September 23, 2002, 14:07
Local Time: 02:27
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Term 4 City Planner Office
GK is out of town for a few days, so I will be making the posts in the orders thread.
He has PM'd each of you who are to be Regional Ministers, if you would, please post your orders in here for the next 5 turns, and I will compile them for the orders thread. I will maintain this even after his return, however. Please post if you are a manager, and tell me what region you were assigned. Actual boundaries are still being decided, I will make temporary ones tonight for us till GK's return....
Current orders:
Working the 440 Save
Orders Due:
Next chat likely on the weekend. Lets have orders by Friday.
Current Regions and Managers
Mingapulco: Managed by me, the city planner, GodKing
-Apolyton, our capitol
-Banana HQ
-Insane City
*Timeline (to be added, currently in Pina Colada)
*Port Rouge (to be removed to Ill de Rose)
Ill de Rose: Was given to Ninot, but apparently he fell off the planit and is gone now???
-Here It Is (province capitol)
-Macross City (named by me, so a very important city)
*Port Rouge (to be added from Mingapulco)
Pina Colada: Managed by donegeal
-Del Monte (province capitol)
*Timeline (to move to Mingapulco)
(New York)
(Washington - held by aztec)
El Nino: Managed by our local fanatic Duddha
-Oak Ridge (site of the future manhattin project?)
-Napoleton (my pick for future forbidden palace, but the vote will tell)
-Geofront (has the number one Jungle Ball american football team, the Geofront Evas)
-Ubergorsk (two GL did wonders here).
New Persia (as the vote for a name is ongoing, I will use this for now): managed by UnOrthOdOx, our former VP.
-Ghengistown (soon to be eliminated into a settler)
-New Ghengistown
-Port of Malignance (soon to be renamed I hope)
-Contaginon (soon to be renamed I hope)
-Susa (soon to be renamed I hope)
-Muncie (soon to be renamed I hope)
-Bacteria (soon to be renamed I hope)
Uber Isle: Managed by jdd2007 (Where ever he may be?) - Question of the day is do we rename this province or keep calling it Uber Isle?
Another Glorious City (our first oversees colony!)
BFM (stands for BigFurryMonster I just found out)
Boom Town (may be renamed, but I don't object like I do to the others above)
and a settler about to found _?_
City States: Each city state is managed independant of any province. So far there is only one:
Hole in Wall: managed by GhengisFarb. This city is in the process of relocating to be next to the ocean.
Threads of Concern to City Planning
Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; October 2, 2002 at 09:28.
September 23, 2002, 15:08
Local Time: 02:27
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Orders for Cherbourg aka Hole In Wall, aka Siberia:
sounds of crickets in the background
That's it, that's the orders for the next 5 turns.
FYI This Region's OFFICIAL name is Siberia.
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; September 23, 2002 at 17:10.
September 23, 2002, 17:06
Local Time: 08:27
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Which region is Opiadom in?
Are we having fun yet?
September 23, 2002, 18:30
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Regions updated. Administrators please take note of your new cities.
September 23, 2002, 18:33
Local Time: 02:27
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
Regions updated. Administrators please take note of your new cities.
No, no, no the regions name is Siberia, not Cherbourg. Cherbourg is the French pronunciation of Siberia, similiar to "Throat Wobbler Mangrove" and "Raymond Luxury Yauht".
September 24, 2002, 00:33
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I'm the Lord Protector of El Nino Province.
September 24, 2002, 01:34
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I think El Nino should have the following cities:
Oak Ridge
This plan gives the province a good shape and conforms to the geographic realities. Tyre should not be in El Nino as it is full of foreigners and lies across a mountain range, how am I to rule them? Oak Ridge and Seeberg are historic parts of the province and lie within the same general jungle area, otherwise Pina Colada is split between grassland and jungle.
Just gaining support for when GK returns.
Last edited by Duddha; September 24, 2002 at 02:00.
September 24, 2002, 07:28
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I thought the cliff face on the mountains would be convenient for efforts.
September 24, 2002, 21:13
Local Time: 02:27
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Updated known Regional Managers. Don't know Ile de Rose...
OPD, if any of them show up for chat, they have full authority to change the orders should something arise.
Managers, check the oder thread to see if you want to change my orders.
September 25, 2002, 05:15
Local Time: 08:27
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Is the turnchat for today just one turn or a complete 5 turns?
