October 10, 2002, 03:33
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Originally posted by GodKing
Regarding regions.... better check out what has gone on in my terms.... lots of threads regarding this, so before any more promices, please read them. Particularly the current CP campaing thread where I just posted.
How would you each make information more readily available to the people?
How would you organize things differently from the previous terms (particularly geared toward Ninot and MWIA, but WB please answer as well as you have been active)? I do not necessarily mean relative to your previous administrations.
What direction do you see our Civ taking? Peace, war, growth, exploration, etc. What is your Vision for our future?
The directory is probably the greatest creation for finding information that I have seen. Special thanks definitely goes to Unorthodox for that, as he is a true visionary. AdaMada is going to maintain it again for this upcoming turn, but I suppose I can take it over. The directory is an invaluable tool for posting all sorts of information.
However, the directory, combined with a webpage that can hold all current graphs and data as well would be a magnificent thing. Granted, it is off-site and people may not be happy about opening up an extra window, but I definitely think it would also be an invaluable tool as a "One-Stop Shop for All Things Government Related." Many have complained about how difficult it is to find information, but I think combining all the stuff that Reddawg, BFM, Aro and others create is definitely the way to go. The directory could contain a "Current News" section at the very top, detailing the next turn chat, current save, links to various reports so it is all easy to find, plus we will only have to have 1 topped thread keeping track of all of this.
It would require cooperation from all ministers that hasn't really been seen before, as we haven't required them to publish reports or information, we usually relied on the President for a fairly simple report. This is something that I think we can change without much difficulty.
Organization at the moment isn't entirely too bad. Each department has taken it upon themselves to create sub-departments to divy up responsibilites. This is a fabulous idea, and I would definitely like to see this part continue.
However, one area I would like to see cleaned up and resolved is the city planner area. Regional Administrators are definitely the way to go, however I think a City Planner to oversee the whole situation would be neccesary (that way he can fill certain quotas. If the SMC asks for chariots, he can decide which province should build them, otherwise you will have every province trying to build them).
To resolve this, we need to determine how/when a province should be created. Once this is done, it makes expanding our empire and the creation of provinces kind of an autonomous process. If we can hammer out the process of "creating a province" (which we will definitely have to create more of in the future), then I would highly recommend we add this as an amendment to the CoL. Perhaps an amendment isn't needed? I'm just not entirely sure how we create provinces at the moment. As long as this can be handled by the City Planner in an efficient manner, I support whatever action that they choose.
That is probably the only organizational thing that really concerns me at the moment. Information-wise seems/will be covered based on the Directory and Webpage. Organizational-wise, the CP is the only thing I'd like the clarify as to how it works.
MoE was another issue. How much power should the MoE have over the treasury? However it looks like Unortho is hammering out the kinks in that position himself.
Direction of our country
I'm generally not a warmonger. I would definitely support peace and consolidating what we have captured in our most recent wars. I think another war of conquest at this point in time (After America) is out of the question. Granted, we want France, and perhaps we can go ahead and take them (as we don't want to be caught with our pants down like the American-Aztec war). However, we should focus on becoming a cultural power (and hopefully become a science power as well).
I do support limited wars, strategically "pruning" certain civilizations to gain something to our advantage. In this way, we can "milk them." Limited wars are something we can probably easily manage, and I do support maintaining a strong military presence, conquest or no conquest.
However, if someone does try to step on our toes, I fully support conquest (or the best we can do).
But the main thing I think we should definitely focus on is culture. We have a huge number of cities, and with all of them producing culture, we can really have a chance to convert cities to our side, as well as gain respect!
First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!
(04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)
October 10, 2002, 05:36
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Try to be brief, MrWIA.... No-one reads threads that are too long (although they SHOULD read these last few).
Although I haven't been able to attend any turnchats for any length of time since my term, organisation seems OK right now. However, WB's comments on City Planning are good. I would like to see how the new CP would feel about their job if it was to take requests, as my idea for the Director of Base Porduction in the SMAC game. The SMC etc would request what they needed (including levels of urgency), and the CP would find ways to compromise to satisfy the request needs.
I am and always will be flexible and amenable to the situation. If I see war as a great opportunity, then I will support war. Currently I hope we will do some building up of our infrastructure under a Republic before any military missions (except for America) to get our GA. However, the President's wishes, as ever, only correspond to setting the tone for discussion, and count for one single vote. Whatever the people decide must be bought into by the President with gusto.
October 10, 2002, 19:43
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All three.
How do you plan to get reports out? What do you think of BFM's 'Minister of Information' idea? Where do you stand on editting...?
October 10, 2002, 19:48
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
All three.
How do you plan to get reports out? What do you think of BFM's 'Minister of Information' idea? Where do you stand on editting...?
I LIVE on editing! I depend on it very much so
as for a minister of information, I think its a great idea! any possible ways of spreading info easier and more conveniently is fine by me, no matter who does it
as for reports, I would very likely do it as i did in the Second term, and by that i mean year by year reports of actions, with summaries of important events. Complemented with pictures if neccesary or neccesarily good.
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October 10, 2002, 20:13
Local Time: 01:06
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
All three.
How do you plan to get reports out? What do you think of BFM's 'Minister of Information' idea? Where do you stand on editting...?
I think I would post orders in much the same way Mr. WIA did during his tenure in office. That is with one topped thread that links to the current save and current report, rather than constantly editing the top report.
So you would have a topped thread with the first post looking something like this:
This post is current as of: October 10, 2002
Current report is for 490 AD and is located here
Current save is located here
Next turn chat is: Wednesday, Oct 16, 2002 @ 22:00 GMT
Then you can just follow the thread down and read reports in chronological order, it would make things much easier to read.
