Originally posted by jiawen
Hi all!
Does anyone from Firaxis read these forums?
Yes. Some Firaxians post here sometimes.
Originally posted by jiawen
I have a couple suggestions that I'd like to make for the next version (patch?) of Civ:
1) Allow for naming of places, like in SimCity 2000. It would be so nice to be able to talk about the Tailongjiang River than just "that one river that goes from X to Y". I would suggest that whoever controls a territory gets to name features within it.
This would be very useful in multiplayer games! Any chance of it being included in /PTW/? (Have I missed this someplace else?)
I know what are you talking about. I missed this feature too, but I'm afraid it will not present in PTW.
Originally posted by jiawen
2) Stop my workers from traipsing into other players' territories! They do this to develop my territories which need it, true, but it's really annoying to keep getting angry messages from other rulers.
I agree with you. The workers need to evaluate if the territory they are trepassing have a ROP first, so they can go ahead, else they stay where they are. I hope this improved worker AI will be in the next patch or in PTW.
Originally posted by jiawen
Also, is this even close to the right place to post this? I know there's a Civ 3 suggestion section of this site, but surely that's no longer active in any way?
Maybe you can post this in PTW Apolyton forum, but here I think will be most probable for someone on firaxis read.