View Poll Results: Which Civ do you use the most?
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4.76% |
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18.10% |
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7.62% |
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1.90% |
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0.95% |
September 20, 2002, 22:39
Local Time: 03:20
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Most Used Civ
I know that there have been polls like this before, but there have been a lot of new people here lately and I am curious to find out which Civ they prefer the most. Personally, I always use the Germans. I like their traits, I love the Panzer, and Bismarck is the best leaderhad IMO.
"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796
September 20, 2002, 23:01
Local Time: 03:20
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I've been using the egyptians recently, although their UU isn't worth a damn and comes too early for my taste.
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September 20, 2002, 23:17
Local Time: 03:20
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I love the Iriquois.
I love the MW. helps quick, early warfare. strong for a long time.
I love their characteristics. Religious- use as a crutch, don't know how I would live without it now. Expansionist-same, I play 256x maps, and this trait rules. Build a couple of scouts, send them out on auto, soon you will have all of the ancient techs and tons of gold and maybe even a free settler. You can meet your rivals quickly and plan out who to destroy with your MW's first. Granted, Expansionist loses its advantage 25% into the game, but that first quarter is the key to victory.
I find myself addicted to these abilities and have a hard time switching. I want a guarenteed positive (or null) result from a hut. I don't want to worry about anarchy.
September 21, 2002, 00:09
Local Time: 04:20
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I voted for the Chinese, but it was just a guess as I had used them for 3-4 games in a row recently. I jump around trying different things, so I do not have a favorite. I tend to avoid any with Expansion. Prefer Mil and Ind. Easiest win was with Romans, cranked out legions and snuffed all nearby civs very early (horses were scarces.
September 21, 2002, 06:13
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I choose a different civ everytime. But i like the industrious, religious and militaristic traits more than the others.
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September 21, 2002, 08:16
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I always choose random (But restarts if it'll be the english)
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September 21, 2002, 12:41
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I like the Babs for thier cheap culture buildings. It allows me to expand my borders really fast!
September 21, 2002, 13:39
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hi ,
the US of A , for the f-15 , ...
have a nice day
September 21, 2002, 14:31
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 I have just been using the English cuz they expand so quickly but I am trying out the romans. I have finally one a Diplomatic game with the English. I took some advice and kept some palms greased and it worked
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September 21, 2002, 18:23
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The Persians. Immortals are great, and so are industrious workers and cheap libraries. Being half-Persian may influence that a bit.
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September 21, 2002, 21:49
Local Time: 08:20
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Another poll that doesn't work...
I mostly play as the Germans. Got to love those Panzers.
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September 21, 2002, 22:31
Local Time: 08:20
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Persians. An attack of 4 is insane in the whole first first and half ages and this will win the continent for you, and a defense 2 is still the best you can get for quite a long time (except Romans and Greeks). Speed, well, I guess you can't have everything.
September 21, 2002, 23:13
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Play as the Greeks here... I *love* the combo of scientific and commercial. The hoplite unit is really nothing more than a nice bonus.
September 22, 2002, 19:00
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I used to play Egyptians all the time, but now I'm starting to use the Romans more often. Its just so difficult to contend with their legions.
After the Romans I would say the Germans. Being able to build archers and spearmen right away really has its advantages, and the Panzer will win the game easily.
September 22, 2002, 19:39
Local Time: 03:20
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Does anyone use the Zulus?
"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796
September 22, 2002, 19:42
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Originally posted by nationalist
Does anyone use the Zulus?
I thought that the Aztecs were a popular civ, guess i was wrong.
September 23, 2002, 02:51
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I like the Babylonians, because I'm a peacenik ****.
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September 23, 2002, 03:13
Local Time: 09:20
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usually play as egypts and voted for them. but recently played japanese.
like religious civs for fast gov switching, never play commercial and expansionist civs ...
September 23, 2002, 06:13
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Local Time: 09:20
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I hardly play 2 games in a row with the same civ, and can't vote in this poll, because I really don't know which civ turns the most used for me. I definitely know, that I never played a game with the Aztecs. And probably never will.
September 23, 2002, 06:37
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Either the Romans or the Persians.
September 23, 2002, 07:51
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French have very good traits, i play them ofetn. And this has nothing to do with the fact i am french myself, of course
September 23, 2002, 08:15
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You left off Random, which is what I always play.
September 23, 2002, 08:43
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I often play random so have used almost everyone. I'd have to say that I've played as Japan most often and recently I've played as the Zulus a few times.
September 23, 2002, 11:48
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I play a different Civ every time, although I've still not gotten around to playing England, Germany, or Zululand.
September 24, 2002, 02:08
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I try to play different civs but I mainly concetrate on Greeks (as a matter of national pride) and the chinese with their riders.
So long....
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September 24, 2002, 07:19
Local Time: 09:20
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persia and egypt have got the most votes so far. anyone surprised by that
September 24, 2002, 07:22
Local Time: 09:20
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america got quite a few votes as well.
kind of strange considering they got lousy traits and possibly the worst unique unit
September 24, 2002, 07:39
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
persia and egypt have got the most votes so far. anyone surprised by that
I am certainly not. When I don't play with Persia I play with Egypt
america got quite a few votes as well.
kind of strange considering they got lousy traits and possibly the worst unique unit
Strange and funny, but not very surprising. For me, it works exactly vice-versa: I would never play with the Ottomans or with the Russians even if they had the best traits and would never choose communism, even if it was the best government.
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September 24, 2002, 07:39
Local Time: 10:20
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
persia and egypt have got the most votes so far. anyone surprised by that
Not that Egypt got many votes, but Persia...but I guess, the reason I'm supprised is, I never look at the civ specific traits, and I haven't played many games, were Persia ended up as an annoying enemy...
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September 24, 2002, 22:21
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
america got quite a few votes as well.
kind of strange considering they got lousy traits and possibly the worst unique unit
I don't consider those traits lousy at all. In fact, no traits are completely lousy (since Firaxis fixed the Commercial trait to some extent). It just takes the right strategy to suit such traits.
In the case of America, you'd be best REXing outwards quickly, specialising your core cities as the empire starts branching out (ie. one, or possibly two high food cities is the settler farm once a granary is built, one city is the worker farm if you aren't fighting any early wars and taking slaves, others get a barracks and crank out military, while the outside cities build culture, courthouses and walls if they are near enemy borders. Having industrious workers means that irrigation will be placed faster, allowing for population growth to the extent that you can poprush in those useless 1-shield farflung settlements).
Expansionist allows for immediate granary building, Industrious will allow for faster irrigation. The key is rapid (but controlled) population growth and expansion.
As for the UU, I agree with you there. It appears about 10-30 turns too late for a decent late game Golden age, and can't trigger a golden age without your enemy sending aircraft at you (unless you mod it to have lethal bombardment as I did).
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