October 2, 2002, 07:29
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What should i do next
im in war with greece and bablyon, im high on forces but losing money what should i do make peace and wait for space or go for conquest
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 2, 2002, 12:04
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Either end the war quickly or go for complete conquest  . Our have some of your cities build wealth while others build units.
October 3, 2002, 13:15
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Ive downloaded this but I cant veiw it in game can you help,am I doing something wrong.
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October 3, 2002, 13:56
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I didn't notice your money status. I was checking the file for ChrisiusMaximus. If you can cut your spending the get a ROP with Rome and start rolling. Greece will be easier and Babyon might be faster because of the Rails. Nothing can stop you except civil disorder. So if you don't have all the luxuries those should be your first target.
You don't need any more tech just more tanks. No can stop your tanks if you just keep pushing. Take the cities and you will soon have a domination victory. Don't leave extra units in the cities as they may flip. Don't worry about flipping just take the city back. Greece may be easier on this as they have less pop. Make everyone an entertainer and try to get temple if you can afford to rush them.
Conquest will take longer in which case you would need money for tech.
October 3, 2002, 15:32
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Ive downloaded this but I cant veiw it in game can you help,am I doing something wrong.
It worked for me. Are you on 129f? did you load it to the save folder for civ3?
October 3, 2002, 15:42
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flash9286, it seems to me that you can do anything you want as they have no chance.
I would switch off of amp research and get radio to get onto the next age and the good stuff.
Cut back on research and increase lux slider to insure no disorder. cut back on some cities building tanks and make Temples and the like. They have nothing to stand up to you with. Money will be flowing in and go after who ever has the lux items. You will need to get the anti pollution tech or face lots of clean up. A size 9 city with out even a temple is scary to me, with 0 for luxs at the higher levels that is deadly. You have missed out on we love you days.
October 3, 2002, 15:50
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I should add that it looks like workers were on auto as I see lots of mines that are never going to be worked. That cost you. I am switching some cities from tanks to hospitols as they are not growing. I want those coll/cath as well as I see lots of unhappy faces.
Argos has 7 resisters, but soem citizens are on tiles? I moved all to jokers to start the starving and set to built temple once we get the resisters calmed. You can not make anything from a resisting city IIRC. I want to drop that pop down to 1 or 2 ASAP, if I can.
I see lots of irrigated tiles in cities that have 12 and no hospitol and no one even to work the tiles so that is lot time/shields as well. Workers are bad guys that need supervision.
I am finding lots of cities that are building factories that wil take as much as 172 turns in a city that has +1 shield, no temple and no growth at pop 4, may I suggest that is not productive. I would just drop a temple in and set them to wealth unless I can grow them.
Last edited by vmxa1; October 3, 2002 at 16:03.
October 3, 2002, 15:59
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I agree with Ethelred's and vxma1's comments... no TEMPLES??!!
Some other thoughts:
* Why didn;t you build cities SW of Persepolis (minimal corruption) and SE of Bactra (unused cow and wheat!!)?
* You need a harbor on the SW island ASAP. You can disband Arty to get one built even while in disorder. Alternatively, if you take out Eretria, you get the benefit of the harbor in Ravenna. Also, you should starve down the Greek cities.
* You can trade a tech to Rome for Silks, gpt, etc.
* Notice that New Arbela, with the IW, is pumping out 81 shields. You are building Tanks there, which cost 100 shields. You are thus wasting 62 shields every second turn.
Overall, pretty strong except for the lack of buildings.
In answer to your original question, Hammy needs to be introduced to your many, many Tanks.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
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October 3, 2002, 16:15
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Looking at it again.
You can slow down your research. You don't need it set at 70%. cut back a bit so you can rush temple in any cities you take. You have plenty of money at the moment.
You have too much irrigation in most of your cities. Take some workers of automation and set them to building mines in your core cities.
Its too late now for this but you might want to build temples and cathedrals in the future. You have entertainers which is a waste of potential.