If its just one, then my suggestions for the build queues for Pina Colada would be to maintain.
If its a five turn chat, I'll have to default to Unortho as I haven't had a chance to look at the 310 AD save yet.
September 25, 2002, 05:17
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Everyone now seems to think it's 5 turns.
September 25, 2002, 07:44
Local Time: 02:27
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Originally posted by donegeal
Is the turnchat for today just one turn or a complete 5 turns?
If its just one, then my suggestions for the build queues for Pina Colada would be to maintain.
If its a five turn chat, I'll have to default to Unortho as I haven't had a chance to look at the 310 AD save yet.
It WAS one turn, but they changed it last night to five...
September 25, 2002, 17:45
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September 25, 2002, 22:00
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? It was that way when I got here, so I thought it was part of the plan from GK...
September 26, 2002, 09:21
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Updated top post.
Orders due by Friday night/Saturday Morning.
I still have no word from anyone reguarding Ile de Rose province. Ghengis, do you mind having a look at those cities as well, you city-state doesn't take TOO much time...
September 26, 2002, 12:53
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HI. I am back.
I plan on looking at the current download tonight and moving forward from there.
Thanks to unortho for starting this thread for me.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 26, 2002, 20:59
Local Time: 02:27
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Looking at the save...
No orders for Persia Province, unless GK sees something in this coruption gripped Province. Possible order would be changing the Scientist in Pasargadea to working the Cattle and the worker in Wills from ocean to Scientist.
One note.
The Militay is in a deplorable state. Offensive units total= 5 Swords 4 Knights 4 WC 3 archers and 1 warrior.
Swords are skattered. 3 knights in Persiopolis, 1 in Banana HQ.
Current builds will only give 2 more knights next chat...Enough cash will be around to upgrade 3 WC, if Reddawg approves.
Remember it is cheaper to upgrade a WC than rush a Knight of the same shields.
A few cities will go into disorder next chat unless action is taken.
Just something to think on.
Good news is we get a few Courts up and running in the next chat.
September 26, 2002, 21:18
Local Time: 02:27
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My opinions:
AGC needs a temple ASAP if we're going to build units on Uber (Palace may go away leaving Uber Isle with VERY LITTLE production)
Mingapulco needs to start concentrating on growing. No more settlers, take'em from Timeline and Gaia if you want them.
Tyre has to disband AFTER New Tyre (Ghengistown) is built, do you want it to start on workers/settlers?
I still think Willsbury should move one tile NE, it would gain two jungle tiles and one alrady cleared grassland with shield that are not in ANY cities potential radius now.
September 26, 2002, 22:00
Local Time: 04:27
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City Planning Orders
Grow means that the population is expected to grow, and the prez should double check to make sure the AI is working the most efficient tiles possible. In order of preference of this office, Shields, Food, then Money.
Uber Isle City #1 – IF constructed, barracks. Name Shelbyville
Uber Isle City #2 – IF constructed, harbor. Name Springfield.
Purchase Requests: In this time of great need for our military, I would humbly ask that the only purchase, if acceptable to our finance minister and our executive, be the courthouse located in the fair city of Chiquita. Crime runs rampant, no doubt due to our recent visit by the Congressional Congress with their taste for American Women of ill repute….. If seen fit to purchase, please begin construction of a slave… er… um … worker there at once. Thank you. (Not an urgent request, military should take precedence).
Turn 0 (380 ad Beginning)
A1 – Tassagrad – War Chariot
A2 – Gaia – Turn 1 worker into a tax man (should delay growth for an extra turn). Change production to a War Chariot.
A3 – Opiadon – Start on a Library
A4 – Loveshack – Pike
A5 – Ubergorsk – Pike
A6 – Tyre – switch to a settler. Rename “Ghengistown”
A7 – Newburg – Rename to “Splat”
A8 – Pasagadae – Rename to “Disney Land”. Work the cow. Start on temple.
A9 – Persepolis – Rename to “McDonalds”
A10 – BFM – Rename to “The Big Banana”. Change to temple.
A11 - #@#settlermove – Rename to “Gotham”.
Turn 1
A1 – Del Monte – Grow, will most likely be in disorder. Understand that if I change to a scientist the growth cannot occur, therefore I felt it best to have one turn of disorder in order to achieve the additional population point. Remove disorder by making one scientist after growth.
