Originally posted by Palaiologos
These may have been answered before but.....
1) Is there a way to place rivers AFTER the scenario creation starts? I mean after i start placing cities, units etc...
Yes, there are a couple of ways. Check out this thread over at CF:
2)Is there a way to place pictures alongside text in events pop-ups?.
No, unless you make a video file (AVI) and use Test of Time.
3)Can you change a leaderhead? I know i had found a way two years ago but i can't now.
Yes, though I can't find the thread right now. You mean the leader portraits?
Please answer.
P.S Does anybody know where can i find Roman cities graphics for civ2, 150AD+ ?.
BeBro made some great ones in his scenario "Imperium Romanum". It's on the Spanish Civ site, I'm pretty sure. If not, then you can find it over at Civ Fanatics.