You can and should trade for spice with Rome. They need iron and you could use the three happy faces that will provide. With iron Rome will be a more usefull ally. You won't need as many entertainers. That plus some more mines and your core cities should produce a tank every other turn.
I don't think you realy need hospitals myself since the win is not that far away. It will increase your score but without more luxuries capping your population is not a bad idea since you have so few temples and therefor also few cathedrals. No sense trying to capture the Sistine Chapple since you don't have the cathedrals to make use of it.
Sistine Chapple and cathedrals gives you SIX contented population in each city with a cathedral. Its a very good GW unless you have a load of luxuries. You only have four despite having half the territory.
Weird. You are building a privateer in Argos the Greek city you just captured. Change that to a temple or library or an airport, you need the airport and something to produce culture. GET THOSE TROOPS OUT OF THERE NOW. That city could flip at any time. Greece has more culture than you do. Leave in just a couple of defensive units and maybe a few artilllery since you have so many. So many at the moment that is. If the city flips its all gone.
Set everyone in Argos as entertainers at least till resistence ends. That will decrease the chances of a flip and you want to keep that city because it has a harbor.
Take Corinth imediatly. It has wine and with spice from the Romans that will give SIX more happy faces than you have now. Beside if you take Corinth that will improve the chances that Argos won't flip.
Basicly all you need to do is keep pumping out tanks and getting them to the other continent to win this thing in ten to twenty turns or even less if you build temples or libraries. Libraries may be a better choice than temples. The cost you less and the cities boundries will expand faster.
October 3, 2002, 17:12
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I played out turn and was very sorry that some of the arties were not left behind for defence. I lost 2 DD to ironclads that if I had say 4 arties I could have pounded a bit before the turn and they would have fled or died. I took some of the 16 transports and disbanded them to finish a few temples as I do not see the need for that many. You will not be filling them up and several more were unconstruction (no longer). I mean you already have a foot hold, so a few for reinforcement is enough. That lack of mines really slows down prduction in those size 12 cities. They should crank out a temple in no more than 2 turns. Rome ask for ROP and MPP and I took it as I do not now what all is going on, but I do not see how I would gain more wars and do not want another enemy right now. I was too lazy to grab all workers yet, but soon. Need a harbor on the islands so you can make RR to the cities that are captured. I will rush it in one of the cities.
October 3, 2002, 17:49
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One thing that was not mentioned and is the reason to build 5 hospitols when you first got the tech is that Battle Field Medicine requires them. No healing on enemy ground without it. If you need to park a stack and take hit, no healing without with drawing. Bad rolls as the DD's are losing 4 out 5 fights with ironclads. Also the lack of marketplaces can hurt as they are useful to pacify citizens. Since this is Regent, it will not be fatal.
October 3, 2002, 20:05
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thanks for all of your help i will try to post the finished game by monday if any of you finish the game i would appreciate it if you would post the game
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 4, 2002, 13:26
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Here it is in 1928. I do not know what win types are allowed. I am holding off on space as I figure that the AI can not out produce me if it comes to that race. Could make nice and have vote. Could make MPP with 2 and go after 3rd. Could wait to see who jumps, could just sit and get culture. All options are open. No one can do anything to the mainland, it is safe. All large cities have all structures up all eco building are up or going up in any city with pollution. All tiles are done on mainland and most other lands.
I started by switching from AW to radio. Since this is sci race, want to get to new age to get a free tech and get to MI/MA and the modern wonders first. Put many cities on wealth and stopped all tank production. Took all workers of auto and finished road system and built some mines over irrigation. Started some hospitols to get growth in no growth cities. Then get some temples going. This made Ravena switch sides and that island is all mine. Used some atries on that island to rush those temples. Use some transports to rush some on mainland and the cities on the other land mass. Grabbed a few cities there as well. Razed two more of Hammies cities and made peace all around. When Rome was going down I jumped in to take the last 2 cities. The fight with hammy gave one leader so I made an army of 1 tank and used it to kill a 1 hp unit. This leads to Epic, etc. Got hospitols up and then made Battle Field.
