December 16, 2002, 23:05
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Nicosar
but anyway, id like to take your best player and see how he does in my scenario.... i dont think after that, that he will be able to claim mastery in all fields, despite his profficiency in regular civ.... and im not claiming that same mastery either, but what I am saying is that I am a master of that slower, bigger, customized style of play, and also that this style of play would seem to be better, so I guess that is a slight elitist boast when combined but not as absolute as you make it seem.
Yes yes, I'm starting a game of "watch the grass grow".
I'm anticipating a game to last at least 10 growing seasons.
Until anyone takes up the challange, I will be King of watching grass grow.
Get real. Everyone knocks down all your arguements and all you can fall back on is commit ourselves for months to a game with a player who hasn't beat anybody in sight, and doesn't understand some of the most basic things to prove ourselves.
Yes, you can be the king of your version of "watch the grass grow". Quit wasting our time. You are the king. All praise the King.
And yes berz, those were the days. Blitzkreig was another one that had tons of armies. In college, the game club I played at actually had all the naval miniatures for playing Jutland. (and any other naval game) We played on the cafateria floor. Man, we were quit a bunch of geeks with all of our movement and ranging rulers. One battle would take hours. *sigh*, thank god for PCs.
Yes and those geeks could tell the differences of very similar ship designs on a 3 inch miniature from 30 feet.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
December 16, 2002, 23:47
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Wow! You guys had actual minis of the ships in Jutland? Cool!!!
Was Blitzkrieg the one with blue and red forces? We played that one alot too before Panzer Blitz came out. One of my friends stumbled upon a different company, SPI I think, with alot of specialized scenarios, alot of ancient warfare set ups - basicly just a paper map with units.
December 17, 2002, 07:55
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Originally posted at the dark place
We recently played our longest turn chat ever! The final time, after just 5 turns (an abbreviated turn chat), was 6 hours and 20 minutes. The previous record stood at 6 hours. The game, which started at 4:00pm EST, was called off at 10:20pm EST by the 2nd DP (Designated Player), as everyone was literally starting to fall asleep.
Have you tried demogames Nicosar?
December 17, 2002, 10:35
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I suggest Nicosar go out and buy Third Reich or ASL... Those would be more suited to your needs.
My great creations included a hybrid of Bismarck (Used the ships and played on Tile floor outside of the carpet), Panzer Blitz (played on the carpet) and Luftwaffe (used a shelf of my Mom's to determine height, and then attacked almost everything on the battlefield).
Those were the days indeed, as your mind would fry at the thought of two Hummels and a Wespe bombarding a T-34 stack on higher ground in cover but in a gully...
Trying to ring the odds up in your head was somewhat nightmarish, and then you would blow it by rolling a 1 and the next turn your spotters would be dead. After the trash talking was over, the BATTLE resolution would take 15 mins.
Those were indeed the great days of gaming.
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
December 17, 2002, 10:46
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Berzerker
Was Blitzkrieg the one with blue and red forces?
Not sure what the colors were in Blitzkrieg but there were actually countries involved I think.
You may be thinking of TACTICS II which wasn't historical based, just the red forces vs the blue forces on a reasonably even map. When I played with Ming, I'd take the blue and he'd take the red. (commie bastard  )
The posts here seem to support that many of us CIVII MP players are very experienced in games that took an excrutiating amount of time, so I guess Nicosar is going to have to look for a different way to insult us so he can feel superior.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
December 17, 2002, 12:40
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Originally posted by Nicosar
but now you cannot denounce me further lest you should contend with me in my own arena and beat me there...
Sure we can...
Now let me get this straight... you can't seem to win playing the game the normal way... So you design a different game, with new units and statistics, on a map you created, and whatever other changes you've made... where you know everything, and have some experience with it... and anybody that decided to play you would be doing so with no experience...
Gee... so you are really saying that the only chance you have to win is if somebody plays you in a game specifically designed by you...
I think we can continue "denouncing" you...
And what's really funny, from the total lack of knowledge of the game you have shown so far, you would still probably lose...