A2 – Gaia – War Chariot
Turn 2
A1 – Gaia - Grow
A2 – Here It Is – Pike
A3 – Ubergorsk – Grow. Work Iron. Request to have it mined ASAP.
Turn 3
A1 – Termina – Pike
A2 – Tassagrad – Worker (no aqueduct, thus lower the pop just before growth)
A3 – Jerusalem – Courthouse
A4 – Loveshack – Grow
Turn 4
A1 – Del Monte – Should complete courthouse now. Recheck to see if additional gold (less corruption) is making the populace happy enough to change the scientist back into a productive worker (on the forest tile). Start on a pike.
A2 – Another Glorious City – Grow. Start on barracks.
A3-5 – Port Rouge, Tyre & Willsbury – Grow. Have Willsbury new pop be a Scientist.
Turn 5
A1 – Apolyton – Grow.
A2 – Tassagrad – War Chariot
A3 – Timeline – War Chariot
A4 – Here it is – Grow.
A5 – Macross City – Turn 1 into a tax man (for growth next turn in case you finish the turn before the save).
A6 – Napoleton – Courthouse (site of what I am thinking of proposing for the FP)
A7-9 – Jerusalem, Hole in the Wall, Disney Land - Grow
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 27, 2002, 14:25
Local Time: 02:27
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Another thing I was looking at is that the sooner Gotham builds a temple the sooner we can start applying that culture pressure to Chartres.
September 27, 2002, 17:26
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GF -
True, but We are very short on military now, particularly in defence. If we can build the spear now, he can upgrade later. Once the spear is done, then culture is #1 IMO.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
September 29, 2002, 21:26
Local Time: 02:27
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Order suggestions from Persia Province:
Switch to temples and request rush in all but Willsbury. (I know we wont GET all rushed...)
Wish list:
1 Pasargadae
2 Persiopolis
3 Tarsis (it WILL be ours soon enough)
4 bactra
5 Susa
(sorry, can't remember new names at the moment)
September 29, 2002, 22:01
Local Time: 02:27
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Hole In Wall switches to settler, rush if possible.
October 1, 2002, 05:29
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I'd like to volunteer to be the regional whassisname for Ile de Rose. I have no qualifications for the post, other than speaking good enough French to handle those tricky border incursion moments!
Some ideas:
I think Jerusalem should be made available for building a military unit, as a courthouse is going to take a long time for little value - this will never be a big city, so the courthouse would not nett much value.
Port ROuge should continue with the Library, but move a city inhabitant from grassland to rivered trees, to reduce production time down to 2 turns. The city is defended by an archer at the moment, it needs a pike and could produce it itself in about 6 turns.
Here It Is should move a city inhabitant from trees to roaded rivered grassland nw of the city, as this will not affect production time and increase our revenue by 1L
Macross is about to grow, and will have more unhappies than happies after the next turn, so in 440 we need to create an entertainer / specialist.
Do you want orders in a specific format, I saw a comment about it taking a long time to compile stuff.
Last edited by Laertes; October 1, 2002 at 06:34.
October 1, 2002, 08:28
Local Time: 04:27
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Hi Fergus;
It was orriginaly given to Ninot, however, as he hasn't been around.... thanks for the help.
It is best if you could do it in a turn by turn format, 5 turns at a time.
Turn 0 (current turn)
- Macross does this
Turn 1
- HII does this
Etc. etc. etc.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
October 1, 2002, 08:44
Local Time: 08:27
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Originally posted by GodKing
Hi Fergus;
It was orriginaly given to Ninot, however, as he hasn't been around.... thanks for the help.
It is best if you could do it in a turn by turn format, 5 turns at a time.
Turn 0 (current turn)
- Macross does this
Turn 1
- HII does this
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah we had Ninot "taken care of" and replaced with a robot.
Are we having fun yet?
October 5, 2002, 22:16
Local Time: 08:27
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As Warlord of Pina Colada, here are my official suggestions to the Ministry of City Planning Minister Godking:
Del Monte Pike Garrison move to Chiquita and search for ARF supporters to round up and send to Siberia as Pina Colada is instuiting Duddha's policy for ARF people. No, really its because Chiquita is harder to defend and Del Monte will finish a new Pike next turn.
Del Monte builds Pike, switch to Marketplace (extra happy and extra money)
PW- I would like to request roads be built to our new American cities.
Thats it for Pina Colada. No rushing here as it is needed elsewhere more urgently.
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