September 24, 2002, 13:43
Local Time: 08:30
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 10
other llittle problems of mine
Hello again,
Thank you guys for answering my old my problems, I;ve managed to produce some new ones
... which I shall not hasitate to present as I noticed there are some really nice people here
1. Most general - should I open a new thread when want to say sth new (risking I'll overcrowd the forum just by myself) or stick to the thread closest to my ideas (risking only the Real Fantaics) will enter?
2. As for this recapturing of cities and points (I'm just playing a game I wouldn't like to spoil by coming back to old saves, which I consider unfair) - to be precise, when a few countries get my city and I keep recapturing it, will I get the points every time? - And I AM NOT talking about the feat of wonder here; there is a special line for recaptured cities in the score window; just I wouldn't like to reacpture more than absoultely necessary
(by the way, this feature of the game scoring engine, illogical to say the least, makes me crazy. I'm planning to remove garrsions from some of my cities to get more points! Absurd!)
3. A general doubt as for mods. I haven't had much contact with them so far, but as far as I understand, they are like personal add-ons. If so, even when cool, they have a big drawback of incomparability - everyone is playing different mods, so results/records etc. won't say much to each other player, right? By the way, is there any mod now absolutely most popular?
4. As Locutus rightly noticed, the horse of which civ-like game is better has been beaten to death. But I have an impression you are missing one important aspect, that is, AI. I spend much of my playing time playing with the computer, for many reasons, one of them being it's fairly "objective" in its actions. But only when it acts sensibly. For instance, in CTP2 I get hordes of slaves in battles. For a more stupid example, it's enough to have a friend among the always-faster-scientifically opponents to get all the inventions fast enough and the cheating of the computer turns against itself (beacause I can almost stop my own science and produce zounds of army units to terror computer states and beat them even faster). As in this saying, when a fool tries to cheat, he'll end up by cheating himself. I do admire many aspects of CTP2, but I guess such mistakes are spoiloing the game, don't you think?
5. How can I make sure a quotation (or "sth else") will always appear? I've ticked off a signature box, but it didn't seem to work
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September 24, 2002, 13:55
Local Time: 01:30
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1. Not necessary to open a new thread everytime...
2. I agree, the initial feat is cool, but after...well you said it...
3. You have to try the mods in order to address many of the more serious problems with the game, most notably the AI. They do all change the game in different ways, but as far as score goes just ask "what mod were you using?" and problem solved. I don't think that there is one specific mod that is most popular, but the most popular ones are Cradle, Medmod, Super apolyton pack, Goodmod, and world at war. They all make great and sometimes much needed improvements to the game. See the topped thread "Modpack wrapup" for more details.
4. try a mod
Hope that helps at least a little
September 24, 2002, 14:34
Local Time: 03:30
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Several notes about the Mods...
The Apolyton Pack does not tinker too much with the default game tech tree/units/ect., other that greatly strengthening the AI and diplomacy. Think of the ApolytonPack as the official patch of CTP2, or the patch that Activision should of put out if they were patching the game.
In the same way, GoodMod does not deviate too much from the default game tech tree/units/ect. It greatly strengthens the AI and adds a whole new set of Trade goods.
The other three Mods (Cradle, WAW, and MedMod) extensively rewrite the game from the ground floor. Each focus on a different era of history too.
Cradle is heavily focused on the Ancient/Medieval ages, but it is set up to play through the Future. It does includes most of Good Mod as part of its setup.
WAW starts at the 20th century and covers the past 100 years.
MedMod rewrites the entire tech tree.
In this regard, a player sees the strength of CTP2 - he has a choice to play a deep game in the timeframe that interests him. There is a lot of files that are common to all of the Mods, but at the same time, each Mod do have differences in their approaches.
In terms of difficulty, I cannot say which is harder... Cradle/WAW/Apolyton/GoodMod all have rather aggressive AIs.
Most of the basic strategies are the same though.
I will say this about point #4 - I personally think that civ3's tech setup is even worse. When a player is better off totally neglecting science and buying tech from the AI, then the game is counter-intuitive and broken (IMO).
And in CTP2, you can choose not to slave. Don't buy the slaver units...
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September 24, 2002, 15:19
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Originally posted by hexagonian
And in CTP2, you can choose not to slave. Don't buy the slaver units...
...and buy the abolitionist instead of it. But note you won't be able to build it if you have slaves and slavers. And if you don't gain slaves in battles then don't stack slavers into attack troops. To play against stronger AIs play a mod, as it is already have been said here.
