September 23, 2002, 19:10
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City Planner: Help request.
I know GK had a master plan, but the nature of his absense has left me with no clue as to what it was.
I need opinons, and options on the following cities:
First, Aggie has requested Knights begin production in the following cities:
Termina, BHQ, Del Monte, Timeline.
Also, it is cheaper to build a chatiot and upgrade than to rush a knight.
HereitIs is making a Library. That city is so corupt the only benefit there would be culture. It is under no cultural pressure from surrounding cities, so I propose changing to a courthouse to help Corruption and increase its Production AND cashflow, then build Library.
Opiadem: Could rush Temple This turn, 96 Gold. To put more pressure on Rheims. Depends on Trades and other things, though.
Loveshack: Change to WC, to be ugraded to Knight?
Any other Aalysis?
Other things I plan:
HereitIs, move workerfrom forest to mined grassland. o change i prodution due to corruption, but 1 more Lyton.
Another Glorious City. Change the shielded grassland to an entertainer.
Tyre: Change worker on hill to Grassland. Shield from hill lost to corruption anyway, yield one food and one Lytn.
When Apolyton Increases in two turns: Change Tassagrad from working S,SE to SE: Change Apolyton from Fish to Either Whale or N,NE Whichever the new worker is not working. Make sure those two are worked.
September 23, 2002, 19:26
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Re: City Planner: Help request.
lol I learnt along time ago that people aren't really interested in CP stuff unless it's something big.
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
First, Aggie has requested Knights begin production in the following cities:
Termina, BHQ, Del Monte, Timeline.
Also, it is cheaper to build a chatiot and upgrade than to rush a knight.
You don't have to comply with aggies requests. IMO we don't want too many of our cities building millitary especially when we still haven't built a single market place. I think were also building a knight in tass. Ok we need knight's but we need other things aswell. But of course the decision is now yours.
In tems of building them I'd say definately build WC's. You can probably get a alot more cities building them if they are only WC's which take less than a 3rd fo the time to build.
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September 23, 2002, 19:29
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Re: City Planner: Help request.
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
Opiadem: Could rush Temple This turn, 96 Gold. To put more pressure on Rheims. Depends on Trades and other things, though.
cough Opiadom end cough
This needs to be done soon almost a top priority but Aggie may need alot of money if WC upgrades are going to happen.
Anyway there's isn't going to be a a full set of turns done till sunday due to the GL and what to do with him.
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September 23, 2002, 19:36
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I know that, I am looking for some kind o compromise making SOME new knights, butmaintaining SOME infrastructure building. This is why I am asking opinions on the subject. I see the need for reinforcements, these are the only logical cities toproduce them, they are not exactly commerce centers so libraries wont have a major effect immediately, but with our Golden Age comming...
MrWIA asks for ALL his cities schedules in the ACDG. Trying toget public opinion and base my choice on that.
September 23, 2002, 19:42
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I refute the building of a knight in Del Monte until Del Monte has produced a Courthouse. I also am pushing for courthouses in Gaia, Macross City, and Here It Is, in that order of precedence. I also contest the rushing of a temple before one of the courthouses is completed.
The rest is cool for now, I'll have an economic report and a budget up tomorrow.
oh, can anyone tell me how much it costs to upgrade a chariot to a knight?
September 23, 2002, 19:47
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Hmmmn build queues would be good. So we could look at what were building long term. Perhaps I might take this up with GK when he gets back.
Anyway we've been building alot of libraries but they don't really give any benefit ATM. Long term yes but in the future we'll be able to build them alot faster. I always build markets B4 librarues.
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September 23, 2002, 19:48
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Originally posted by Reddawg
I refute the building of a knight in Del Monte until Del Monte has produced a Courthouse. I also am pushing for courthouses in Gaia, Macross City, and Here It Is, in that order of precedence. I also contest the rushing of a temple before one of the courthouses is completed.
The rest is cool for now, I'll have an economic report and a budget up tomorrow.
oh, can anyone tell me how much it costs to upgrade a chariot to a knight?
I'm guessing about 100L
I think the temple is mreo vital as Chartes will proabably get the land soon if it build a temple.
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September 23, 2002, 19:54
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IMHO the laborer working on the shielded grassland in AGC should be changed to a tax man, not an entertainer.
I second everything else though.
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September 23, 2002, 20:02
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Hoseman to Knight is 80 gold... Don't know if it's more for a chariot though.
-- adaMada
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September 23, 2002, 21:16
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hmmm... do we have a human 'mayor' for each cities? if we can have one person who pays special attention to a specific city development and remind (more like annoy lol) higher authorities about what need to be done thatd be cool
September 23, 2002, 21:21
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I'll help out as Lord Protector of El Nino Province.
One thing I noticed, why is Old Ridge building a spearman, I think a worker would be better.