New age gave Rockets, so I jumped on Eco and Syn Fibers. Made tanks MA's. Went back to get labs and MI, then race for Cure. I discovered some where along the line that most large cities had coal plants along with Hydro. I sold off all coal plants (I never build them) to get cash and reduce pollution. Some time the workers got all done and I sold off most native workers and kept captured to do clean up and anything that come along.
October 4, 2002, 15:12
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the only wins allowed are domination and conquest
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 4, 2002, 18:26
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Ok here you go Xeres the Wise has won.
October 4, 2002, 19:51
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Many attempts to get this att, but server is choking.
October 5, 2002, 12:30
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I finally got to view this with Ethelreds help(thanks Ethelred).Definitely agree that you should reduce your science rate a little and rush some improvements to improvw culture and wealth.I wont go on here now cause youve most likely won this by now and have already had good advice which I would tend to agree with.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 5, 2002, 13:32
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here my game im not going to finish it not a challenge and just joined a civ tourment thanks for all the help.
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 5, 2002, 14:58
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Originally posted by flash9286
here my game im not going to finish it not a challenge and just joined a civ tourment thanks for all the help.
Holly cow what happened? Did you see my 1928 sav? I already had all the inf as MI captured several cities and was rocking. How did you lose the cities on the Babs land? I had tanks upgraded to MA and had UN/Cure/Long built or being built. In 1956 you do not even have the tech researched? I mention this only that it may be useful to see how much the impact is of getting the infrastructure up and running and getting the most from the workers. I had not gone all out to reset the citizens for max use as I knew it was not required and I wanted to get finished. Just getting the temples gave me Ravena on a flip, granting me the whole island. At the highest level you just can't survive without getting more from what you have. Anyway good luck and thanks for the game, I enjoyed it.
October 5, 2002, 15:15
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it just got boring so i gave the cities back to babylon and just let peace regin
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 7, 2002, 09:22
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I thought that game should have gone faster than that so I played it out. I kept a running log in notepad.
Final score 2842 in 1856. Just kept on warring with Greece and harrasing the Babs till I wiped out the Greeks and shortly thereafter got a domination victory.
Much of log is a listing of changes in builds for the first turn I played. May have built too many hospitals then.
EDIT: Save game attached to next post.
Changed form amphibious war to radio. AW is a waste of time. The change wasted research but I have no use for amphibious war.
Lowered research to 60%, resulting in 10 turns for Radio putting the treasury 26 GPT in the red. Acceptable, thats only 260 down for the treasurey. After the changes I made the radio will be done in eight turns and with PLUS 27GPT instead of minus 26.
Traded incense, rubber and iron to Rome for spices. Need the luxury and Rome is an ally in need of resources. Got his world map as an add on.
This allows a number of the cities to cut back on entertainers.
Adjustments to cities besides rearanging citizen to get the entertainers back to work.
New tarsus switched from destroyer to harbor. Shouldn't build ships in cities without harbours. The city could use the extra food in the coastal tiles anyway.
New Arabela swithed to university. Qued up a barracks. The thing was wasting time on REGULAR tank. Will build tanks after barracks is up.
New Antioch Hospital, Qued temple. This city should get to the point where is can produce a tank a turn with more pop.
New Gordium - Temple.
New Bactra - Harbor, temple what the heck was it wasting 11 turns on a Battleship for.
New Sidon Hospital temple
New Tyre Barracks temple
New Sardis Temple barracks wasted less shield with that order
New Samaria temple hospital
Rhodes library no way a city in resistance should be wasting time on a tank. Set all to entertainers to avoid Civil Disorder
New Hamadan Police station. Decrease in corruption will help more than a factory at this point.
Hispalis Library
Persopolis Airport hospital cathedral
Antioch Harbor
Pasargadae Airport, Hospital temple - needs irriagtion changed to mines
Susa Airport Hospital temple why have so much food in city stuck at twelve intend to get shields up to fifty from fourty-eight. Wasting a full turn on tank production at present.
