January 12, 2003, 15:08
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there are quite a few mods around with israel included. in fact, most scenarios have them included (except where it doesn't make sence, e.g. south american scenarios  ).
check out wernezuma's "extra pack", or TETurkhan's "Test of Time".
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January 12, 2003, 15:16
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Originally posted by sabrewolf
there are quite a few mods around with israel included. in fact, most scenarios have them included (except where it doesn't make sence, e.g. south american scenarios ).
check out wernezuma's "extra pack", or TETurkhan's "Test of Time".
hi ,
done before , but this should be something to only include one civ , the Israeli this way the people who want it can get it , it would be nice if Firaxis cem up with an idea like that , ....
have a nice day
January 13, 2003, 12:11
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DEFINITELY religious. Beyond that, there's many good choices. For modern day Israel, yes, militaristic. But then again, one could do Scientific and just give them a high agression level (4). This would reflect the emphasis that the Jewish people have put on learning and technology throughout their history, their deep devotion to their religion, and the many times they have shed blood and taken their lives in their hands for defend their religion.
Besides, it would add another scientific/religious Civ to the game, which I think would be a good balancing factor to an overall game of Civ.
January 16, 2003, 09:49
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DEFINITELY religious. Beyond that, there's many good choices. For modern day Israel, yes, militaristic. But then again, one could do Scientific and just give them a high agression level (4). This would reflect the emphasis that the Jewish people have put on learning and technology throughout their history, their deep devotion to their religion, and the many times they have shed blood and taken their lives in their hands for defend their religion.
no, that would make us look like *******s.
January 16, 2003, 09:54
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Originally posted by Azazel
no, that would make us look like *******s.
hi ,
 , but we would get religios buildings far cheaper  , so our culture can expand faster
have a nice day
January 16, 2003, 11:05
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Originally posted by Azazel
no, that would make us look like *******s.
Hey, please use the correct expletive, so I can tell what you're talking about.
January 17, 2003, 05:36
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hi ,
, but we would get religios buildings far cheaper , so our culture can expand faster
yes. that would be realistic. Just look at all the hundreds of millions of jews around.  .
Actually, I have nothing against the religious trait, since it would all around fit us. Non realistic culture expansion, but zealot beliefs, yes.
I mind the agression factor.
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January 17, 2003, 06:21
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Defently commersal.
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
January 17, 2003, 10:29
Local Time: 08:24
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 What about forget Israel for... humm... 1000 years more?
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January 17, 2003, 11:18
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Well, I mean, come on man, there's thousands of different expletives, and I use most of them on a daily basis, so just a bunch of * followed by an "s" is a little confusing.
Maybe an agression factor of 3 would be appropriate. After all, the Israelis of the modern day WERE attacked immeadiately when they declared their indepedence, and several times thereafter... but, on the other hand, the early Zionists were highly aggressive against both the Arabs and British. They seemed to think the land belonged to them, just as American "manifest destiny" thinkers thought of North America...
Militaristic and Religious with an aggression level of 3 would be fine. Or maybe militaristic and scientific? Or perhaps religious and scientific with an aggression level of 4?
I guess the modern state of Israel hasn't been around long enough for us to really gauge it's agression level!
Let's ask Ariel Sharon and Avram Mitzna and see what they say.
January 17, 2003, 11:19
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Originally posted by Silpy
Defently commersal.
Commercial? On what basis? "Jewish Bankers"?
January 17, 2003, 12:47
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sorry, but there's absolutely NO question about religious as first trait. israel DEFINES itself as "jewish state" and the orthodox and other radical believers have a very big influence.
absolutely no doubt...
as i said in an earlier post, the second trait is more variable. modern day israel is very militaristic, commercial is a typical prejudice for jews. and as someone else stated - israel is quite science with a lot of promising small and medium companies, specially in technology and medical care.
so discuss about the 2nd trait, the first is fixed. only a gainsayer or an uninformed person (or someone who doen't like the religeous trait in civ3  ) will say something else... sorry
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January 17, 2003, 12:56
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It's a very, very hard question. Organized Israel has tended to be militaristic, when Israel has been organized... but modern day Israel's military is so "kick-ass" beCAUSE of it's scientific edge... still, I'd have to go with militaristic. Look at the rule of even the Jewish Kings of antiquity... King David, after all, gained prominence mostly by slaughtering his enemies (although, to be fair, that's how a lot of famous people gained their prominence)
January 17, 2003, 15:15
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Originally posted by XarXo
What about forget Israel for... humm... 1000 years more?
hi ,
if you are not intrested , no one forced you to post here , ....
have a nice day
January 18, 2003, 08:14
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XarXo is on a 'custom avatar' drive, panag.
January 19, 2003, 00:45
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Trouble is, there are already 3 m/r civs: Aztecs, Celts, and Japanese. There are 3 m/e: Zulu, Viking, Mongol. Trouble is, there's only 15 combinations of two attributes: 6!/4!2! for the mathematically inclined. With a maximum 31 civs, there should be 2 for each combo, with 1 combo getting 3.
I would put Israel as militant scientific (nice irony, same as Germany). I am trying to think ahead to what seven would be added. I have already downloaded Incas (r/s), Scots (i/r), and Ethiopia (m/c).
