September 25, 2002, 21:20
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I am keeping up with all this, of course, I will not keep my ears cuffed and closed like some toddler that can't stand to hear his parents arguing, but this is not my charade. I answered Ming's question, aAGAIN, in my thread at Fanatics, since the first may have been too subtle (no insult intended....jeez....) and I do not wish to repeat it, though it is actually quite short. That SHOULD do it.... so...until the first game results! There's this character called Narz that wants to duel and threatens to pull out of my game if I don't, so these might be coming in rather soon.
The Gameplayer
(sorry about that 'evil' stuff, but step outside your shoes; you think it's right, MORALLY right, to advertise to poor (I really shouldn't hold it back) black people in the ghetto where your grandfathers have stuffed them into (I'm a foreigner, leave me out of this) to try and get them to buy beer which they get drunk with and shoot some other poor sap for his shoes which HE saw on TV? Is this right? Sorry, but Im only 20 years old, and I have already made the clear choice to this question. Again, no disrespect, but if I am to write, I will not waste my time; I say how I feel, and I have certain feelings that have not yet been invented by YOUR society, or any other. I do however, like civ.... :> )
September 25, 2002, 21:23
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Bah, this is nothing. Go read all the posts that occured when I cheated 3 years ago...and then read all the posts up until now. You just can't take the heat. Probably because you are soft and weak.
September 25, 2002, 21:25
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Oh my god, I knew it. He's a bleeding heart liberal. Probably a communist too.
September 25, 2002, 21:27
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It's not passion for this issue, it's entertainment. And you're stealing my spotlight so why don't you go take your communist subliminal messages elsewhere?
September 25, 2002, 21:27
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Oh no, you must be a cold and heartless 21st century human. They are such pitiable things, not too aware of the outside universe, it seems the 'local elections' got 'em all wrapped up....
September 25, 2002, 21:33
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I was right, he's a communist. He also feels he's intelligent (for whatever reason). Cold and heartless? My god man, why don't you just get down on your knees and start crying? It's people like you that are the problem with this country. You're the kind of guy that looks at Osama and says "why?" instead of "Lets kill the mother ****er!". It's to be expected though really, you're a foreigner and you live in the People's Republic of California. Now, continue crying while we all laugh at you.
September 25, 2002, 21:54
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The politics of Eyes come floating up...
You would be suprised, but I actually had a civilized debate with Eyes one night. Not kidding.
@Eyes- Still waiting on your ICQ#
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
September 25, 2002, 22:36
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Originally posted by HappySunShine
I'm a professional Troll.
You don't come to the meetings
September 25, 2002, 22:38
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Lets gather the best trolls of Apolyton and join forces to...vandalize apolyton. We can kind of be like the Justice league, only not like the Justice League.
September 25, 2002, 23:33
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Re: the high court of civ?
Originally posted by TheFather
Why is it you care so much?
He admits in his own words that he didn't think it was needed to tell his opponents that he had free techs... But he comes here asking people to play in games with him, on maps he built (but doesn't really remember them) with him as the host!
Damn right I care. MP is TOTALLY based on TRUST. Something you will learn as you play more.
Do you really care that much about what happened in game you didnt participate in?
Yes... I'm concerned for all the others that might actually sign up for this "elite" game where the host see's no problem in not telling people he has sciences... AND SEE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!
Perhaps you wont play him.
No... I only play people I trust.
You have made abundantly clear your position, not only here but you felt the need to visit the CFC forum and do the same, just in case some of us were not aware of that which you know, and that is Nicosar is a cheater. YELL IT LOUD FOR ALL THE WORLD TO HEAR AS MING HAS PASSED JUDGMENT ON HIS FELLOW MAN!
First... I never called him a cheater on CF... I asked a simple question and asked people to make up their own mind... I stated facts and did not toss around insults over there like you did.
Second... You felt it was needed to visit Apolyton and proclaim loudly your point of view. You mean you can do that, and I can't do the same at CF? Double standard maybe
While your "buddy" may have a moral problem with my profession... it is at least an honest one.
I have a moral problem with people like him and his attitude toward playing games. Because his attitude isn't a fair one... Again, in his own words, he sees NOTHING wrong with not telling other players in the game a key fact... And that is simply not fair, and shows no honor toward the game.
He talks to great extent about HOW THE GAME WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED... and my only response is, learn how to play it fairly before you start dissing the current rules.
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September 25, 2002, 23:34
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Originally posted by HappySunShine
Lets gather the best trolls of Apolyton and join forces to...vandalize apolyton. We can kind of be like the Justice league, only not like the Justice League.
Like most trolls, I'm not a joiner
September 25, 2002, 23:38
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Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
Like most trolls, I'm not a joiner
Which is just more proof on what a master you are at it.
AH knows that when trolls gang up together, we just ban em all at one time and not worry about it anymore
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September 25, 2002, 23:50
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Oh yeah - there is that too
Eyes, you gotta learn to be more subtle.
