September 19, 2002, 20:55
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Who is EyesOfNight?
Answers on a postcard please....
September 19, 2002, 23:05
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In his own mind, THE best Civ II MP player of all time...
In reality... One of the best...
He has used many names in the past and currently goes by Happy Sunshine here.
His attitude is cocky and one of his favorite tricks is to put people down... which he does with gusto...
He has a checkered past, but no matter what anybody says, they have to admit he is one of the top players.
There is your post card
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
September 19, 2002, 23:24
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tks for that informative response Ming.
it seems there's a lot of history here...
September 20, 2002, 00:23
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Originally posted by Ming
He has a checkered past, but no matter what anybody says, they have to admit he is one of the top players.
Yes he is most deffinately in the top 10,000 players in the world.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
September 20, 2002, 00:44
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Eyes talks big but was too chicken to post his photo on this forum so he lost all cred.
When we were playing last night he was trying to goad makeo into a duel. This was the source of much mirth because, as I said, he no longer has any cred. He's a joke.
September 20, 2002, 08:10
Just another peon
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But at least he switched to the appropriate muppet avatar when one other almost esteemed player didn't.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
September 20, 2002, 10:05
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"In his own mind, THE best Civ II MP player of all time...
In reality... One of the best..."
Care to back that up? You name someone better than me. Or you know what, you name someone that has a winning record against me. Or hell, just name someone that has even some sort of a decent record against me.
September 20, 2002, 10:22
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Originally posted by HappySunShine
"In his own mind, THE best Civ II MP player of all time...
In reality... One of the best..."
Care to back that up? You name someone better than me. Or you know what, you name someone that has a winning record against me. Or hell, just name someone that has even some sort of a decent record against me.
Gee... out of the limited number of responses in this thread, I wouldn't have figured that mine would be the one you would contest.
But thanks for proving my point
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
September 20, 2002, 11:24
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And thanks for proving my point.
September 20, 2002, 14:11
Local Time: 08:17
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Posts: 159
***** please. i easily have a 50/50 record against you when i didn't cheat, and at least 75/25 when i did. lets face it, your head is so ****ing big you can't even play this game anymore. too bad you repress the frequent reality checks i gave you.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
September 20, 2002, 14:15
Just another peon
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There seem to be a lot of people here tied for world's best player. If you don't believe me, just ask them.
I do not claim to be one of them.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
September 20, 2002, 16:07
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Awwww, blow out your...ear, SunShineOfNight.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
September 20, 2002, 17:21
Local Time: 03:17
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Actually Kuja you have less than a 50/50 record with me because before you started cheating I used to kick your ass. And since I always suspected you of cheating I kept the games with you to a minimum. Now why don't you go practice for our tennis match that you're going to get your ass kicked in.
September 20, 2002, 17:59
Local Time: 08:17
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Location: in your mouth
Posts: 159
i'm sorry, but my head is so big when it comes to tennis, that it can't even fit onto a court.... sound familiar??
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
September 20, 2002, 20:36
Local Time: 10:17
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Hey Sean. Where is my rematch?
Go Arsenal!!!
September 20, 2002, 23:47
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Originally posted by HappySunShine
Actually Kuja you have less than a 50/50 record with me because before you started cheating I used to kick your ass. And since I always suspected you of cheating I kept the games with you to a minimum. Now why don't you go practice for our tennis match that you're going to get your ass kicked in.
Who taught him to cheat?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
September 22, 2002, 03:03
Local Time: 18:17
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Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
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I think Raz has a good record against the mighty FIGJAM
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
September 22, 2002, 04:56
Local Time: 00:17
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How will else will the great assert themselves if not wishing to be hidden?
