October 4, 2002, 15:38
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To be honest, I don't know if I'll buy PTW
The only reason I would, would be for the single player improvements. Radar Towers, Air Bases, ect. I enjoyed Civ3... well when they finally got all the units and features WORKING. But the unfished release version really pissed me off. I'll definately be waiting at least a month before I buy PTW to make sure they aren't using consumers as beta testers again. It just seems like Civ3 wasn't "finished" without airbases lol. I don't mind paying more money for more features... developement takes money. I just want the features I fricking buy to work right. . .
Thanks for reading,
October 4, 2002, 16:05
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I agree. I will be buying PTW but will also be waiting to see what people think. I will also be buying it mostly for the single player stuff, though I will enjoy playing against friends. Hopefully PTW also offers more editing capabilities.
October 4, 2002, 16:35
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Civ's always been that way.
Which is better? Having a big company do nothing after the game.
Civ III is still the best game, for editing, adding anything to it, and being free enough, so people can still complain about it.
But, I have played other games, and still, they just are not the same.
I buy it because it kind of tradition, still same way Civ II came out, and other games are usually gone before anything happens with them.
October 4, 2002, 22:18
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Look at the fixes listed in the patches... MAJOR fixes even in the latest patch. And the fact that the limited editon tin was such an absurd ripoff doesn't help matters.
Though, I've been thinking extremely optimistically today so let me run this crazyness by you fellow gamers. Maybe computer games always need patches because of this.
Devs only have so much time to get a product out the door before developement starts cutting into profits. And if you don't make money on the game, you can't make anymore games. Developers could put out a fully functional game that works perfectly. However, this would mean the game would have less content. Instead they decide to do as much as they can in a game, knowing that they will probably be able to work out the kinks later on. Just another way of looking at it, and it might explain why I find computer games so much better than consoles. :-)
Thanks for reading,
October 5, 2002, 00:35
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You may be right Ballz.
I think that anyone who has any doubts should wait. Tune in here and listen to those who love it and hate it. Then make your decision.
If the past is a guide to the future, then there will be patches. There will be improvements.
I'll buy it right away just so I can rip a few Civ2 MP heads off before they figure out how the game works. Once they figure out how to play 3, then I don't know how well I will do.
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October 5, 2002, 08:00
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Originally posted by notyoueither
I'll buy it right away just so I can rip a few Civ2 MP heads off before they figure out how the game works. Once they figure out how to play 3, then I don't know how well I will do.
....You are right. I am afraid that only by devoting a large amount of time in MP will I be able to face oppoments that can destroy your whole civ in a matter of minutes. I am especially worried of the warmongers: contrary to the builders, their tactics do not need adaption to use them succesfully. And I am not good at war in civ anyway
Not that I am going to be an easy target, that is!
Btw I am going to buy BtW as soon as I spot it in a shop. I would buy it even if it would only offer the MP ability; abd I am already in love with the Celts...
October 5, 2002, 17:24
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October 5, 2002, 19:39
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I'm bleary eyed from just wading through the llooonnngg 4 pages of the Civfanatics (edited) chat log. Interesting changes coming in PTW (including air unit op range freedom). No firm release date yet. I'll be getting it asap, for SP only.
Coracle was there and was utterly ignored (as befitted the vast majority of his input), except for one or two good suggestions noted by Mike B.
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
October 5, 2002, 19:57
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CGW has a little review of PWT and was very favorable. Don't matter as I will get it regardless.
October 5, 2002, 21:17
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I know I won't immediately, I've already bought alot more video games this year than I normally do, so I only plan to pick up moo3 this fall, and catch ptw in the spring sometime. Probally the same thing with morrowind's expansion too actually.
Nothing against ptw though, it sounds great, but I think moo3 is probally gonna be more bang for the buck if you have to make the choice like I do  (although $ to hour ratio, I think civ3 is very close to the best video game ive played)
October 5, 2002, 23:13
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I'll buy it. But it will be released here after they release it in the USA and Europe, so I'll have some days to enjoy what other people think about it.
But I have so many games to play now... Today I bought Europa Universalis, but I won't have to play it till next weekend, I guess.
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October 5, 2002, 23:14
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EDIT: Won't have time to play it...
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October 6, 2002, 09:48
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vcoulnd't you have actually edited it rather then reply with the word edit in your post?
