GOSSIP and "cut_str"
WOW anyone ever had a good look through "cut_str" there is some good stuff in there that could be used. Lots of it infact
In relation to the diplomatic options that where in the BETA and not with the release (the ones I have posted about a thousand times) there is diplomatic stuff in "cut_str" asking for annual amounts of gold and stuff.
There are alot of things left in there that where for the GOSSIP function that was not included in the final of ctp2 either.
Could this function be re-implemented into CtP2 it would be very cool indeed. Tom Davies Noble unit could have the ability (and even diplomats and spies) I hope it can be done.
If you havent already, take alook through the "cut_str.txt" I am sure there is alot of stuff in there that you would like to use in HotW.
Oxygen should be considered a drug
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