Arbela harbor there are way to many cities that don't have harbors that should have them to get the best use out of the city. More food means more people which means more money for research
Argos. In resistance. Converted all citizens to entertainers switched to library from pirate, disbanded two artillery to finish the library for the next turn.
Tarsus barracks temple
Gordium temple hospital
Bactra barracks
Sidon Harbour temple
Tyre temple
Sardis Police Station rushed it What the heck was it building bank for with 75% corruption?
Samaria temple hospital barracks
Hamadan courthouse 66% corruption and it was building a factory. Factories don't help as much as cleaning house at that level.
Ergelli Police Station even more waste and building a factory so long a police is one shield away from finishing.
Dariush Kabir put a temple in que after the tank. The city isn't to bad but it needs more happiness
Ghulaman qued a temple and hospital after tank finishes
Zohak rushed a courthouse a city that corrupt doesn't deserver an aquaduct
Istakhr switched from police station to courthouse and rushed it.
Jinjan switched factory to police station rushed it.
Borazjan FACTORY with only one bloody shield not wasted out of twelve - Switched to courthouse.
Herat switched factory to courthouse rushed it.
Dakyanus rushed police station
Bampur courthouse rushed then harbour
Tureng Tepe Police Station barracks. No way that place should have been building tanks
Merv courthouse temple
Behistun Courthouse again a corrupt city working on an aquaduct.
Kandahar Courthouse harbor not worth rushing though
Altin tepe courthouse instead of aquaduct
Bunyan courthouse temple
Charsadda courthouse
Ephesus library made all citizens entertainers city is in resistance
New Persopolis police station less corruption and the city will produce faster
Thessalonica converted citizens to entertainers switched city to libary disbanded two artillery to finish it.
New Pasargadae courthouse rushed it but it might be a waste to have done so.
New Susa Courthouse barracks then it can go back to tanks Maybe.
These changes will slow tank production for a few turns but will speed it in the long run. The idea right now is to concentrate on taking Greece to get the luxuries. Let Rome worry about Babylon for a bit.
Some artillery realy should have been left at home for shore defense. Going to switch all the remaining tank production to artillery but that is only three.
Got a GL in 1808 used it for Army now building Heroic Epic.
Babylon made a worthless invasion with one infantryman and one cavalryman. Got a tank to elite from it.
Rome made peace with Greece and Babylon but not Egypt.
Persia is now at peace with Egypt as I couldn't be bothered with fighting Cleo. To hard to get at while still at war with Greece and Babylon.
1810 turned on Civil Disorder popup. One of the more usefull things that involve the Domestic Irritant.
Set entertainment to 10%
Have Radio and Rocketry as a scientific civ. Working on Ecology and Synthetic fibers are next. Research is slow at 10 turns.
Have taken Corinth, Heraklia, Delphi, Eritria, Ravenna, and Mycenae. Mycenae flipped the next turn in 1810. Took back Mycenae in 1810.
Have a lot of cities building Cathedrals to try to make up for war weariness that is finally becoming problematic. Think I can still finish Greece.
Using airports to transfer tanks to war zone now.
Have several tanks pillaging in Babylon to cut down them down a bit. Cutting roads and resources. Don't usually do that but there aren't enough tanks to attack the Babylonian cities AND the Greek cities.
Greece asked for peace. Fat chance. If I take all of the Greek cities that may be enough for a domination win after the cities borders grow. Besides Greece has more culture so they have to or the captured cities may flip.
Wipe them out. All of them.
The one good quote from Star Wars 1.
Rats Corinth flipped and that is my wine supply. Well it will be mine again RSN but I had a fair amount of the artillery in there to disrupt Babylons attempts to take the cities.
Gotta kill of Greece fast.
RATS Herakleaia flipped as well but to Babylon. Persias culture is too bloody low. Not building temples and cathedrals was not a good idea.
Persia is clearly a nation of alcholics. Nearly every city went into civil disorder because of the loss of wine. Oh well if they would rather riot than eat thats their problem. Mine is taking back Corinth.
Took back Corinth on same turn. Same for Herakeia.