Greetings Apolytoners, I am a veteran civ player, but more importantly, a veteran of multiplayer games; which means precisely, if you need some clarification, that my specialty lies in HAVING NO specialty, since in such games with many humans the gameplay is blessed by a factor of chaos which does not exist in predictable games versus the AI-controlled civs, given that the pattern by which they govern themselves are PATTERNS and not the shapeless and mutating decision making of sentient beings who are able to analyze and counteract, and it is in these unbounded dynamics in which I have attained utter and absolute mastery of the game we all lovingly abbreviate as 'civ'.
My name is Nicosar the Gameplayer and I write here today this piece out of pure whim, since there is nothing really for me to prove and no gains to be had except letting myself be known in the hopes of attracting some fair and honorable company, perhaps, to play a game with even, but I wish to settle some points of your argument which will no doubt leave you to branch off yet again in this discussion which has root but no fixed trunk.
A player such as me that claims mastery, if the definition of the word is clear in his head, must realize that to hold this title is to have a deep, crystallized understanding of the game's base concepts when displayed at their very purest, which only come out with full force, leaving the subtlety by which they remained hidden in lesser games, in those matches that entail 7 human minds all striving against one another. Sure, there is the possibility that 6 players will give you just as rich a sample but if we are talking about the same game, and if we imply mastery and true skill, then we must ONLY discuss it in very highest form. You may argue with me, as I'm sure some of the more fickle and quickly-exciteable opinions will be apt to do, but as far as my wisdom in strategy has taken me the best form of civilization 2 gold is to play a fully human game on a GIGA map ( 134x244 = 32, 696 sq.'s is what I have found through experiment to be the best set of numbers) customized by someone who is experienced in mapmaking (a master of the game is master of all its various aspects) so as to give it the best apperance in continents, arctic poles, terrain (realistic mountain ranges, desert, jungle and plains climates) and bodies of water (this includes the rare and illusive simultaneous oceanriver/tileriver technique which allows rivers to be travelled by boats in stretches inbetween cataracts), a master set of units which includes removing two units (fanatics (specialized partisans) and crusaders (merely beefed up, inexplicably, knights) so that two may replace them with more strategic meaning plus 11 more units which equally enhance the game and not merely add to it, 10 additional techs to spread those new units out evenly instead of burdening old techs, a complete revamping of the units and slight modifications to the tech tree to reinvent the game to have highly superior gameplay than the standard civilization will allow, along with all the proper modifications to most of the rules and some terrain value changes, and of course, changing ALL the game's graphics to denote the beauty of a master's enhanced version, and then, only then can you begin to train on the master's level, as I have been doing for so long. Right now, in fact, I am in the process of putting together such a game as I have described and am only one player away from achieving yet another round of these elite training sessions.
My point is though, is that Eyes of Night (a.k.a. HAPPY SUNSHINE (that is STILL hilarious and forcing giggles from my mouth as we speak, by he way) ) cannot even begin to consider himself the master of the elite, which I am only one out a very privileged few to be able to claim such status, until he has trained in the arduous bouts of intense strategy such as makes us laugh at a stadium full of geeks watching two would-be great tacticians strain their pitiful minds around a board with only 64 sq.'s and only 6 pieces and only a two-brain factor of dynamic complexity, a version of the game which has evolved slowly until it has needed no further tweaking of any sort, being as perfect as the editor would allow it to be and not some esoteric version made of eccentricity and not logic; until then, he can claim only to be master of the amateur, which Im afraid, is not so grandiose as he would have you believe. Nevertheless, I commend him, for in an atmosphere of silliness and 'casual tactics' such as is commonly endorsed here AND in the fanatics center it is rare that anybody is actually treating this game with the proper respect since it is, truly, in its best and most fully-blossomed form, the most intense challenge of wits that pits many human minds in one arena for such long time periods, and given such diverse choices of actions and randomness in developments, that has ever been created. Ever. In all of mankind's history, this is it. Chess is merely more popular. And yet all of you treat it like some mild diversion, a pinball game to chat about and not a simulator by which to test a person's brain capacity and speed!