I truly like BFM's Minister of Information idea. Compiling information for our nation is a BIG job and it is nice to see people willing to do it. I would hope that he could consolidate info from many sources into 1 report. The web site I keep talking about would be a true beneficiary of this. I haven't talked to BFM, so I am not sure how far he is willing to take the MoInfo, but it truly is a great idea.
Perhaps couple his reports for the current save into my topped report thread, or create a topped MoInfo thread just for him.
If I understand your question right concerning editing posts, I don't mind editing so much, but the problem is that if you are not careful, you erase the trail of everything you have done. I guess in some cases that isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I generally don't want to edit a whole post. People like to read up on the history of things and back track. It's also a type of accountability. So the only editing I would really do would be to change what a post points to (or correct any dumb spelling/grammar mistakes I might make!)
First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!
(04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)
October 11, 2002, 10:00
Local Time: 04:06
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I hope that all of the candidates are willing to post at least saves, if not reports, rapidly. For those of us who can't do turnchats, waiting to download a save is highly frustrating. And, no offense to OPD, I think he's been a good president, but this:
Originally posted by OPD
It's a pain having to do a report just after taking a chat. Please bear with us.
is kind of lame. How long does it take to throw up the save? (Six hours, after the last turnchat.)
aka, Unique Unit
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October 11, 2002, 10:28
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very sorry Robber.
Although a save was posted immediately after the chat and at everyturn during the chat.
The current situation regarding the official saves and reports thread isn't working out mainly due to lack of time on my part. The idea of having the thread for saves and reports only and no other posting was a bad idea. If apoc or aggie or whoever finished the chat last night was able to post a save there they would have but I think it was aggie who posted the save final save in teh turnchat thread.
As for a report I would do one but am unsure of what happened myself past the first turn and aggie wasn't there from the beginning.
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October 11, 2002, 10:29
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Are we having fun yet?
October 11, 2002, 14:56
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Originally posted by OPD
very sorry Robber.
Although a save was posted immediately after the chat and at everyturn during the chat.
No biggie, OPD. I meant it when I said you've basically done a great job.
Where was that save posted? I guess I missed it.
aka, Unique Unit
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October 11, 2002, 17:56
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For some reason (which I was too lazy to find), they're in a thread called "Apoc taken over".
October 11, 2002, 17:59
Local Time: 04:06
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OPD went to that thread and edited the title to reflect the state of the chat; when he left, it Apoc had taken over, so he named the thread to reflect that.
Hope this clears everything up...
-- adaMada
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October 12, 2002, 02:34
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Posting reports!
Well saves and reports themselves shouldn't be that hard to post, at least I would think. It has baffled me why some President's take a long time to get saves and even reports out.
This may mainly be an issue of computer power, but playing along, I could easily have this forum open in a browser, mIRC, AIM, Civ 3, Winamp and MS Word (to paste all the orders I carry out into as I complete them, this way I don't have to go back and look through a massive log file to find out what I have done).
This way the report would be nearly "instantaneous." And seems like it would be easier too. Of course that is a lot of windows to tackle, but I am able to carry this out on my PIII 600 w/ 384mb of ram and Win2K.
But reports really seem like they would go hand in hand with the chat / thread.
First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!
(04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)
October 12, 2002, 09:50
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Re: Posting reports!
Originally posted by WhiteBandit
Well saves and reports themselves shouldn't be that hard to post, at least I would think. It has baffled me why some President's take a long time to get saves and even reports out.
Yeah it used to baffle me too.
But when you hit the second hour of the chat and your still on the first turn you tend to focus less on things like this.
Pasting the orders you carryout into word, or where ever, would add a couple of hours to chat. The best way is to print out the orders before hand and tick them when done and then noting down other stuff that happens. A few times I've had to compile a report from the chat log which is a real pain in the a.
Maybe in the future this will be someone elses responsibility.
If I was running for president again I'd demand a VP for communications. Change the current VP to an executive VP and get the VP for com to compile all reports and tell people when the chats are etc and perhaps they could even take care of the directory.
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October 12, 2002, 11:18
Local Time: 03:06
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Re: Re: Posting reports!
Originally posted by OPD
Pasting the orders you carryout into word, or where ever, would add a couple of hours to chat. The best way is to print out the orders before hand and tick them when done and then noting down other stuff that happens. A few times I've had to compile a report from the chat log which is a real pain in the a.
Yes, this does seem to be the best way. I have had trouble using word and being able to copy over to the thread as well for the Gazette. It comes out all strange with all the sentence breaks from word needing to be manually deleted, it is like the paste fails to see that the sentence continues, and treats it like it would a 'return' or 'enter' key. Very annoying. That is why no Gazette is spell checked untill I find a Program that will do it decently.
October 12, 2002, 13:32
Local Time: 04:06
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Re: Re: Re: Posting reports!
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
Yes, this does seem to be the best way. I have had trouble using word and being able to copy over to the thread as well for the Gazette. It comes out all strange with all the sentence breaks from word needing to be manually deleted, it is like the paste fails to see that the sentence continues, and treats it like it would a 'return' or 'enter' key. Very annoying. That is why no Gazette is spell checked untill I find a Program that will do it decently.
Every officialish thing I do (Gazette articles, newZupdates, etc) is spell-checked in Word, and it works fine for me. I write most of the document on poly, copy-paste to word, and then go through and edit/spellcheck in word. Never caused any problem for me .
I had some idea on the orders, but can't remember what it is now . Will post if I do, though...
Oh, OPD, good idea on the VP for Communication. AFAIK, its within the President's power to appoint a Presidental Deputy for Communication (don't know about VP, but Presidental Deputy doesn't sound half bad either ), and if the next president wants to, I think they should give it a try. Who knows, it might stick.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
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