assistant thing. My time is going to go way down after this weekend.
I was kidding about the assistant thing... You did it last term, you're likely to be drafted to do it again in the future -- it really wouldn't be fair to pressure you into working on it this term too  . (Not that I wouldn't love your help, but I do have some standards of decency  ).
I took the time to learn HTML once upon a time, found it to be really boring. I can still do it if I can look stuff up on a reference, though, and I remember enough to do some cool stuff with tags here  . I can't see any use for tables in the directory, so the only HTML tags that I'm introducing (that I haven't stolen from you within various threads) are html anchors to link all the posts together, and a width=x% attribute for the < hr > tags to make the smaller lines (the ones I've been using are 20%) to seperate subsections. All things considered, it's starting to look nice, if nothing else.
The edit page bookmarked does seem like it'll be quite useful in the long term -- right now, I'm doing too many structural things to make that sort of change, but once the structure's done then it'll be useful for when you need to just add a link. The idea does work, and I added them when I made the first change standardizing all the threads. Just FYI...
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
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