October 6, 2002, 10:47
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i must buy PTW, after all this talks. althought Civ3 is not well known in my school (they are all Action type) i will and i must.
 for Play The World ( i know i'm longwinded but wat the heck!)
wat's with the world. is that the most powerful nation has jus elected an warmonger as leader
October 6, 2002, 10:49
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Plus i hav all the time in the world excluding study time and sleep time
wat's with the world. is that the most powerful nation has jus elected an warmonger as leader
October 6, 2002, 13:10
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Originally posted by I am Ruler
Plus i hav all the time in the world excluding study time and sleep time
Time is not the problem... Money is. Some people don't want to pay for features that should already have been included in the original version of CivIII.
But I do
October 6, 2002, 13:42
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I got a preorder of it for my birthday.  So I anxiously await its arrival to my door.
October 7, 2002, 08:43
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Originally posted by Cidifer
vcoulnd't you have actually edited it rather then reply with the word edit in your post?
Yes, I could, but my connection is awful, the forums are slow and the edit feature is even slower... I chose the quickest way.
I'm at work now, of course, so editing it would not be so bad...
Back on topic: I think that PTW will be a worthy addition to Civ3. Pity that many of its features should have been in the original game...
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
October 7, 2002, 10:54
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Originally posted by I am Ruler
Plus i hav all the time in the world excluding study time and sleep time
just a question, if all you do is study and sleep what are you studying for? I mean if you don't need to go to school then it would seem your not studying for that otherwise that would take up time wouldn't it?
October 8, 2002, 11:35
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lets not be silly and pretend that Firaxis made the game as complete as Civ2 (and I'm talking about the lack out airbases and outposts which seem to have been deliberately left out to make PTW more appealing. And I'm as frustrated as everyone else with this. But this "waiting to see" talk is a bunch of garbage. You can wait as long as you want if you are still stamping your feet about them doing this and simply live without the added features... or you can buy it. Civ3 is a seller's market and they know this; its just good business sense to make use of that knowledge. With all this talk about waiting a month or so, it seems Firaxis only alienated you long enough to know for sure that this game is not only the world-standard in single-player turn-based strategy games but now multiplayer too.
See you in the check out line.
"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
October 8, 2002, 13:30
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I'm just confused as to why so many people think everything but the kitchen sink should have been included in Civ3. Would I have liked to have seen extra Civs in Civ3? Yes. Would I have liked to have seen a better diplomatic model? Yes. Would it have been nice to include MP in Civ3? Yes.
But all of us have seen the amount of development time that went into Civ3, and the schedule set by Infogrames didn't even allow for a true beta test phase, so why would we expect to see even more features? Plus, isn't it the game company's prerogative to include other features in an XP and make a few extra bucks? It's not like they're fleecing the consumer. In the grand scheme of things, $30 is token funds.
October 9, 2002, 19:16
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Are you kidding?!? I wasn't going to buy Civ3 until PTW came out, but temptation got the better of me a couple of weeks ago (I just couldn't wait any longer!).
I was very annoyed that Civ3 didn't come with MP right off the bat -- that's what made Civ2 so interesting, playing against real people makes it much more challenging and fun. I didn't plan to migrate from Civ2 to Civ3 until PTW came out, but I figure a month or so of practice before it does would probably be helpful... I can get the jump on my Civ2 mates on some of the subtleties of the game.
Awesome game BTW, and MP will make it exponentially so.
October 9, 2002, 19:22
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I will be buying it! I just hope it is not as addictive as civ3.
October 9, 2002, 19:48
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Originally posted by tobruk
I was very annoyed that Civ3 didn't come with MP right off the bat -- that's what made Civ2 so interesting, playing against real people makes it much more challenging and fun.
It's not like Civ2 came with multiplayer right off the bat. I had to pay $30 for it (and $30 was worth more then).
October 9, 2002, 20:02
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Originally posted by WarpStorm
It's not like Civ2 came with multiplayer right off the bat. I had to pay $30 for it (and $30 was worth more then).
Yeah, that's true. But since Civ2 MP, I haven't really wanted to go back to AI. I don't care how good it is, you eventually find out how it works and then you're just playing to it's weaknesses. I've only had Civ3 for two weeks and I think I've already figured out how to stop them from declaring war on me -- and when war starts, I think I've found how to turn their forces around. When I have a horde coming at me, my strategy is to attack some units behind it, or take a city behind it, and it seems to invariably turn around. Even if it's right next to one of my cities. A human player would do the right thing and just take out my city first -- *** for tat -- then maybe turn around.
Anyway, regardless of whether the AI is really that st00pid, in general, playing against humans, esp. ones you've played before, is much better. Humans learn very fast and adapt. You have to come up with different strategies all the time. It's just a better game.
Who wants to play Half-Life when they could play Counter-Strike? Hmm, I think I've worn out my soapbox here, time to get off.
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