In the future, you should seriously consider not coming to a new forum/community, telling everybody they suck, telling them that they don't know the game, telling them they play the game in an inferior way, telling them that you know all and are the only one that can design a superior version of the game... and that you are a master of the game. Especially when you can't beat anybody
So please don't wonder why people are jumping down your throat. From the very beginning, you have been insulting and condescending. As rah stated before, different strokes for different folks. I also have no problem with people liking different settings and styles than I do. I do have a problem when some bozo tries to tell me that his way is the superior way, and that any other way is not true gaming.
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December 17, 2002, 16:55
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no, I think its quite clearly my throat is being subject to such foul odors because you all are really exciteable and must pounce like nervous squirrels, and not due to some fault of my own... would it be that long ago we could've discussed this like gentlemen, but no, i'm afraid, you would all rather bathe in that stale air of cynical puns and vengeful remarks, as if this was some forum for a bunch of teenage Quake players and not the dignified lobby for a great strategy game... (*!*)...
I am punished not nor suffer by the attrition that takes place here, not in the least, and I would say that if you built up such a fevered height of intensity simply to get a few scanty and nervously shouted points across to someone who you feel some queer need to contest with so harshly and without any tact, that this must surely be born of some insecurity, because, friends, maybe I am an elitist cult-mongering snooty looser sitting in his tiny little hut in the middle of the woods, converted from an out-house, all alone in the dark by himself with a dunce cap that read master and a sign outside saying "NiCoSaRR'S KOuL gAiM!!", or, as maybe you have detected by my choice of words, I am not completely stupid, and maybe even slightly aware, and that I too have been playing this for years, as well as other strategt games (board games too, that's not really rare or ancient you know) and that I happened to make a greatly optimised truly deeper version of the game, but by your reactions one would think such an occurrence impossible!
So considering that this is indeed a possiblity, and maybe if you are brave enough to break the routine of this malaised environment of yelling pundits to trust me a bit, one who is not so shallow to design a game simply so that he can reign supreme in it and who is fully aware of other's people 'enhanced versions' which fall far short of being any sort of upgrade, you would not be so despodent to what might be something even you would enjoy more than the regular game.... but I suppose this wish of mine to share my game with others is foolish and merely a coup by a supremacist tyrant...
In fact, ever since I came back here there have been a couple players to offer great interest in it, since it seems that when people come to this thread they do not see your laughing heads and join in the wicked chuckling outright but instead see the reason behind our arguments... whosoever they should come from....
December 17, 2002, 16:58
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and to think that so many of you are moss-grown ancient giants when I am but a yearling shoot of many less years....
.... and so it is not by the inventions my own twisted mind that I start to feel as least a little superior.....
December 17, 2002, 17:07
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succinctness is a virtue
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
December 17, 2002, 17:18
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you feel superior.....superior to what ...the ai ?????
can you even beat the ai...cuz you certainly haven't beaten a soul here. on a random map or on your own map....
tell you what....i bet if you gave yourself 5 setlers and we had 1 you would still lose....
do you even know the tech you know what wonders are important in a game?
do you know how to fight an early war, or how to counter an early war, while expanding and exploring..
do you know optimal trade routes...can figure out the hut patter, the specials pattern, do you understand ZOC...if you can't answer yes to all those, and are no master.....
like ming said, don't spout off what you can't back up.....your liable to be slapped silly and sent home crying
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
December 17, 2002, 22:35
Just another peon
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The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
December 18, 2002, 04:20
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Originally posted by Nicosar
no, I think its quite clearly my throat is being subject to such foul odors because you all are really exciteable and must pounce like nervous squirrels, and not due to some fault of my own...
Yeah... no fault of your own... right.
You come here and tell everybody the way they play the game sucks, and your way is the true way... And then you claim your a master... which has been proved wrong many times due to your lack of knowledge of ever the simplist things about the game. You continue with your holier than thou attitude, and your condensending tone is an insult to everybody here.
would it be that long ago we could've discussed this like gentlemen, but no, i'm afraid, you would all rather bathe in that stale air of cynical puns and vengeful remarks, as if this was some forum for a bunch of teenage Quake players and not the dignified lobby for a great strategy game... (*!*)...