January 19, 2003, 10:01
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how come? Then I think we should make America militaristic too. they have the strongest army in the world! And Russia as well! Look at the Soviet Union! Let's make any people that was militarily strong at a certain point and make them militaristic. Israel in ancient times was anything but militaristic, being the ***** of empires many times due to it's relative pacifism.
And why scientific? alas, the state of Israel most of it's history could be matched and outperformed by any western any european nation for the amount of research done per capita. Hebrew advances in the ancient times? philosophical ones, perhaps.
Expansionist?  one of the smallest nations in the world...
January 19, 2003, 11:30
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Religious, commercial seems the most appropriate.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"
January 19, 2003, 21:00
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Originally posted by panag
hi ,
if you are not intrested , no one forced you to post here , ....
have a nice day
Yes, of course, I'm not reffering about this, but I just say that I think that there are a good amount of civs that should be before Israelians.
I'm making an on-line civ game and don't worry about Israelis because they are here, but I just want say that civs like Thai, Incas, and some smaller like Iroquois or Dahomey should have a space in Civ.
Civ is a game for not more than 36 civs, and I find very difficult to put Israel in this amount. In 72 no doubt that it will appear in the 40th most ned.
Just this
Create a list of 36 civs including Israel, and SURE that you win!
And, as you say, have a nice day!
(BTW, for me this results in a bit "last word" anthipatic effect when is repeated always, try some changes like: Good luck, have a nice night when you post at dark, etc...)
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Last edited by XarXo; January 19, 2003 at 21:14.
January 19, 2003, 21:30
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Civ is a game for not more than 36 civs
... until Civ 4.
January 19, 2003, 21:47
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I surely hope that the model that I've proposed earlier, or it's variety would be created. If it's not, I'd invest in a game design company so that they do it.
January 21, 2003, 11:25
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I do not think that commercial is appropriate. Sure, the Jews of Europe were forced (true!) to become the bankers of the various German monarchies (I use "German" to refer to all the peoples that carved up Europe after the fall of the old Roman empire, for you anal-retentive krautophiles), but that was because the Jews SPOKE MANY LANGUAGES.
Scientific is, hence, more appropriate.
Still, though I agree that there are too many militaristic/religious civs in the game, I feel that these two are the most appropriate for Israel.
Israel does not have a significant economy (when examined from a global perspective). In fact, currently, the Israeli economy is slumping, and thoughout modern Israel's short history, it's economy has struggled. Hence, I do not feel that commercial is appropriate.
January 21, 2003, 12:42
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Originally posted by Yahweh Sabaoth
I do not think that commercial is appropriate. Sure, the Jews of Europe were forced (true!) to become the bankers of the various German monarchies (I use "German" to refer to all the peoples that carved up Europe after the fall of the old Roman empire, for you anal-retentive krautophiles), but that was because the Jews SPOKE MANY LANGUAGES.
Scientific is, hence, more appropriate.
Still, though I agree that there are too many militaristic/religious civs in the game, I feel that these two are the most appropriate for Israel.
Israel does not have a significant economy (when examined from a global perspective). In fact, currently, the Israeli economy is slumping, and thoughout modern Israel's short history, it's economy has struggled. Hence, I do not feel that commercial is appropriate.
hi ,
maybe we are not doing good in the last couple of years , but neither is the whole world , ......
and we are still on many fields the world leaders , ....
at least we learned how to substain ourself in times of war , something that cannot be sayed about other nations , ....
and we still have more trade with the EU then all the arab countries combined together with the EU , ....
have a nice MADE IN ISRAEL day
January 30, 2003, 14:52
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Yeah, but, come on, if you have to choose TWO TRAITS for modern Israel would commercial really be one of them? Every country has trade of some kind...
January 31, 2003, 11:54
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Originally posted by Yahweh Sabaoth
Yeah, but, come on, if you have to choose TWO TRAITS for modern Israel would commercial really be one of them? Every country has trade of some kind...
hi ,
agreed but we really top the world when it comes to electronics , gems , and a couple other things , ....
the best would be to see more "traits" in civ
 , its great to give a civ sometimes three traits instead of two
have a nice day
January 31, 2003, 12:02
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Yes, I have made scenarios where all the civs have three traits, but ultimately I think the challenge of having only two gives the player a fun struggle to deal with, and gives each eventually emerging nation a flavor of it's own.
Militaristic and Scientific? Militaritic and Religious? Religious and Scientific? I could see any of those combos.
January 31, 2003, 13:21
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Originally posted by Yahweh Sabaoth
Yes, I have made scenarios where all the civs have three traits, but ultimately I think the challenge of having only two gives the player a fun struggle to deal with, and gives each eventually emerging nation a flavor of it's own.
Militaristic and Scientific? Militaritic and Religious? Religious and Scientific? I could see any of those combos.
hi ,
for Israel , ....  , .....
definatly religious and scientific , ....
have a nice day
January 31, 2003, 13:24
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ah, but their military prowess...
January 31, 2003, 13:31
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Originally posted by Yahweh Sabaoth
ah, but their military prowess...
hi ,
they are scientific , so they can build the latest equipment , ......
have a nice day
January 31, 2003, 13:38
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Hmm. I think you're probably right, as long as they have a high agression level.
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