As for Eyes of Night, I will defend him, for it may not be in his ability to boast his way to victory in which his best strength lies but in his strokes of creativity and intuition which I no doubt have gone to serve some brilliant maneouvers, though admittedly probably against simple prey in a limited environment, but which still would provide enough to feed his ego to place himself above all of you as I have done above all the world's otherwise best strategists, though my disposition is above arguing and quite rightly earned by the outcomes of my games, ( there are men sitting in the pentagon right now gentlemen, who control the very flight paths of the death-bombs themselves, who would be ashamed at their results when playing me in a game of strategy, and counter this truth as you certainly may and will the fact will still remain). I would vouch for his skill solely based on his large claims, since even those are rare, and be willing to stand alone on this account, though it is proof that he is not even close to absolute mastery if he would continue and bicker with you as to his rightful place of honor, since it could very well be that he is one of the 'potential masters' of whom there are also very few, and that he merely needs the right training he has not been able to arrange for himself in order to further advance himself into arenas of gameplay he perhaps was not even aware existed!
I bid you all good playing, hoping that I have not tired your ears but afforded them some valuable insight, and I also bid you not worry about my fingers and wrist; they are strong and serve me well with an excellent typing speed!
-Nicosar the Gameplayer-
September 22, 2002, 07:08
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Nicosar the dingbat more like it
September 22, 2002, 07:26
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September 22, 2002, 07:28
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spell checker perhaps
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
September 22, 2002, 07:33
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Even Word's grammar checker would have picked up those run on sentences though.
September 22, 2002, 10:44
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"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
September 22, 2002, 17:09
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I did not mean to insult you before, any of you, unless you are offended by one's claims to might certainly not directed specifically at you, and I don't think I will be insulting to you with my following phrases either, considering that they state the simple and clear truth of the matter which is easily observable by one of sound perception.
I wish to bring to all your corteous attentions that you resemble a spouting gaggle of Victorian-age park-benchers, relying on the backbone of some aristocratic and laborless wealth to idle about, doing nothing but gladly molding their flabby rumps to the shape of their seats (which probably isn't TOO far from the truth, considering...) mocking with snooty upper-class jeering quibs at the 'poorly-fringed' garment of some otherwise well-meaning passerby with all the passion of a fashion critic for a worn pair of shoes.... but I ask you, fellow gentlemen, are you even male at all as I am assuming you all must be? Are there any, uhmmm, solids of which to speak beneath th zippers of your trousers, for I would think, and this is when I get ferocious, THAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS SITTING AROUND WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN BICKER AMONGST THEMSELVES THE PROPER (AND AS IM SURE, THE CLEVEREST) INSULT TO GIVE ANOTHER SUCH AS ME, WHO IS OTHERWISE OCCUPIED WITH SOMETHING LITTLE KNOWN IN THIS CIRCLE OF CHATTERS AS LLIFFFEEE!!, WHO HONESTLY COULDN'T CARE LESS EXCEPT TO HAVE SOME FUN IN EXPOSING THEM IN ALL THEIR FLAGRANT FEMININITY, THAT THERE IS NOT A SINGLE MAN AMONG YOU. JJJJJEEEEEESSSSSUS! WOULD YOU LISTEN TO YOURSELVES!!
September 22, 2002, 17:13
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Nicosar, you can say how great you are all day long.
Play somebody, and then talk.
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
September 22, 2002, 20:01
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I don't know about you but I don't need to write a book to get my point across. I only read the parts that said Eyes Of Night.
September 22, 2002, 20:02
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If he's so good how come we've never heard of him.
September 22, 2002, 20:26
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am i the only one who didn't finish reading his posts? put your money where you mouth is nico, that's the only thing that matters here.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
September 22, 2002, 21:24
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Yes, or in Kuja's case, put your hexeditor where your mouth is.
September 22, 2002, 22:12
Local Time: 08:17
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Yes, or in Happy's case, put your penis where his mouth is.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
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