Once again providing my public service to inform you which game demos you're likely to enjoy and which are a waste of bandwidth, here's my review for No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M's way. You can get it here:
It's 158 MB.
If you haven't played the original NOLF, here's the premise: You're international spy Cate Archer, and you have to save the world from the nefarious evil organization H.A.R.M. The original game set itself apart with its unique humor, and the demo is no exception. This demo includes 4 single player levels: 2 in Japan, 1 in a secret underwater base, and 1 in Siberia. In addition to various interface and graphic upgrades, the most important gameplay update is improved stealth. You are now able to hide in the shadows, and you won't be completely screwed if you are caught. There's also been an addition of RPG-like stats. You get points whenever you find intelligence information or complete objectives, and once you have enough you can upgrade some of your stats (accuracy, stealth, etc.).
The game's environments are more immersive, and the AI seems to adapt nicely. You can flip the lights off in rooms you visit, but if any guards come by they'll try and turn them on first thing. You can search through file cabinets for hidden documents. You can tip bottles over to cause a distraction. There's lots of things to be done.
The game runs nicely on my P3 1.0 GHz with a GeForce 2 MX. I'd recommend this if you're looking for some time to kill. I'll be looking for this game when it's released.
Previous Reviews:
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