This is all pretty vague for me , but there is a few things I can suggest,
If you have used patch 4 in the past on some other machine, root out every mention of Smac in your machine and try a fresh reload, if the reload goes fast you still have parts in the machine. A smac unload only cuts the ties to the programs. It took me three reloads to get it to work, why I have no idea, but do try the usual, if perhaps you havn't, no other programs running, not on the net and check for viruses.( That's the advice EA will give you.)
Oh ya , welcome to the wonderful world of xp gaming, I still have Myst1 and Myst2 that refuse to even start to load, but that's another story for another time and place.
Good luck, and if you do get it working, remember , win fast before the dark side gets you ( i.e. terran.exe crash). I've just crashed three times in a row at y2350 to 2411., or you can take it as a resignation by the AI, as it happens when I'm really starting to pull ahead.