September 23, 2002, 22:18
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Re: City Planner: Help request.
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
Another Glorious City. Change the shielded grassland to an entertainer.
Take it off the hill, AGC has to produce excess food to grow so it can produce settlers and workers.
Tyre: Change worker on hill to Grassland. Shield from hill lost to corruption anyway, yield one food and one Lytn.
Tyre CANNOT produce excess food. It has to stay size 2 so it can disband the city when the settler is produced.
That's all I can help you with though.
September 23, 2002, 22:21
Local Time: 03:28
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Well one reason I was hesitating to just upgrade our Wc was that we need chariots for ga, however since can build them at anytime i think we are safe with upgrading them. Also since a smaller city can build wc I am all for some cities building wc and upgrading, may only problem is this, it is still 100 to upgrade,though that beats the shield cost of a knight all to peices it still is a large sum of money, but here's the good news once we have a total of 10 wc/knights we can stop building miltary units for while and build libraries. I would like the libraries ready in time for GA. Here is a plan that maybe we can all live with. I was thinking about have 5 extra knights(above the 5 we already have, actually we have 3knights but a horse and chariot are already commited to upgrade)) all get made 5 turns from now(either thru wc or other means) and then have them gather and go east with explicit order of attacking the north persian area while the large army finishes off the bottom of persia. A note here the chariots would have to finsihed in 4 to be moveable by 5. I will leave it to MOE and CP to plan the specific but if termina produces a knight and since we have2 vet chariots we only ned 2 more wc or knights depending on cost. Here's the thing if we can get these units so close that it is less than 100 to rush them in 4 turns we should do it, if on the other hand we will be too far away to rush for less than a hundred I would urge a city build wc. For short I want to maximize production and minimize cost. One note after pasar gets to 1 i would like to rush a temple.
Currently the cost for 5 knights by turn 5 is 488 or 412 if we get a knight in del monte.
I have done some checking and the geofront could produce a chariot by turn 4. now the bad news even if delmonte does produce a knight it will still be possible to upgrade only 2 chrariots by then and we still would have to wait another few turns for the knight at termina. We could have this force by turn 8, but we will most likely only have 2 knights by then. I know there was a desire to build a corthouse at delmonte, but lets be real I have rarely seen much gain for a courthouse. But even if it does help the gain by it in the short term(which is all that matters since it will be built right after)is much smaller than the gain of a knight. I appealed last chat for poly not to build a settler and shrink and for us not to build a useless libary in timeline. I also appealed for tass to build a knight. Poly was once 10shield powerhouse now it is a tiny city. The appeals were not heard, but because of that the knights can not be available as desired. Well now we must pay the piper, we need these units within at the most 10 turns. A choice must be made do we fight war or build improvemnts to help in the future. The difference those improvements being built now or 15 turns later is insignificant, but the difference between the knights being available now or in 20 turns is HUGE. We cannot wage war without core cities producing combat units. We can build improvements but many core cities haven't built a combat unit in ages. In my games I produce alternating during war, but if the need is great I go all out knowing the worst course is a middle course during war, because then war stretches out and accomplished less. Remember the faster we get through with this war the faster we go into republic and NO improvements in monarchy will outperform that.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
Last edited by Aggie; September 24, 2002 at 00:35.
September 24, 2002, 01:49
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It seems our revered SMC has done his homework and has a great deal of passion about this situation. I humbley bow to the SMC!
I would have to back Aggies finding also. Building a top notch military when we are in the middle of what has turned into a MAJOR war is of the utmost importance. If we get our units now, we shouldn't need to request to build them later (barring a another future major war, which I do not forsee).
The question comes down to this:
What is more useful at this time?
A) Library (in monarchy with 10% sci rate or lower)
B) Knight (during heated battle for Persian homeland)
September 24, 2002, 03:02
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Here's another question.
Given a city with one turn left to complete a WC switches to a Knight. How much would it cost to rush buy the Knight from this point? If it is less then 100L, them we should switch all cities building WC over to Knights in order to rush buy them for cheaper than it is to upgrade.
Also, how many shields does it take to build A) a WC and B) horseman. Is it cost effective to build Horseman instead as it only costs 80L to upgrade them?
September 24, 2002, 03:30
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Almost immediately after/as the above military builds are finished and sent to dismember the remainder of the Persian Empire. We WILL be ushered into a GA via Sistines which we can then use in developing our infrastructure and pushing our advantages to become the outright dominan force in this game.
September 24, 2002, 07:42
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Re: Re: City Planner: Help request.
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
Take it off the hill, AGC has to produce excess food to grow so it can produce settlers and workers.
Tyre CANNOT produce excess food. It has to stay size 2 so it can disband the city when the settler is produced.
That's all I can help you with though.
