Well, we got SMAC working...it turned out that my friend didn't tell me about his firewall because "it worked fine with Jedi Outcast"
Anyway, I have a couple more questions:
1) In our first couple games, I got the 'ole "terran.exe has encountered an error and needs to close" window about 30 turns into the game, but the game still played fine after I moved the window to a bottom corner of the screen. It froze only when I tried to use the voice chat function. In our third game, I stopped using the voice chat entirely and I've experienced no problems in about 100 turns of play. Is this an issue that anyone knows about with Windows XP? It's not terribly important, but the voice chat is nice. Do any Windows XP users here use a program like Roger Wilco in SMAC with success?
2) My friend is, shall we say, "not very good" at expanding, we're past MY2200 and he has a grand total of three bases. Of course, he blames it entirely on Mind Worms. In any case, I'm conquering his neighbor the Hive, and I can't find a way to give him the bases I take over. The multiplayer commlink has options to give techs, credits and make treaties with a player, but I don't see a way to transfer control of a base. Am I missing something on the commlink screen, is it an option in the base control interface, or is the ability to give bases to other human players missing from SMAC?