More of your insults. You don't address any real issues, but continue to come up with new crap... Yawn.
I am punished not nor suffer by the attrition that takes place here, not in the least, and I would say that if you built up such a fevered height of intensity simply to get a few scanty and nervously shouted points across to someone who you feel some queer need to contest with so harshly and without any tact, that this must surely be born of some insecurity, because, friends, maybe I am an elitist cult-mongering snooty looser sitting in his tiny little hut in the middle of the woods, converted from an out-house, all alone in the dark by himself with a dunce cap that read master and a sign outside saying "NiCoSaRR'S KOuL gAiM!!", or, as maybe you have detected by my choice of words, I am not completely stupid
You seem to be proving your lack knowledge with every additional post
and that I happened to make a greatly optimised truly deeper version of the game, but by your reactions one would think such an occurrence impossible!
Coming from you... yes, it does seem impossible. And it seems like only a few people (well maybe less) agree with your version of what might improve the game. Every discription you give of your "improved" game makes it seem like you are taking a step backwards. Only your pretty units are an improvement... but not anything else.
So considering that this is indeed a possiblity
Highly doubtful due to your lack knowledge of the game and what you've said about it so far.
, and maybe if you are brave enough to break the routine of this malaised environment of yelling pundits to trust me a bit, one who is not so shallow to design a game simply so that he can reign supreme in it and who is fully aware of other's people 'enhanced versions' which fall far short of being any sort of upgrade, you would not be so despodent to what might be something even you would enjoy more than the regular game.... but I suppose this wish of mine to share my game with others is foolish and merely a coup by a supremacist tyrant...
Again, you continue to look down your nose at people who understand the game many times better than you seem to.
You have designed a version of the game which is far too slow for an MP gaming experience. You have pretty much elimanted early combat because your large words have been designed for cowards who don't understand combat. You hide behind pretty graphics and the shell behind is it empty. You have shown us nothing that would lead us to believe you have enhanced the game.
You have done the exact opposite.
In fact, ever since I came back here there have been a couple players to offer great interest in it, since it seems that when people come to this thread they do not see your laughing heads and join in the wicked chuckling outright but instead see the reason behind our arguments... whosoever they should come from....
Great interest... Oh please, show us where somebody has shown anything but a passing interest.
If you want to gain allies here, learn diplomacy and stop your insulting crap with every post. You are only reaping what you sowed in your very first post, and have continued since.
And again oh great master, have you ever won a game of civ? Please provide names and dates, because frankly, your lack of understanding of the game would lead us to believe that you could only beat somebody with less knowledge of the game than you have... and I'm sure those types of people are very hard to find.
Now... if you really are truely trying to find people to play your game, I would suggest you drop the attitude and the overly wordy posts, and explain with no holier than thou attitude what exactly is different about your game without once saying any other way of playing is crap. But no, I just expect more meaningless drivel from you...
Keep on Civin'
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December 18, 2002, 08:05
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Overly wordy Ming? No, this seems a mute point, coming from a shouting man who would tell others to be quiet. I would say that you cannot expect others to ration out their words when you would feast before their eyes...
But succintness is indeed a virtue, as that fellow said, maybe we should both learn from him, I know I will not pass up such wisdom anymore
People may voice interest privately though, for wiser people know that when voiced aloud and publicly that they'll get far more answers than they asked for and in the end hear nothing but a din of confusion...
I cannot help the spirit with which I wrote my first post, it was meant only to be thorough, and any resentful bruises gotten by it were a projection of the beholder and not an aspect of the reality, since its words were proud but edgeless, and it would only seem dangerously sharp to those that would contest first of all the prideful spirit and dismiss the man behind the blade...