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September 24, 2002, 15:23
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Re: other llittle problems of mine
1. If it's a continuation of what you posted earlier or very similar to what's already posted in an existing thread, it's best to reuse the existing thread. When you want to discuss something completely different (FE you might want to start a discussion about which governments are the best), then it would be best to start a new thread. It's often a matter of personal interpretation, do whatever you feel is best. We have people here who start new threads when it's really not needed and people who almost exclusively post in alreaady existing threads. Don't worry, I'll let you know if what you're doing is completely unacceptable
2. Hmm, yes, I overlooked that last time you asked it, one does seem to get points for every city recaptured. However, you should consider that loosing cities all the time isn't a good thing either: you population doesn't grow, you loose production points, people get unhappy. All this makes that you loose cities in other areas as well. So although you get a few bonus points for recapturing a city, you could well loose more points by having cities constantly change owner. So I wouldn't focus too much on those recapture points, if I were you - I don't think anyone here does.
3. Well, there's really only half a dozen or so major mods/mod-combos so although there are indeed differences betwen the mods, you can still compare results as long as you play the same mod. That's why we have the SP Tournament feature: everyone plays the same game on the same mod - that gives us a good opportunity to compare results. On random maps luck also plays a major role as well, so even if you are playing the same mod, there can still be major differences. The Tournaments (both SP and MP) are the best way to compare your skills to those of others here. Other than that, we play the mods mostly to have fun, not to show others how good we are
4. Like others said, try some of the mods, the AI is much better there. It still cheats (as pretty much any AI in any competetive game does), but not as severely and it's not as easy to take advantage of it.
5. You're referring to signatures, right? Go to Control Panel>Edit Profile and put your quote in the Signature field.
September 24, 2002, 17:39
Local Time: 08:30
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 10
Locutus, congratulations - you really keep an eye on what's going here - and give such fast answers!
Of course, I don't think recapturing cities is the main way to a great score. But if one does it with some moderation (and not close to the end of the game, so the cities have still time to grow), it's a wonderful way to get points, especially that it's a domain when you can go "beyond the limits," while you are not physically able to have more than, say, sixty well-prospering cities on a standard-size planet.
I'm bored with the question myself, so I'll ask it for the last time - but need a precise answer! - ok, if I keep loosing and recapturing ONE city to ONE enemy, will I be scoring many times?
As for the pleasure, of course score is not the only important thing. But these are unavoidably competitive games. They are like sword-fighting; it's beauty, but violance is inherent in it
As for the mods, I'm convinced - as soon as I finish scoring, I'll try some
September 24, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 05:30
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Location: of Natal, Brazil
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I'm bored with the question myself, so I'll ask it for the last time - but need a precise answer! - ok, if I keep loosing and recapturing ONE city to ONE enemy, will I be scoring many times?
Why dont you try to get the SP tounament saved game and do this 'possible cheat' comparing you with the others players
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September 24, 2002, 18:04
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Originally posted by Micelius
Of course, I don't think recapturing cities is the main way to a great score. But if one does it with some moderation (and not close to the end of the game, so the cities have still time to grow), it's a wonderful way to get points, especially that it's a domain when you can go "beyond the limits," while you are not physically able to have more than, say, sixty well-prospering cities on a standard-size planet.
I'm bored with the question myself, so I'll ask it for the last time - but need a precise answer! - ok, if I keep loosing and recapturing ONE city to ONE enemy, will I be scoring many times?
I don't have a complete answer myself here. But I know if I recapte a city that I captured before then it does not count. There are now two possible answers here. It only counts if you founded the city yourself might be possible or the scores is only given once. Of course you can use the cheat editor to find this out. Start a new game open the cheat editor. Found your first city now or before you open the cheat editor. Give it some additional population. Give you some military units in front of your city then change to an enemy give him a unit. Use it to capture your city. Then change back to your civ. (Maybe I should mention here that you should give youself before you capture your own city a second city, and also an additional city for your opponent would be good.) Then take your army and recapte the city then start this game of taking and retaking again and watch the scoring list.
Originally posted by Micelius
As for the pleasure, of course score is not the only important thing. But these are unavoidably competitive games. They are like sword-fighting; it's beauty, but violance is inherent in it
As for the mods, I'm convinced - as soon as I finish scoring, I'll try some
Yeah the game out of the box is only good for scoring and for warming up to go to the real challenge the mods.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
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