I'd say Nicosar has done a fine job here, whether he meant to or not. This thread has been hot.
September 25, 2002, 23:55
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Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
Oh yeah - there is that too
Eyes, you gotta learn to be more subtle.
I'd say Nicosar has done a fine job here, whether he meant to or not. This thread has been hot.
AH... he isn't a troll... there is like a 12 page thread at CF where he is setting up similar games as this. And they are doing it. So in that, he is legit.
By definition, a troll trolls deliberately and with intent... this is not the case with him. But you are right... whether he meant to or not, it is hot.
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September 26, 2002, 00:12
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LOL, so do the CF people know yet that if he gets techs he's not going to tell them?
If not, don't tell em
September 26, 2002, 00:22
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They know now... fair is fair. A few of them came to our house, so a few of us went to their house
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September 26, 2002, 00:51
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People were really nice to me when I first lobbed up here. You especially Ming, helped me find the patch etc., but also Deity and finbar, who kindly and patiently got me into my first MP game. I haven't forgotten that.
Of course they all regret it now
September 26, 2002, 00:57
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Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
People were really nice to me when I first lobbed up here. You especially Ming, helped me find the patch etc., but also Deity and finbar, who kindly and patiently got me into my first MP game. I haven't forgotten that.
Of course they all regret it now
Nahhh... this place wouldn't be the same without you
However, you might want to check your PM's... or that could change
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September 26, 2002, 02:41
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You continue to miss the point. Allow me to use an example:had it been me, and I had not recognized Atawa saying there was some no tech rule, I would have begun the game, received two techs perhaps as the host, and said nothing. Why? Not sure, no reason to say anything, sometimes you get techs in the game, sometimes you dont. Simple.
Would that make me the horrible person you make Nicosar out to be?
I really think not, despite your conviction and desire to condemn him.
But alas, this is a war of words I cannot win as your sophistry is deafening.
TheFather, High Priest, The Shadow Legion
September 26, 2002, 02:57
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You are the one that doesn't get it.
Civ II MP is a game a trust. To start a game with two techs and not even think you should mention it to your opponents shows your character, or lack there of.
And here is a guy who wants people to join his so called elite game... and he doesn't even have a clue about common courtesy... He even made a big point how he made the maps but didn't remember them so it would be fair, yet he doesn't even speak up when presented with a moral dilema in a game.
Again... after you play more MP, you will learn that trust and reputation are very important... something that seems to be going over your head as well as your buddies...
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September 26, 2002, 03:06
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September 26, 2002, 03:15
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Eyes has been on a roll...
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September 26, 2002, 07:22
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Bloody hell, this thread has kinda exploded since I last checked in. Whatever else 'the master' is guilty of least he has generated a lot of activity in our idyllic little backwater.
It seems to me the fault of Nicosar is in being a inexperienced player with delusions of greatness, rather than an experienced premeditated cheater with delusions of greatness
Nicosar; if you come to a site full of the best civ2MP players claiming greatness, when in fact you suck quite severely, you can but expect to be pilloried quite severely. And for ****'s sake learn where the full stop key is on your keyboard.
The bill for a new keyboard is on it's way to the sunshine state as we speak after the puppy and dog post.
September 26, 2002, 08:57
Just another peon
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Very entertaining.
Great dogs and cats post Sunshine. Tears of laughter.
Very Deep.
Ming, give it up. Everyone here was already convinced after the first post. We are not brain dead, the facts speak for themselves. The last ones you're trying to convince will never acknowledge it, even if they know in their heart the truth.
I will admit that when we first got the game, many years ago, it took us about a month to figure out the host tech thing. We were nubs and we freely admited it.
So they are either nubs or idiots. I won't make that judgement.
AH, thanks for your humor. And you are right. We are generally very good to new players, and I'm sure others will attest to that despite the ribbing they take.
The forum has been a wonderful place for playful boasting and abuse heaping. If the nubs can't take it, that's their problem and not ours. As ALL experienced players know, recon your enemies/allies territory before entering.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
September 26, 2002, 10:05
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He's a communist, he cheats, he writes novels to get his point across, and this strikes you as odd?
September 26, 2002, 11:39
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Originally posted by rah
Ming, give it up.
Why... it's so much fun
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September 26, 2002, 14:23
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You call yourselves writers?:
Open letter to Nicosar, TheFather, HappySunShine, and all others who fancy themselves writers.
...and I can do it in 100 words or less, you blowhards.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
September 26, 2002, 16:15
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Getting slightly back on topic, a guy called Narz from CF played him also in a duel.
This guy manages to have 13 pikes and 3 in production when he's still researching Feud
Check out the save on this page:
September 26, 2002, 16:18
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Ah, not so weird, just change rules.txt.
* slapping his self on the head*
September 26, 2002, 17:14
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Re: interesting ...
Originally posted by TheFather
there are those of you who scoff at the idea of spending more than that on such well written prose.
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