As for the scenario, we will see how it does, I can claim that it is a deeply thought out and experienced design and you who have never touched it save its colorful facade (yessss... they are rather pretty arent they) could continue to denounce it with your eyes alone without ever touching its grain, but I would only ask you to remember, until that later proof should show itself, that I have made so many changes to every part of the game that you could not possibly begin to fully bear in mind the broader change which alter whole large areas of tactical gameplay and the whole strategy until you have delved into it, and you could make still assumptions, but ever the slim probability, despite your biases, that my game might even be the disputed heir to civ 2 and an improvement upon it should pester you to accompany your mere surface appraisals of deep things...
you may assume that it isn't great nor even good, but you will never know, at least though you should say otherwise, for to yourselves you will always know that you lacked the final word for something you had merely guessed upon...
December 18, 2002, 08:21
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Even if I were to tell you all the rules and even explain them, I still think there would be burgeoning gaps for you to fill with your skepticism, and that this filler would most certainly be critical before it would assume good things...
Truly, the new web weaved by the combination of so many changes working together to create a new arena of new strategy is a fine silk seen only as cobwebs from afar, but you should have to tangle yourself in it before you judged the potency of its grip on you!
December 18, 2002, 08:41
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Ming, could you change the name of the thread to Nicosar's continuing drivel? You can blame me if anyone objects.
December 18, 2002, 09:24
Just another peon
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Naw, ming, change this thread to a poll.
What do you think would be more tedious?
1. Reading his posts.
2. Playing his scenario.
3. Bannana
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
December 18, 2002, 10:58
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December 18, 2002, 11:01
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I'm actually not that old, I've just played many more games in my life compared to most people.
And wherever the NEW version of the game is, I'd like to see it. The old one was clearly not up to snuff, and not that much different from a normal game.
Creating scenarios is NOT making a whole bunch of new units and then stating that it's a revelutionary game.
It's still Civ.
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
December 18, 2002, 12:00
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December 18, 2002, 12:21
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Nicosar
that I have made so many changes to every part of the game that you could not possibly begin to fully bear in mind the broader change which alter whole large areas of tactical gameplay and the whole strategy
Yes, I can see it now. The units don't do traditional combat. Instead, the attacking unit starts spewing incoherent boasts of superiority. Every minute thereafter, the defending unit starts taking saving throws against madness. If it misses it's saving throw, it kills itself and is eliminated from the board. If it can last a full 30 minutes, the attacking unit if either forced to become humble and retreat/shut up or it must commit hari kari.  An exciting new concept coming to a forum near you.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
December 18, 2002, 12:26
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Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
December 18, 2002, 12:42
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Originally posted by rah
Yes, I can see it now. The units don't do traditional combat. Instead, the attacking unit starts spewing incoherent boasts of superiority. Every minute thereafter, the defending unit starts taking saving throws against madness. If it misses it's saving throw, it kills itself and is eliminated from the board. If it can last a full 30 minutes, the attacking unit if either forced to become humble and retreat/shut up or it must commit hari kari. An exciting new concept coming to a forum near you. 
 sounds like a fearsome new AD&D creature to me
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
December 18, 2002, 12:48
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All that remains is for the attacker to do the right thing and commit Hari ki ri
December 18, 2002, 17:08
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Spike why dont you commit that instead....
Kill the spamming beast
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December 18, 2002, 18:50
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Well, I have a few players now, and all look to be trustworthy honorable players (an honor that can be trusted is one of the most important aspects of my game, due to the extensive honor code), and willing to play regularly, so we will see in time when these people come to testify to you all, when having played the game in full, about the 'final word' that mere spectators cannot claim, because for the moment any little spark here that simmered among these dead embers has been snuffed and the interest now only hinges on your humorless anecdotes, but I'm glad some of you still find a release for your laughter in them; it is good that this forum at least isn't mirthless for all!
I could take any of you to play with, though I think this is only theoretically, but then again, because of the key honor system by which the game is greatly bettered a great deal of mutual understanding and trust is required, and I think that some of you would rebel against the strict order of its preciseness in defiance of any such control I would try to put over you and bend its corners wherever you could, so I suppose in the end I'd be actually very careful who I played against...
