From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1752): was that a unit I saw on my land deity?
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1752): what?
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1752): nah
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1754): deity is stealing techs off me
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1754): hooray
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1754): and he lied about having units on my land
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1754): Mr Spotless?

To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1754):

From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1754): shows how weak he is
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1754): mr "i'm getting a tech every 3 turns" LOL
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): 2 turns or one
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): yeah right - that's why you just stole 5 off me
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): no one will trade with me
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1756): hehe, i would.....
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): you never ask anyone for trade - just act like your **** doesn't stink every game - but I forgive you since it is your birthday - happy ****ing birthday
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): LOL!
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756): i got nothing you need makeo
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1756): thats why i'm not trading. if you did then i would
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1756):

To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1758): 12 will be my limit tonight

From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1758): and then the posting will begin...........
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1758): LOL!
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1758): you mean Horse won't have any techs left by 12?

To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1758):

From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1758): hahahaha!!!
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1760): How is your rep going down there Birthday Boy?
From Anonymous (A.D. 1760): Onion Island and now this.............
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1760): he he

From Anonymous (A.D. 1760): I hope he got stain remover for his birthday
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1760): lol
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1760): I never thought I'd see the day when the "economic supremo" was reduced to lies and tech stealing.................
From Anonymous (A.D. 1760): deity on civ skid row
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1760): more tech stealing
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1760): well, it's getting close to knock off time, isn't it
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1760): but i want another turn...
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1760): Sorry, Deity's fingers are worn to the bone from all the pickpocketing
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1762): you know something interesting's around the corner when Makeo wants another turn ...
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1762): nah
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): save?
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): yeah just a minute
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): okay its saved, thanks
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): pleasaure to play you
From President Makeozacoatl (A.D. 1762): night
From President Eyes of Night (A.D. 1762): thanks - night all - happy birthday D!
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): night

To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): LOL
From Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762): happy birthday thief
To President Makeozacoatl, President Eyes of Night, Prime Minister Horsie (A.D. 1762):