September 19, 2002, 12:58
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A question of names
For all the geographers and interested citizens:
We need more names! For example- what do we call the body of water surrounding Uber isle? Is it a sea, of a Gulf? I can't tell, just looking at the map- and does the size and position of Uber sle change that classification? Also, do we have one or more Oceans? And what are they called?. I know we have not yet seen the other continent, or continents... Now I don't think we should name them prior to discovery, but people should start thinking of names.
We are also largely devoid of names for our own continent. Fine, I have made up a few terms for geopolitical reasons, but these don't work very well as actual place-feature names. I think we need to name every single mountain chain that make up the rift mountains of th Grand Basin (they are not continious, thus they deserve independent names), and also what about all the lakes and rivers? We have not named any rivers!
So I propose that we start- that some sort of office be formed responsible with taking suggestions and choosing names- of course this will all be for fun, but we do have to decide- it won't do to have 3-4 names being thrown about the forum about the same single feature. Also, the first thing to do is deide how many features there are to name- what constitutes an independent lake (think of the Great lakes, 5 or 6 contreversy) or an independent river- which is the tributary and which is the main channel?- what mountain tile is part of what mounain chain?- how big must a feature be to get a name of chain?- do we name each independent mountain tile? so forth and so on.
Still, I think it would be a fine enterprise to name names as it where. Aro and the Apolyton Geographical society are doing a great job (  ) but I think we can give them more work! (  ). Imagine, a great Atlas of Apolyton for everyones home!
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September 19, 2002, 14:01
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Count me in! I'd like to be on the naming committee!
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September 19, 2002, 14:01
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The Royal Toponymy Agency.
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September 19, 2002, 14:12
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As a legal advisor to the R.A.G.S., I recommend that we draft an amendment that makes the Society official, and gives it the authority to name the features on our maps.
The President could appoint the Official Cartographer who would serve a (one month? two months? never ending?) term. Cartographer would be responsible for creating maps as requested, but also be given the authority to name features.
The Cartographer would, of course, poll and discuss with the people to get suggestions for names.
Frankly, I would like to see the Cartographer's office be more involved in city naming too. But the current system of selecting city names isn't too bad.
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September 19, 2002, 14:16
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The river that runs near DelMonte has been named Rio Del Ranchero. Thought you ought to know.
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September 19, 2002, 14:48
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Originally posted by Thud
The river that runs near DelMonte has been named Rio Del Ranchero. Thought you ought to know.
By who?
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September 19, 2002, 15:51
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Re: A question of names
Hmm... Thanks, GePap! Exactly what we need... More work!
September 19, 2002, 16:44
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I like the notion of haivng the president hold a poll on the issue: I don't think city names should be part of it, since we have a nice and working system currently. I agree it should be the President since naming the Map falls under no ones jurisdiction. At the same time, making names can be done without being official- I mean, Abananaba was never made official, neither was Uber Isle- someone named it, and it stuck. To a certain extent we can do it without officiality (being official would be nice, but agin, not vital).
If we feel very democratic-polls could be held between different names sugested on different features- then people could feel the names are their own.
I would also suggest starting the easy way- with bodies of water, like rivers and lakes, seas and the ocean(s). There might be some minor issues like I metioned before, of tributaries and judging when something might be 2 lakes, not one, but otherwisae its easier than land features.
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September 19, 2002, 17:11
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Re: Re: A question of names
Originally posted by Aro
Hmm... Thanks, GePap! Exactly what we need... More work!
Don't worry I'm working on a Traveler's Tourist guide to Apolytonia and am naming all the must-see sites and features (been working on it for a week and I'm not going to stop now).
There's the Sacred Jungle Grove of the Covenant, a sacred tile of banana trees where the Banana first contacted the ancient Apolytonians.
And the main river and the branch that goes by the four core cities are already named so we need no suggestions for those.
September 19, 2002, 17:29
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Well Ghengis, it would be nice to get those names before we start naming things- to insure things stay as it- I would also like anyone else who has already named something to tell.
This project is to name the entire world- every river, every lake, every tibutary, peninsula, mountain or hill range, forest, jungle, valley, isthums, sea, ocean, bay, gulf, single mountain, so forth. It will be a grand undertaking- and input is appreciated.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
September 19, 2002, 17:42
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Oh, and DAVAOUT, thank you for bringing up the correct name for the activity- whic I was totally ignorant of. If this committe becomes reality, I will push for the name to include Toponymy in it, like the Royal toponymy committee.
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"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
September 19, 2002, 18:46
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The River running threw Del Monte is the Great Ninot Flow
What, I named Del Monte, can't I name the river?
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September 19, 2002, 19:10
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Originally posted by Ninot
The River running threw Del Monte is the Great Ninot Flow 
What, I named Del Monte, can't I name the river?
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September 19, 2002, 20:10
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The Apoyltonian (american) football league named it, that's who! The DelMonte ranchers deserve for their american culture to be recognized in the river's name!
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September 19, 2002, 22:03
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If i decided to change my decion on the name of Del Monte, the city... that would screw up the football team
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September 20, 2002, 03:47
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They'd move to another city. That's what they all do, in the end.
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This is a great idea!
There doesn't need to be any "requirements" (ie  nly mountians and rivers etc..). Look at the map of Middle Earth?
The Gap of Rohan.
For gods sake, they named an empty space! (cool idea)
Form an "informal" commitee. (Umm.. Royal Apolytonian Toponymy Servey... er RATS...) Be about 5 to 9 members. And they vote on names submitted via PM (to one of the members) needing a 2/3 majority to name something. Commitee members only get to vote, not submit. If a 2/3 majority cannot be made, go to general public poll.
This is an Excellent way to personalize the Demogame.
September 21, 2002, 13:21
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how about we chose 3 "elders" who we all revere as gods and such.... and they take turns naming everything
why... we could call it The Old Club!
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September 21, 2002, 13:25
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Originally posted by Ninot
how about we chose 3 "elders" who we all revere as gods and such.... and they take turns naming everything
why... we could call it The Old Club!
Originally posted by Aro
We must respect this. The Old Club is a real power!
See? I told you!
September 21, 2002, 14:35
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Rename New Tyre to Aggopolis in honor of our SMC!
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September 22, 2002, 00:12
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wat r we calling the big jungle thats extending almost entirety of our empire..?
September 22, 2002, 20:30
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Originally posted by Calc II
wat r we calling the big jungle thats extending almost entirety of our empire..?
September 22, 2002, 22:35
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Originally posted by Calc II
wat r we calling the big jungle thats extending almost entirety of our empire..?
The Big Green in our way.
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September 22, 2002, 22:49
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Originally posted by Calc II
wat r we calling the big jungle thats extending almost entirety of our empire..?
The Great Centeral Rainforest, it's almost smack in the middle of the map; or the Great Apolyton Rainforest, its centered around the capital; or maybe Abanana Rainforest.
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