I didn't know we were abandoning Tyre, thanks.
September 24, 2002, 07:49
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Originally posted by donegeal
Here's another question.
Given a city with one turn left to complete a WC switches to a Knight. How much would it cost to rush buy the Knight from this point? If it is less then 100L, them we should switch all cities building WC over to Knights in order to rush buy them for cheaper than it is to upgrade.
Also, how many shields does it take to build A) a WC and B) horseman. Is it cost effective to build Horseman instead as it only costs 80L to upgrade them?
Would cost 150 to rush to a knight.
We can no longer build horse as they are outdated. UU never become outdated.
September 24, 2002, 10:33
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Unortho, the plan according to ghengis is to build settler at size 2 and move it alittle to the Ne(I don't have a map, but i think, e,n(on road 1 turn) and rebuild it there. This way geofront can become a producing power house and tyre can expand our border somewhat.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
September 24, 2002, 11:03
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Instead of hurrying knights (or cavalries later) we should build a WC and upgrade it to a knight for a greatly reduced cost.
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September 24, 2002, 11:04
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Originally posted by Aggie
Unortho, the plan according to ghengis is to build settler at size 2 and move it alittle to the Ne(I don't have a map, but i think, e,n(on road 1 turn) and rebuild it there. This way geofront can become a producing power house and tyre can expand our border somewhat.
New Tyre would be the production powerhouse with almost half it's tiles being hills!
However, moving the worker to the grassland produces an extra gold and speeds up the time to size 2, I don't think GF realized it was size 1 now.
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September 24, 2002, 12:39
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I agree shiber thats why I want the cities I mentioned to change to knight. 2 of those cities could produce knights within 8 turns and the other could produce ones in the 10-15 turn timeframe. However if the money was available we could just do the wc to knight thing I was really impressed with the idea, but I also realize there will be a desire to use money on improvements. So I see it as this choice, do we commit our money or production to war. If the choice is production to buildings then we build wc and if it is war we build knights and rush improvements(after we have upgraded some chariots) . I would like wc in several other cities particularly geo and other cities that are small. This way we can balance our production and money(at 100L at wc to knight it can get expensive.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
September 24, 2002, 13:03
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Aggie: If were strictly up to me, I would grant you the Knights in Termina and BananaHQ, but continue Building in Del Monte and Timeline and build Chariots in a few smaller cities. However, it appears we are only going to play ONE turn tomorrow, so this is all pretty mute at the moment as nothing will finish in that time. I will be sure to let GK know of your request for Knights when he returns.
September 24, 2002, 13:12
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Originally posted by OPD
Hmmmn build queues would be good. So we could look at what were building long term. Perhaps I might take this up with GK when he gets back.
Anyway we've been building alot of libraries but they don't really give any benefit ATM. Long term yes but in the future we'll be able to build them alot faster. I always build markets B4 librarues.
Queues would be a benefit, but only after the war(s). It is too difficult to predict what reinforcements will be needed for the war effort otherwise.
My stance on Libraries: I would like to see them in certain cities ASAP, but most of those really would benefit more from a Courthouse at the moment. Building them in our core cities is a bit wastefull at this time IMO as those cities don't bring in a whole lot of cash. However, the GA (if and when the Sistine brings it) would change that dramatically, though.
September 24, 2002, 21:49
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Thanks unortho, I had to push. Lets face it that's the big battlecry of all generals. We want more troops. Sadly the battlecry of the budget people and cp's everywhere is"you can't have more toys right now". Actually that is half the fun and challenge of this game, trying to do as much as you can with what you have. I think we are all better players because of it.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
September 24, 2002, 21:55
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AFAIK, we're playing five turns tomorrow.
Originally posted by OPD in
The chat will be at 7 PM GMT (1900 GMT) see the top thread if you don't know what time that is where you live.
Minister if you can post 5 turns of orders then 5 turns can be done. Sorry to spring this on you so late. If you havn't the time then thats ok or if youjust want to relay orders in the chat thats ok too.
UnOR sorry about the lack of notice. Don't feel that you have to cancel anything important or go out of your way to post the orders if you can't post them in time it's my fault not yours.
Sorry to have to deliver the potentially bad news.
EDIT: Wait a sec -- you posted three (?) turns worth of orders -- maybe you already knew?
EDIT again: To clarify, I'm not trying to say that UnOrthO should add two more days worth of orders. Things'll work themselves out. I just wanted to make sure he knows . UnOrthO, please DON'T go writing more orders if you're really that sick; it's not necessary, and you'll make me feel guilty .
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
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Last edited by adaMada; September 24, 2002 at 22:25.
September 25, 2002, 09:28
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Yeah, I got that. I only needed 3 turns worth of orders, though as nothing will finish production in the last 2 turns.
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