1814 Vile Babs took Herakeia with a cavarlymen from my tank. Annoying. At least the civil disorder problem went away for a bit.
Heradeia is now liberated again. Down to one pop.
Pi Ramesses is now part of the Glorius Persian Empire. Greece is down to four cities. Unfortunatly the troops are getting thin in the war zone due to a lack of replacements. If I can keep Corinth that should change.
Finally cut Greek last land trade route but they still have a harbor.
1824 another GL.
1828 Finally got another Greek city, Pharsolos three to go
1830 got ecology but research is so slow its 19 turns for Synthetic Fibers. Game may be over by then.
1832 made new MPP with Rome traded them a couple of luxuries for it. Might make things harder for the Babs. Can't hurt anyway. They declared war on the Greeks and Babs. I may wind up at war with the Egyptians again but not yet.
1834 Took Thermopole from the Greeks Two to go.
1838 Took Athens with the Great Wall and Leonardo's Workshop which will be nice if I ever get Modern Armour. Once city left to Greece.
1840 Took Sparta. Missed on city thats on a primarily Egyptian island, one green in sea of yellow. RATS. Greece still lives.
1842 Eritria flipped to the Greeks. Perfidious Helena will die for this.
GL gained on defense by a tank in the field against Bab cavalry.
1844 Eritria retaken. Babs still have 54 infantry to Persias 44 tanks. The pillaging will continue at a faster rate. Don't need the land intact this time.
1850 Thermopole's border expands and Gems are now MINE. 7 of 8 luxuries and a lot cities are now more content.
Took Narquin from the Babs. Thats on island to the South East of Persia. Three more Bab cities on it.
Walked into Arbydos. Greece's LAST city and it had no defender. War Weariness improved.
1852 Babylon asks for peace. Unwilling to pay my outrageous demands it doesn't get it. Sure is nice to have less War Weariness AND a seventh luxurie. The last is the tuskers and the Babs seem to have all of them. Just five.
Took Zariqum on the Bab island to the Southeast.
Took Elipi from the Babs on their mainland. Part of route to tuskers.
Domination victory in 1856.
Final score 2842
Watching the replay I think Persia was TOO aggressive perhaps. There were four civs on the continent and by 550 only one, Persia and Pesia still only has a mere four cities. No contact with other civs for tech trading and not one captured city. Gotta let the civs ripen a bit before picking. Taking it one I can see. Maybe two but if the AI is kind enough to build cities for you you should use them. Settlers cost time and population especially this early in the game. Then again a complete large continent is kinda nice. However it does mean the the odd gaps in Persia cities was self inflicted. Large gaps in the core area wastes a lot of potential.
October 7, 2002, 09:26
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Save game. 1852 last autsave before the game ended.
October 7, 2002, 11:58
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Originally posted by Theseus
Some other thoughts:
* Notice that New Arbela, with the IW, is pumping out 81 shields. You are building Tanks there, which cost 100 shields. You are thus wasting 62 shields every second turn.
So what do you do with 80 shield cities?
Odd Numbered turns-- all production
Even Numbered turns-- 20 production, 80 to sci or tax or entertainment?
Never tried this technique, is it worth the micro management?
-- PF
October 7, 2002, 12:31
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Well with 81 shields sometimes there are better more efficient things to build than tanks. If there isn't however I see no reason not to build the best units I can in it. At one point in finishing that game I had to strip some of the infantry out of the cities and put them on transport. Leaving four or five Persian cities without protection.
So I set New Arbela to building infantymen in ONE turn for about three or four turns by moving on citizen from an irrigated grassland tile to a hill. That was using two food from the box each turn so it couldn't be sustained but for a few turns its was OK. Then the city went back to producing a tank every two turns.
Happens all the time in my games. I usually have one citiy that can produce a tank in turn (sometimes even MA in one turn) and then ten or more producing one tank every two turns half of them with lots of wasted shields. They will have everything built so churning out tanks is the best use for them. Sometimes there is one that turn out infantrymen one per turn but not tanks. I will usually set that city to producing infantry to hold the cities after the tanks take them.
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