October 4, 2002, 23:39
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Why am I being attacked??
This happens to me on every game past Cheiftan. I play peacfull until the middle ages, some guy gets calvary, and woops my @ss. What the heck??? I am sooo fustrated. I bought this game to build a Civilization through the course of history, not fight all the time, and have people demand things from me! Civ 2's second diff level was never like this. I don't know what to do! Help!!!
October 5, 2002, 19:19
Local Time: 04:56
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build your miltary up but dont attack if your stronger they usally wont attach you.
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 5, 2002, 19:51
Local Time: 04:56
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When you go to your militar advisor and he says that compared to these guys were are weak or average, you can expect to get bullied. They will demand and attack. Why on earth do you have no Horsemen/Knights at all? You really should not make so many spearmen. Horsemen can attack and become Knights and then calv. You also need the movement. I would also suggest more mines and less irrigation. Researching Printing Press and Music is not of much value unless you can trade/sell them. I would prefer to go down the Invention path to Military Tradition. The AI will use those Knight/Calv to carve you up. Calv is boss for a very long time and really until tanks can be used. Inf are stronger, but no movement and lame attack makes them defensive only. Anyway with out better units the AI sees you as it in the game of tag. You can get by building at this level, IF you are strong. Most cities are not putting out enogh shields and need market places to help with the income and luxs. I never build 89 of anything unless I play conquest only and then only very very late in the game. If you had 50 knights when you got Chivalry instead spears you would/could/should have kick butt.
October 5, 2002, 20:45
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Melboz99, take a look at the "Must Read" thread at the top of this forum... nail the early game, and you won't have any problems.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
October 6, 2002, 03:55
Local Time: 04:56
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India would be willing to trade you for Horses so you could start Knights in a bunch of towns, that should have been done awhile back. I saw a few making universities at 20-85 turns and they are size 6 with no ducts for growth? In the long run growing to 12 will get you more. I see the capitol did not get a temple until 850ad, so that is a lot of culture lost. A 1000 year old temple would be kicking out serious culture now, plus making some citizens happy. I found 5 workers idle in cities with jungles everywhere and mines to be built. 2 pop cities trying to build a university? You will lose a city on the next turn even with 2 pikemen. One issue is non vets. Swordsmen can be dangerous to spear/pike even in cities. If the city was 6 or 7 that would help. I found only 5 barracks with such a large perimeter and war already going that can hurt. If any other civs go to war .... I always want a barracks on the front lines. I do not know when the war started, but given where you are, I would have done 3 things at that time.
1- put all cities on wealth if they can't make something soon, workers off of auto and mining/roading
2- get horses from someone and start knights
3- start upgrading all spearmen to pikes and warriors to swords. Do this by sending some to a city with a barracks and rotate them back to where they came from until all upgraded. Had that been done at the get go, you may not be at war. I mean you are sitting on over 900, it is not doing anything for you. Getting horse would have allowed a lot of knights to have been made way back, in fact I would have looked for a town that had them and gone to war to get them they are life and death a real must, unless you are an island.
By the way you can save that city if you send the reg spearmen out to atack the sword on its left. You will die, but they will not attack next turn. send in help and buy another pike before the turn ends. Without horsemen/knight you really can not attack the swords and they can defeat the defenders. Good luck
October 6, 2002, 20:35
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Play a different game, by turning off the conquest and domination victory conditions when starting the game.
Five ways or separate individual ways to win.
October 6, 2002, 21:34
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Raion, that will not change anything, you will still be bullied and attacked if you are weaker and they will want to expand.
October 6, 2002, 22:00
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to answer the title, BECAUSE YOU ARE WEAK.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
October 6, 2002, 23:15
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Uber's right.
Straight-out builder does not work in Civ3... imagine South Korea: "No, we're not gonna have a military, or ally with any of the big powers. We're just gonna farm and build stuff. We'll be OK!"
You must contend in every arena.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
October 7, 2002, 00:14
Local Time: 01:56
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Theseus, you are referring to when North Korea invaded, right?
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
October 7, 2002, 00:51
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JB, it was worse than most people remember today. There was a fierce ideological dispute among the populace, resulting in a negotiated north / south split between communism and (albeit corrupt) democracy. Then, BOOM, the north attacked the south, with the help of both the Soviets and the ChiComm.
The US lost 90% as many soldiers in Korea as in Vietnam.
Back to the point: "The price of liberty is eternal vigilence." It applies in Civ3 too... don;t let your guard down, on any front.
(Damn, way too serious... so there's this joke, see, where the mixed-unit Army goes into a bar...)
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
October 7, 2002, 01:49
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I think there's an old saying that goes "He who would have peace should prepare for war", or something like that. (Does anyone know who said that?) You don't think the U.S. actually plans to ever USE all of its nuclear weapons, do you? (God forbid...) Incredible destructive power is very effective for detering people from attacking you. (The reasonably sane ones, anyway.) This is why you need a military that can stand up to the AI's. If you haven't got one, I would strongly suggest giving in to their demands -- that's the price of a small military force. You must decide whether you are willing to pay it.
"God is dead." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead." - God
October 7, 2002, 23:15
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Yes a strong military DRASTICALLY changes how the other civs view in, at least in terms of bullying you around. Another civ weak compared to you won't bully you around, and if they do, you smash em
October 8, 2002, 11:48
Local Time: 03:56
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another price of a small military - say you have to give in every time they make demands or they declare war. well, even if you're ahead in tech and income, soon you will have none at all - you'll be giving away all your gold in exchange for them ot attacking you. after you have nothing left, they demand CITIES. then all your nice building comes to nothing.  i used to try to be more of a builder, but i learned the hard way about keeping your military up to date. check with your military advisor every few turns to make sure you have a strong military "compared to these guys."
good luck!
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
October 8, 2002, 11:54
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"Let him who desires peace prepare for war."
Roman named Vegetius.
My Civ3 motto?
"Let him who desires war prepare for war."
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
October 10, 2002, 21:28
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my motto attack when you get swordsmen
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
October 11, 2002, 01:21
Local Time: 04:56
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I've been inspired by AU 107, and pulled out an old Latin schoolbook.
John's quote is:
Si vis pacem para bellum.
All the recent "peaceful" threads?? That's my best advice (something like 1800 years after the original... makes you think).
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
October 11, 2002, 13:21
Local Time: 00:56
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I always think, "get horsemen earliest and then attack."
Really, it seems simple... get an edge (horse or sword, or both together) and then go pay a visit to one of your neighbors. Making somebody else's city yours is almost as good as building a settler.
Even once I have made it to the turning point, I keep building units.
It seems like, as your civ grows, every other civ will have to test you at one time or the other - sort of like a single elimination kick boxing tournament or something.
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