Of course, I will assume that you all will be here when we return from this hardy endeavour of tackling my game, but even so, I should think that some of my players won't resist coming here to critique my version before the end is even near, for ill or good, so keep your ears pricked up!
(and as a final note, I guess I would say that my last sculpted post [a writer you say! noooooo, not me....;-) ], was written just after I came back last night from the opening day midnight screening of The Two Towers.... and maybe some of you might like it but as a great admirer of the book I didn't like it at all, and found that the magic that Tolkien had wrought into all his words were replaced with megalopolous big-super-giant production values, and that coincidentally the story was also butchered...)
(and the ents sucked! I had a realistic vivid image of what they looked like when I read the book, but those things looked like storybook drawings done in 3D!)
Last edited by Nicosar; December 18, 2002 at 19:05.
December 18, 2002, 19:27
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December 18, 2002, 22:31
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Do not be so jumpy my gigglish compatriate, because what you view as an insult I consider merely a rational prediction of certain possiblities were we to play the game, which is to say nothing about your honor, or... at least as you know it, since my honor system would put any good man to the test...
Let me explain; the honor code consists of 6 pages, including 19 articles and a sub-section dealing with a new concept whose very existence in my game depends upon the complete agreeace of all upon it and my confidence that I have faith in everyone's given word, which is the establishment of 'ruler' units which act slightly as a king piece might in chess.
I will not plunge headlong into this solid but unsimple new aspect and just give you another example, article 15... and I quote excerpts:
"Cannot use the parachute paratrooper icon on the screen as a 'radar' to detect enemy presence as the squares you cannot land on."
"This tool was meant to ensure that you do not land on the same square as an enemy and NOT as a cheap detection system. Furthermore, you MUST commit to a paradrop execution BEFORE you even press the 'P' key or choose 'paradrop' from the menu; you CANNOT initiate the procedure to find enemy troops inhabit the designated terrain and then abort mission; ...."
So, it is just a precautionary evaluation of some of you, not a snobbish derision, based on your opinions for this game I have quietly been studying, that I honestly think you would find yourself with the chance to break the above rule and do so, saying to yourselves, 'ahhh, but who does he think he is that Nicosar, to outlaw something I used to do something so readily before... no, i think I'll do it, Its not a big deal....", but to me it would be, as it would be to the other players.
I think that such a remark would reasonably be consitent in nature with most of the tones I find voiced in this thread, and if you cannot see that, then you should try and see things from another perspective inconsistent and opposite to that same tone, for there you might stumble upon the reasoning behind this little sub-argument
December 18, 2002, 23:11
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Originally posted by Nicosar
So, it is just a precautionary evaluation of some of you, not a snobbish derision, based on your opinions for this game I have quietly been studying, that I honestly think you would find yourself with the chance to break the above rule and do so, saying to yourselves, 'ahhh, but who does he think he is that Nicosar, to outlaw something I used to do something so readily before... no, i think I'll do it, Its not a big deal
WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. You have just said that we would CHEAT! And on this board, if you accuse somebody of cheating... YOU NEED PROOF.
Take you words and cram them where the sun doesn't shine. There is far more Honor in most of our little fingers than you have in your entire body.
On this board, people who accuse other of being cheaters with no proof are the lowest of low... the scum of the earth. They also get restricted.
So take back your crap or you WILL stop posting here.
You have just proved that you have no honor. You are indeed the scum of the earth and have no clue about gaming in general let alone Civ II MP.
To accuse another gamer of cheating and having no honor based on words instead of by real actions makes you NOT WELCOME HERE!
And I would also recommend you respond to the Moderator PM that has been sent to you for your breaking the single most important rule of this forum.
Keep on Civin'
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December 18, 2002, 23:24
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Ming is on the WARPATH.....go get him Ming....
btw, i second what Ming is saying....don't accuse people!
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
December 18, 2002, 23:31
Just another peon
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Yes, he runs out of arguements so all he has left is to insult our honor. What a jerk. He just proved he doesn't have any himself. But why am I not suprised.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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